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Messages - DoeniDon

Pages: 1 ... 70 [71] 72 ... 74
idiots, its just a hi post..
No it's not, I guess with 'register' he means 'respected' ...

Approved Respected Apps / Re: hi i wana be respected
« on: March 13, 2010, 09:09:15 AM »
you know something i don't get about you you complain about insulting and spamming but u still do it so think before u type
Just shut up dude ... You're seriously annoying pretty much everybody by posting unfunny comments in all the topics this forum ever had. Just shut up.

Boneyard / Re: LOLOLOL Delta (respected abuser)
« on: March 13, 2010, 07:12:54 AM »
Since Zomboss is obviously too drunk ...

Zomboss was playing Songs on Zombie Survival, and after about 2 people cried and said someone should ban him for mic spam, Delta votebanned him. I even told them how to mute players about 5 minutes ago. About the kicked 100 times before: Zomboss started kick votes against himself. Yes, self kicks. Everyone voted yes (since they always vote yes, no matter what happened).

His SteamID:

# 1337 "{DDD}Delta-" STEAM_0:1:25429463  2:12:27 203 0 active

Edit: LOL that SteamID is so full of win.

Community Admin Apps / Re: I want to be an admin please
« on: March 13, 2010, 06:26:10 AM »

Love threads like that.

Server Requests/Suggestions / Re: Votekick / voteban
« on: March 13, 2010, 05:25:41 AM »
Hell yes.

Boneyard / Re: lol some people is gonna get a perma ban from flood
« on: March 12, 2010, 06:00:48 PM »
i really don't understand why he banned joo but but the guy who banned you is a minge from what is looks like

I guess they were having a money round and jim shot them.

If you still need them their SteamIDs are:

# 1372 "Stubbs the Zombie" STEAM_0:1:25009615  1:22:44 113 0 active
# 1358 "wafflejunkie" STEAM_0:1:28346544  2:17:50 411 0 active
# 1403 "๖ۣۜNinja•Àssassin ¦CM¦" STEAM_0:0:26353035 02:20 157 0 active

Didn't get Bradley since he isn't there anymore.

Boneyard / Re: My Steam Accoutn has been hijacked :C
« on: March 11, 2010, 12:15:52 PM »
lately, after he hacked my acc i made a new one just to check my profile if he didnt change something, and i was watching TV and when i came back on my PC he was about to hack my new acc and wrote on name : "DrKrunk 2 ^^", i was still logged in but i just have to type my password, luckily i came back to my PC on the right time :o . Then i noticed that my firewall and my anti-virus were disabled :/ dun know how it happend  ???
well im still waiting for the answer from valve, and if it doesn't arrive then i'll just hack my acc back (well im searching for hacks,but i never hacked before so i dont know how it rly works :/).

I would really run a check with some good Anti-Virus/Trojan/Spyware program in that case. o_o
If your hack is succesfull, you can try to hack mine back too XD
Good luck, you'll need it unfortunately.

Boneyard / Re: My Steam Accoutn has been hijacked :C
« on: March 11, 2010, 03:18:20 AM »
guys try to take contact with this hacker and tell him how mad i am when he online agian!!!!!

It's possible that Valve disabled the Account for the moment, happened to mine too. So he won't be online :o

Funny Stuffz / Re: Another Great day on flood
« on: March 10, 2010, 01:22:33 PM »
Ghey. MILF ball is better :P. (basketball with a ball with MILF material)
We were bored lol, never played that though D:

lol alle Hacker sind Jungs, ein Mädchen würde sowas nicht machen, die haben immer was besseres zu tun als zu hacken xD

Denkst du :0

lol'd @ Hitler

Glaub mir, der Junge wird zur Hölle fahren!!!  :police:
Und wenn es ein Mädchen ist?  :-\

tja ich hab sowas von glück dass der typ meine email adresse nicht geändert hat
ich muss mein acc jetzt retten bevor er des ändert sonst werd ich mein acc nie wieder sehen :C
wünsch mir viel glück!!!!!!  :'(

Ich weiss, was du fühlst. :'(
Tret ihm ordentlich in sein Hinterteil, Junge! :police:

Funny Stuffz / Re: Another Great day on flood
« on: March 10, 2010, 12:45:06 PM »
Totally reminds me that I forgot to post Flood Football.


Vertrau dem Valve Support da, die sind echt gut manchmal.

... Ich hatte nur das Problem, dass dieser Vorschul-Hacker auch meinen E-Mail Account gehackt hat.

Es war einmal vor langer Zeit,

Ein junger Schweizer, Doeni genannt. Er hatte erst neulich das Valve Complete Pack in der Hand. Gespielt hat er voller Freude, Left 4 Dead, Half Life und alles weitere. Bald gefielen ihm diese Spiele so sehr, dass er in deren Community eintrat. Er fand gefallen an all den Dingen, egal wie sinnlos sie auch sind.
Nach langer Zeit mit diesem Pack,
realisierte jung-Doeni "mein acc ist gehackt!",
denn obwohl er nicht spielte,
sagte sein acc, er tiet es (fail deutsch für reim).
er meldete dies dem support,
der ihm auch half, doch nutzlos
da der hacker wusste seinen port (reim ...),
und sein msn konsumierte. (mir fiel kein reim mehr ein.)
Am Ende der Geschichte,
hat Doeni eine dichte,
Abneigung gegen Valve,
da diese ihm nicht helfen konnten,
und sein Account für immer verloren ist.

Unmöglich, solches Zeug zusammenzureimen. Viel Glück Striker, es saugt hart, dass es so viele Hacker gibt.

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