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Messages - Krasher

Pages: 1 ... 166 [167] 168 ... 186
General Chat / Computer Upgrade!
« on: February 05, 2010, 06:44:12 PM »
I have officially upgraded to Windows 7 Ultimate:D
I JUST now got done installing, and this OS is absolutely AMAZING!


Chat Part:
How do you feel about Windows 7? Or windows in general?

General / Re: Post Your Desktop
« on: February 04, 2010, 07:23:19 PM »

People keep telling me to upgrade... I tell them I like to stick with the things I buy.

General Chat / Re: Won't be playing anymore...
« on: February 04, 2010, 07:12:53 PM »
okay w/e

User was banned becuase of this post. (REASON: Failed to use proper english) --coolzeldad

General Chat / Flood Mod Announcement!!!
« on: February 04, 2010, 02:21:53 PM »
I am an official member of the Flood Mod Team! I have access to all of it! I will now be releaseing what we have been workin' on.

(*We are working on v1.3!*)

Change Log from v1.1
    Anti-Pirate, kicks people off and removes 1 HP. (Glitched on removing HP part, removes random amounts of HP, found a fix and will post soon.)
    100% done with Prop Protection
    !give function which gives money to other
    PropHealer is now stunbaton, and CrowBar is reverted back to RowBar

Change Log from v1

    1/2 done with Prop Protection, if you want to then you can continue with it.
    New way of adding weapons and props, check out the shared.lua and learn instantly.
    Fixed several exploits, you can't weld other people's stuff or your stuff to the world. Nail needs to be fixed. FM_Slay exploit fix.
    Prop Healer v1 (You can control the amount of HP it heals, and the amount of money it gives or takes in init.lua)
    New VIP system, you can add someone to VIP by getting their steam ID, removing ":"s and adding them to ./data/FloodVIP.txt which will be created after running the gamemode.
    You can manage the tools that could be used by regular players. The rest are VIP tools.
    Press reload twice to unfreeze all your props.
    Round only starts when there are 2 or more players.

From Facepunch Dev. Thread

General Chat / Newish Song!
« on: February 03, 2010, 12:23:36 PM »
Havent been working on Flood v2 much, cuase of this.
(I will soon have non co-made songs up, but until then check this co-made song out :D)
HQRSE - Digital Clockwork
(we are currently working on a radio edit :D)

Community Admin Apps / Re: evade
« on: February 03, 2010, 12:07:30 PM »
at least try for respected before trying for admin
Not even Respected yet?

Community Admin Apps / Re: My New Admin app
« on: February 03, 2010, 11:58:50 AM »

Look, a bump.

Community Admin Apps / Re: evade
« on: February 03, 2010, 11:54:04 AM »

General Chat / Re: Flood Mod v2.0 main suggestion board!
« on: February 03, 2010, 11:51:33 AM »
It's his fucking own server with his fucking shit motherfucker friends.
Not my fault you EPICLY admin abused... xD

General Chat / Re: Flood Mod v2.0 Gun additions suggestion board!
« on: February 01, 2010, 07:37:02 PM »
It was...
and it still is...
we will be testing it still

Server Requests/Suggestions / Re: Teams/prop protection on flood
« on: January 31, 2010, 10:05:28 PM »
i have already talked to my clan members and they said of course I can make you Super admin

:D the only reason Zinger (Dalton) COuldnt make you full admin is becuase he is  reg admin... i will make you super bext time i see you

Server Requests/Suggestions / Re: Teams/prop protection on flood
« on: January 31, 2010, 08:22:07 PM »

Frank = Super Admin on my server ;)

General Chat / Re: Flood Mod v2.0 Gun additions suggestion board!
« on: January 31, 2010, 08:08:38 PM »

Joor not admon. and I thought joo hate teh Crasher noawz.
He no hate me D: I gave him admin but he left xD

General Chat / Re: Flood Mod v2.0 Gun additions suggestion board!
« on: January 30, 2010, 07:32:00 PM »
Erm I think you're advertising a bit too much on the forum. Coolz and teh other adminz probably wont aprove o.o.
Approve What?

Programming / ~Flood Mod 2.0 Programming Guide!~
« on: January 30, 2010, 07:19:38 PM »
~Flood Mod 2.0 Programming Guide!~
Ever wonder How I am making Flood Mod 2.0? In this guide I will show you all of the tricks and coding I used, so you may learn a little about lua, and be able to make a custom Version of Flood!

~Before We get Started!~
Download Flood from, put it in the gamemodes folder at
C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\<*your steam name*>\garrysmod\garrysmod\gamemodes

~Adding Weapons!~
Ever wanted to have a certain weapon, but it wasn't there? Here is how to add your own!

At the bottom of cl_init.lua, add this to the weapon info array.

Code: [Select]
WeaponInfo[6] = {
MDL = "models/weapons/w_mach_m249para.mdl",
Weapon = "weapon_para",
Tip = "Name: Para\nCost: $20000\nDamage: 9\nAmmo: 180 - Uses TMP\nInfo: Spawns with you every round."

Head to init.lua, look for this.

Code: [Select]
function GM:EntityTakeDamage( ent, inflictor, attacker, amount )

if TimerStatus == 1 or TimerStatus == 4 then
return false
if ent:IsPlayer() then
if attacker:IsPlayer() then
if attacker:GetActiveWeapon() != NULL then
if attacker:GetActiveWeapon():GetClass() == "weapon_pistol" then
ent:SetNWInt("PropHealth", ent:GetNWInt("PropHealth") - 1)
elseif attacker:GetActiveWeapon():GetClass() == "weapon_crossbow" then
ent:SetNWInt("PropHealth", ent:GetNWInt("PropHealth") - 10)
elseif attacker:GetActiveWeapon():GetClass() == "weapon_para" then
ent:SetNWInt("PropHealth", ent:GetNWInt("PropHealth") - 7)
elseif attacker:GetActiveWeapon():GetClass() == "weapon_rpg" then
ent:SetNWInt("PropHealth", ent:GetNWInt("PropHealth") - 30)
elseif attacker:GetActiveWeapon():GetClass() == "weapon_deagle" then
ent:SetNWInt("PropHealth", ent:GetNWInt("PropHealth") - 3)
elseif attacker:GetActiveWeapon():GetClass() == "weapon_357" then
ent:SetNWInt("PropHealth", ent:GetNWInt("PropHealth") - 4)
elseif attacker:GetActiveWeapon():GetClass() == "weapon_tmp" then
ent:SetNWInt("PropHealth", ent:GetNWInt("PropHealth") - 3)
if attacker:GetClass() == "entityflame" then
ent:SetNWInt("PropHealth", ent:GetNWInt("PropHealth") - .5)
ent:SetNWInt("PropHealth", ent:GetNWInt("PropHealth") - 1)

if ent:GetNWInt("PropHealth") <= 0 and ent:IsValid() then

On players.lua, goto line with the Purchase function. Add a entry like this.

Code: [Select]
elseif Weapon == "weapon_para" then
if pl:GetNWInt("Cash") >= 20000 then
pl:SetNWInt("Cash", pl:GetNWInt("Cash") - 20000)
DoIt(pl, Weapon)
pl:ChatPrint("Para Purchased")
pl:ChatPrint("You do not have enough cash for this!")

And finally, still in the Players.lua, scroll down until you get to the GivePistols Function,
(Should look like this:)
Code: [Select]
function GivePistols()

for k,v in pairs(player.GetAll()) do
if v:Alive() then
if v.Weapons then
for key, wep in pairs(v.Weapons) do
v:GiveAmmo(9999, "Pistol")
v:GiveAmmo(9999, "357")
if wep == "weapon_crossbow" then
v:GiveAmmo(9999, "XBowBolt")
elseif wep == "weapon_tmp" or wep == "weapon_para" then
v:RemoveAmmo(9999, "SMG1")
v:GiveAmmo(155, "SMG1")
elseif wep == "weapon_rpg" then
v:RemoveAmmo(9999, "weapon_rpg")
v:GiveAmmo(3, "weapon_rpg")
v:GiveAmmo(999999, "Pistol")

Note: The Code I made shares the Para Ammo with the TMP ammo...

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