« on: June 23, 2010, 11:31:15 AM »
There aren't enough Admins online because they have lives and because there are, if I remember correctly, seven that are really active. (Magic, Tomcat, Cloud, Sniffles, Sanders, Moo, Coolz). Might have forgotten one, but that doesn't matter. Most people complaining about the lack of Admins are Europeans. That's simply because Magic is one of the only (if not the only) European Admin. And since Europe and America have approx. 8 hours difference, it's quite hard to find many Admins as European. I personally don't have any problems with not finding millions of Admins at once, but I think most other people have. I don't see the problem in the restrictions either. It's not hard to get Respected. Not. At. All.
But that's just my opinion again.