« on: December 28, 2009, 02:36:30 PM »
hi, i'm Obadiah332 i've been playing on your Build server w/ Latest Wire/PHX been playing arround with the E2 Chip trying 2 program one (finaly made one =D) think i kinda made a slight pest outa myself while testing it tho...sry bout that (kill/stalk was harder than it looked X_X)
usually online from 3 - 10:30 (PST...-8 GMT)
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:16774452[
Age: 16
Location: CA,USA
usually playing GMod or CSS (head-shot anyone?) some1 told me 2 do this little intro so i could use Advanced Dupe etc (just looked and my fav thing is 201 pieces made in my own server that i have up part time for a small private building sessions...
Simple Wire Stuff
very simple E2 stuff
love all your servers because its low ping for me+a fun server w/o stupid rules