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Messages - Minic

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If there's no possible way you can access your old Steam account (if you even used Steam). Give an administrator in-game the URL to this post, or the above post.

Have fun!


Community News & Announcements / RP Server Open for testing!
« on: August 25, 2009, 04:55:19 PM »
rANdOm RP server now "open" for testing! ;D

I would like to ask you guys to please post ANY bugs you find here... BUGS ONLY, feature requests will come later.

Without further a due, we're happy to present to you!
.:`=-~rANdOm~`-=:.  -RP|Tick100|Fast DL- HAAAX!
Password: rptest

Tell your friends!


P.S. When it actually opens, it will probably be wiped, meaning you will start over. This is just a test to work out bugs. Faster we can get it done, sooner you can start for real.

Approved Respected Apps / Re: Emilhem says hi...
« on: August 25, 2009, 08:12:02 AM »
Hi Emil, welcome, welcome. ;D

Thanks for showing interest in joining the community.

Haha, seems you and I have a lot in common just judging by your introduction... Interesting. :P

I added you to Steam and sent you a group invite.

Give an administrator in-game the URL to this forum topic to become respected.

Have fun!


Approved Respected Apps / Re: Joining steam group
« on: August 24, 2009, 05:31:46 PM »
Heya Papagala, greets out to Bulgaria!

Sent you an invite to the Steam group.

Also to become respected give the URL to this topic to an administrator in game.

Have fun, see ya around!


Approved Respected Apps / Re: I want to be Respected............. :D
« on: August 24, 2009, 05:24:06 PM »
Invite sent, also if you would like to be respected on any server give an admin in-game the URL to this post.

Have fun!


Server Requests/Suggestions / Re: RP server?
« on: August 23, 2009, 09:01:54 AM »
Do you have MSN, or AIM? Yahoo, ICQ.....? Anything like that? :P

I'm sure we can find another way of communicating if you would like to help test.


Server Requests/Suggestions / Re: RP server?
« on: August 23, 2009, 06:21:04 AM »
Get in contact with me on Steam if you would like to help test RP.

Click "Add to your friends list" on the right side.



Server Requests/Suggestions / Re: Prop Hunt server?
« on: August 22, 2009, 01:34:54 PM »
Prop Hunt!!! ;D

Yes, I have to agree. Quite fun... Sorry it's full, but that just means it was a good suggestion and is popular. :)

Yey @ this thread. ;D


Yes, if you could please PM me a download link it would be appreciated.

Or just post it publicly (.bsp) if you don't mind others downloading it.

Thanks, looks fucking epic! Can't wait to see it in action.


Edit: By the way I added you to Steam Friends.

Server Requests/Suggestions / Re: RP server?
« on: August 21, 2009, 10:49:38 AM »
DarkRP seems to primarily focus around crime/gun violence (some even go as far as to say its a deathmatch gamemode).

Where as GModRP is more generic role-play in general, with less blatant crimes.

Both have pro's and con's, it depends what you're looking for. They're hard to compare as they're both so different.

Hope that helps explain. At least that's how I view them, personally having played both.


Approved Respected Apps / Re: i want be respected!
« on: August 20, 2009, 02:22:34 AM »
Haha, I personally have to agree with Hellstudios...

But anyway Alex, thanks for signing up and wanting to join the community.

I've seen those running ragdolls and they are quite amusing.

So yes, give an admin in-game the URL to this forum post to become respected.

Have fun!


General Chat / Re: Hello!! And a new map.
« on: August 20, 2009, 01:57:30 AM »
Hey, bit of information here. Coolzeldad would be correct, don't know if you know lua, but its pretty straight forward if you know Hammer. :P

Code: [Select]
function RaiseWater()
for k, v in pairs(ents.FindByName("water")) do

function LowerWater()
for k, v in pairs(ents.FindByName("water")) do

If you're unfamiliar with lua, I'll try to explain.

Each function for raise and lower, finds ALL water entities named "water" on the map. Then fires "Open", and "Close" events... Much like doors. So, you basically just make the water, work like a door... The game mode itself will fire off the events, and magic... The water works. ;D

For instance, if you are in Garry's Mod. Testing your map single-player.

Run this command in console to test water raise.

Code: [Select]
lua_run for k,v in pairs(ents.FindByName('water')) do v:Fire('Open','',0) end
And run this command to test lowering it.

Code: [Select]
lua_run for k,v in pairs(ents.FindByName('water')) do v:Fire('Close','',0) end
Good luck, hope to see a good map!


Approved Respected Apps / Re: Lemon.
« on: August 18, 2009, 06:00:37 AM »
Hi RESWATSOHeeGAN FLOOGANBARGAN (lol what does that mean anyway?  :P)

Yes, Fin tool is okay for building planes, as is Wing tool... Although I personally try to avoid them, they are good tools.

I would definitely recommend at least learning a little bit of Wire, it helps a lot in just about any creation you make.

A list of admins in no particular order... (just going off the top of my head here, sorry if I forget anyone :-[)

BANana Hat
Orgazmo the erectifying kitten

I think thats about everyone I know of atleast. ;D

So yeah, give one of them the URL to this topic in-game, and they should promote you to respected.

Have fun, and good luck with the plane building!


General Chat / Re: HELLO WORLD
« on: August 17, 2009, 01:30:45 PM »


Haha :D   wtf.

Edit: VERSION: 2.0

General Chat / Re: HELLO WORLD
« on: August 17, 2009, 01:00:15 PM »
LOLOL epic  ;D

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