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Messages - Krasher

Pages: 1 ... 184 [185] 186
Funny Stuffz / Re: Your Epic Shizz
« on: January 16, 2010, 09:43:01 AM »

Win lol.

My epic shizz is... I got my new computer, and...  I got 2M in runescape...

and joined rANdOm ;D

Good for joo! xD

Funny Stuffz / Your Epic Shizz
« on: January 16, 2010, 12:23:35 AM »
What cool shiiz have you done in 2009?

Ridden' A Frigging Alligator:

Been on a Battleship:

My Brother Has to boys now, my nephews:
Im the one in the yellow

What about you guys?

Funny Stuffz / Re: What would you do for $10,000 [poll]
« on: January 16, 2010, 12:00:11 AM »
When do I receive my 10,000 dollars?

Funny Stuffz / Re: What would you do for $10,000 [poll]
« on: January 15, 2010, 11:58:53 PM »
Ive already Ridden an alligator during my summer vacation

i win

General Chat / My New Account
« on: January 15, 2010, 11:53:37 PM »
i have made a new account for my own reasons
I will still be making maps for the servers :D
account name: djpartykrasher

since im a Dj and stuff

Mapping / Map making apply!
« on: January 12, 2010, 02:20:00 PM »
Wondering if this would be the place to make an apply for making maps for the servers 
I have made maps for blood servers default, and some maps for sa-gm, (or whatever cant remember been long time)

Ive made about 19 maps in total so far, only held back because im working on the facepunch Walt Disney World map with many others,
It would be an honor to donate my maps to the random community for playing :D

My best work so far has been for a blood servers defualt build map, it had 6 areas for player to build in, water, race, flatgrass, ocean, sky, and a construct area.
I have been making ALOT of revisions and it has come to be gm_freedom_v4
I would enjoy playing it on the server :D

I also plan on making my ZS map, zs_outbreak_v2 available for the random servers!, it is a very FUN map for Zombie survival, barricades are easy to make, zombie spawn in more places than one, and the players have a LARGE playing area for surviving, most of the buildings are accesible in v2, plan to make all of them, if source don't shit itself :P

New project is fl_megaflood_beta, LARGE MAP made to give players more freedom to explore the landscape i am going to provide, there are many secrets on megaflood, like the underwater submarine, and a very neat place for tah admins to chill, the grand tower above the whole map, where you can see everything thats going on below and you have control over the gate openings and lifts, these are also hidden somewhere on the main level ;P

SPOILER: One of the lifts and openings takes you to the private lake, a personal lake for you to hide in lul, but its very hard to do, being that you need to know where all the levers are, and the private spot fills up to the top every other round


//EDIT// I am now done with fl_megaflood_v1 and im willing to send it to people if they want to take an early look, and outbreaak is next!

Admin List and Introductions. / Re: Tomcat's Intro
« on: January 12, 2010, 01:51:02 PM »
Tomcat FTW

good thing your admin

Server Requests/Suggestions / Re: New ZS Server
« on: January 11, 2010, 07:00:49 PM »
Too bad there will still be this overload problem
upgrading the game doesbt really fix that

Server Requests/Suggestions / New ZS Server
« on: January 11, 2010, 01:54:21 PM »
Really should consider a new ZS server
the one now lags bad becuase of so kay players
it really messes with the player
my ping was 987 and the server crashed
there was about 29 people on it
 or 35

Community Admin Apps / Re: Knightmaster50000 admin app
« on: January 11, 2010, 01:47:01 PM »
Knightmaster is probably the best person fir admin
that would be awesome

Community Admin Apps / Re: For tah adminz!
« on: January 11, 2010, 01:42:45 PM »
Why would i call anyone emo?
Thats not a nice thing to do
can we all just be friends?
We dont even know one another
id rather everyone be playing together than bitching about things on forums

Community Admin Apps / Re: For tah adminz!
« on: January 11, 2010, 01:27:08 PM »
Lul are you sure about the poll?
And wow maverick im sorry
dont cut yourself about it

Community Admin Apps / Re: For tah adminz!
« on: January 10, 2010, 06:48:47 PM »
wow its the truth

Community Admin Apps / Re: For tah adminz!
« on: January 10, 2010, 05:10:25 PM »
Metalikid12 or 13

My steam was banned D:

And the one thing was me and a guy were playing around (ProzenFox) and we were hitting each other with props, i thought that aws fox and hit maverick with it and the round ended when i did, so it got stuck on his boat. I have to say though, after he sank and i found out it was him i died laughing cause of it, i couldnt help it  :angel:

Community Admin Apps / For tah adminz!
« on: January 10, 2010, 02:17:04 PM »
EDIT: Dont look at this one, please go to my new one here,1538.0.html

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