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Messages - Krasher

Pages: 1 ... 149 [150] 151 ... 186
Funny Stuffz / LOL
« on: February 13, 2010, 04:08:40 PM »
_Brad_: I fell so proud
_Brad_: I posted a ban request for that bitch, and I demanded admin, LUL... Im getting banned fershure xD
Frank.-: LUL
Frank.-: u won't get it anyway
Frank.-: :/
_Brad_: lol i know
Frank.-: u know that, right?
Frank.-: xd
Frank.-: both of us
Frank.-: but well
_Brad_: Yeah
Frank.-: try is worth smtth :o
_Brad_: i dont get it :/
Frank.-: Someday
Frank.-: Someday we may get it
Frank.-: And that
_Brad_: a decade from naow
Frank.-: yeah
Frank.-: but
Frank.-: that day
Frank.-: guess
Frank.-: what
Frank.-: will happen?
_Brad_: :DD
_Brad_: Whats gonna happen?
Frank.-: No
Frank.-: Rnd
Frank.-: will be
Frank.-: the safest
Frank.-: community.
_Brad_: YES
Frank.-: Noone will fucking
Frank.-: get
Frank.-: over me
Frank.-: NO
Frank.-: FUCKING
Frank.-: BODY
_Brad_: You said it
Frank.-: bad thing.
_Brad_: RND will be minge proof
Frank.-: Example:
Frank.-: Ohh, it was msitak! D:
Frank.-: IDGAF
Frank.-: but it was
Frank.-: uhh
Frank.-: im sorry!
Frank.-: WGAF
Frank.-: I ABN U NIGGA
Frank.-: and
Frank.-: ill be liek
Frank.-: TAKE THAT
Frank.-: MOFO
Frank.-: ok
Frank.-: mah
Frank.-: bro
Frank.-: <3
_Brad_: <3


Boneyard / THIS STOPS NOW.
« on: February 13, 2010, 03:59:37 PM »
I am done with flood, no admins, nothing.

Player ^9HcK ^4BjQrhusdal could not be a bigger minge.
Click Here To Download The Demo


Here is what happened

Frank and me are closse friends, and we were talking on xfire...

He suddenly told me to get my ass to flood, ASAP.

Turns out he was banned, By ^9HcK ^4BjQrhusdal ... For Nothing...

I rushed into flood to try and stop this bitch, but he left...

Other people were minging in the meantime, but Then He came back

Disguised as .:RND`=- Frank... The Guy He banned

He then Proceeded to ban me instantly when he got in...

I am sick and fucking tired of flood's minging, russian, retarded, little kids that minge and mess the whole server up...

I really wish I had admin right now... I would shove I giant Ban Dick Up his ass... I am tired of trying to be subtle asking for admin... But Hell, No.
I want to personally ban his mother fucking ass.

Games / Re: win convo game
« on: February 13, 2010, 03:36:28 PM »
* Frank Calls Coolzeldad
* He answers
* Coolzeldad: lolwut?
* Coolzeldad Ok here yah go :P
* Frank: YA--- User Has Been Banned (Reason: Asking for admon too much)

Information and Forum Info / Re: Hi-sec member list :P
« on: February 13, 2010, 03:08:06 PM »
I am not on the damn list.
You Were Banned

Boneyard / Re: Qhrusdal Abusing
« on: February 13, 2010, 02:36:29 PM »
HE NEEDS A BAN! This guy is major minge. Demote AND ban Qhrusdal. He randomly votebans ppl a lot for no reason or little reason with no warning. He also was votebaning everyone while there was a name change hacker in the server to try to get the hacker, and he did but he baned a lot of other ppl on the way!

Server Requests/Suggestions / Re: New Adminz :l
« on: February 13, 2010, 11:10:42 AM »
the current shape of flood is bad...that we can agree on...i was playing there once, and someone went on MY boat....and told ME to get off..when i didn't comply, i was vote-baned (i was not respected at the time...) instantly...i don't go there anymore...its not worth it
that is the reason this post was made...

Boneyard / Re: Qhrusdal Abusing
« on: February 13, 2010, 11:04:12 AM »
Have you seen that one post?
Click Here To View

General Chat / Re: Russian Attacks Ceased, for now.
« on: February 13, 2010, 11:03:16 AM »
!Frank for admin 2010!

Vote for a better nation!

What about meh? Haha

General Chat / Re: Virtually ban someone above you
« on: February 13, 2010, 03:25:27 AM »
banned: .|.(its a pingaz)
Nay thou: (__(__):::::ID~~User Was Banned for having tiny pingas~~--_

General Chat / Re: Russian Attacks Ceased, for now.
« on: February 13, 2010, 03:22:30 AM »

i suppose ill stay on flood all day :U

i got 10
days of freeeeeedomeeeee :D
lol, we got the main ones :P. Temp Though

no one responds cuz it was only made yesterday :O
I was jk


Forum/Website Suggestions / Re: Limit On Applications
« on: February 13, 2010, 03:18:43 AM »
approved kthxbai

uxtheme.dll work for ya much?

karma +1???

Boneyard / Re: RULE CHANGE FOR FLOOD!!!!
« on: February 13, 2010, 03:17:31 AM »
l would be happy rest of my life if the rule changes to NEVER shoot boat where you on.
Flood Mod = Shooting boats
Flood Mod - Shooting Boats = Ship Sandbox

See what I'm saying?

Forum/Website Suggestions / Limit On Applications
« on: February 13, 2010, 03:14:38 AM »
I think It would be better to have a limit on ranks to reply for Respected Apps,

(Sr. Member or Ubermensch possibly)

Because since we are already at the Highest rank, we have no reason to spam and make our post counts go up.
But idk, people with names that rhyme with ruck, Reply on all of them with the SAME thing.

And Since we already have the max Rank, we have experience with the players and forum members, and know not to just let any player join.

I am asking this because I feel the entrance requirement is not strict enough. As we do on StrykerForce (Small Clan, Like Eddy's), they apply, get accepted, get put on a trial period, and then go under final judgement...

And that's just for respected...

[Obviously admins such as without these rankings will be able to as well :P]

All of the following posts have nothing to do with the topic. Even coolz. -.-

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