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Messages - Krasher

Pages: 1 ... 170 [171] 172 ... 186
« on: January 26, 2010, 04:12:11 PM »
Yeah but uhh, uhhhhhh... Ummm... Yeah

General Chat / Re: We are very, VERY, tiny...
« on: January 26, 2010, 02:25:23 PM »
Now I know, where I want to go on my next holiday...
Where my pants?

Who the butt are you?

What's your nickname on the servers?
SFMasters911 or something or other

Mapping / Re: Private Steam Group For Community Mappers
« on: January 26, 2010, 01:29:04 PM »
Invited + Updated
My maps will be done soon, my SDK was acting up... Just now got it working after deleting all files and re installing

working, working, working...

Mapping / Re: Private Steam Group For Community Mappers
« on: January 26, 2010, 01:14:18 PM »
OKay i see the group page

Zs_outbreak_v4 -- 67%

zs_laststand_v3 -- 23%

fm_overflow_v2 -- 99% (Fixing many exploits)

fm_oceanview -- 20%

rp_ubertown -- 9%

EDIT:// fm_overflow_v2 is under extensive testing. will be done last

Help/Requests / Re: New Server Error
« on: January 26, 2010, 01:02:10 PM »
me, ruben and moo has seen that it is the script enforcer(AntiHaX) removing derma for some playerz

ruben is workingz on a fix!
Yeah i told you ingame it was Script Enforcer,
after i looked at my console for errors, i saw it blocked all the GUI files

so... does anyone think i would have a chance, this post is mostly for the admins

(sorry if i posted this in the wrong spot, you delete it if you want)
You have 'some' chance :D

I would give a +0.5
(still positive :D)

2 and 3 are just ridiculous...

but im including all rule changes i see on the forums

Help/Requests / Re: New Server Error
« on: January 26, 2010, 11:37:41 AM »
Did you download it from somewhere else? If you have, delete it.
i got it from the server

General Chat / Re: movies
« on: January 26, 2010, 11:07:06 AM »
The Hangover

Best Movie Evar

Help/Requests / New Server Error
« on: January 26, 2010, 11:04:30 AM »
On the new Trouble in Terrorist town server, I have no interface whatsoever

Pressing Tab


General Chat / Re: I will make a custom spray for you :D
« on: January 26, 2010, 09:50:29 AM »
OKAY, Stop Spamming thread

Now Post Below If you want a spray, using my format

Community Admin Apps / Re: My New Admin app
« on: January 26, 2010, 09:26:31 AM »
your -1's are going up 0_0
Because you just put one there... -___-

Alot of people have been complaining about rules needing a change. Well here is a poll with some new rule suggestions.
(The Poll has nothing to do with changing the rules, only or the community to put there own 2 cents in.)

Rule Change:
(PhrozenFox + Me + Community Made these)
1.) Change: "No shooting the boat you're on, unless you got on AFTER the round starts"
To: "No shooting the boat you're on."

2.) Change: "No money rounds"
To: "Money Rounds only when a poll is taken and all players accept it... If a player is dead then you must battle."

3.) Change: Crowbar's 0 attack to 0.1, so everytime you move your boat, a small "fee" is deducted... from your boats health

4.) Have a throw-able weapon (bug-bait), that makes the opponents boat spin when hit. Making Some boats spin out of control.

5.) Give each boat owner a tazer (or stun stick) that deactivates use when they are off their boat, but if a minger jumps on your boat, you can use your tazinator to slowly kill them

6.) Add a team system (as suggested by boat sinker), that lets you choose teams, teams can build boats together and share money, but both players must agree to be on the same team...

I will be adding more soon, feel free to post some below.

You vote only on the numbers of the ones you like... So its easier.

General Chat / Re: RND's Quotes (updated reguaraly)
« on: January 26, 2010, 08:55:55 AM »
why lm not there lm so legend  ;D
Im so great with making quotes! :D

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