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Topics - pimpnpain727

Pages: [1]
Boneyard / unban request
« on: February 05, 2010, 01:40:02 PM »
Well first i got banned from ttt for saying who teh traitor was in global chat while being dead. i learned my lesson on that one and im soz. then i got banned from all servers for asking if someone could unban me in global chat. so ya that is about it. but im just asking if u could unban me from all servers. u dont have to unban me from ttt. but thats all im asking. plus the random servers are awesome and fun to play on . so can u unban me?  :angel:

General Chat / well im leaving
« on: January 29, 2010, 11:45:00 AM »
cya peeps im leavin cause i got banned from all random servers  :( . i might be on in a month if i ever get unbanned   ::)   :( :( :( :( :( cya 

Boneyard / just sayin bye
« on: January 29, 2010, 11:40:20 AM »
well im leaving Random cause i got banned from every server you guys have made so ya just sayin bye. i might come back in like a month or two if i ever get unbanned  ::) . cya  :(

Boneyard / i gots banned :(
« on: January 29, 2010, 09:05:48 AM »
I was wondering if you adminz could unban me from trouble in terrorist town. I was dead but then i said who the bad guy was in global chat. I know what i did was wrong but if you could helps me out piz unban me.  ;D

Help/Requests / apealling a ban
« on: January 29, 2010, 09:02:38 AM »
Hey i was playing trouble in terrorist town and i died then while i was dead i said who the bad guy was in global chat and i got banned for life. i know what i did was bad but i was wondering if u could give me a second shot and unban me  :) . ty for reading my post.

Community Admin Apps / zombie survival admin application
« on: December 16, 2009, 06:24:19 PM »
pimpnpain727's admin application

My real name: Jordan

Steam ID: pimpnpain727

Age: 15

Location: Athol, Idaho

why i would be a good admin:

I have been playing the zombie survival server for a while now and i have seen a lot of hackers. I personally think the zs server needs more admins to stop hacker fags  :)
I also think i would be a good admin for other servers too. I will help stop minge bags and hackers.
I would also help people on the servers to if they need information.

Gmod playing time: 2 years

Birthday: 1/13/93

I have now gotten some experience in mapping servers. I also have experience with lua too. 

I am also now respected on the server just to let everyone know.


Approved Respected Apps / sup/respected request
« on: December 16, 2009, 06:06:31 PM »
Hi my name is pimpnpain727. my name in game is also pimpnpain727.

steam ID: pimpnpain727

I have been playing the .:`=-~rANdOm~`-=:. servers for a while now and they are really fun and addicting.
I am usually playing from 3:30 P.M. to 8:30 P.M. (pacific time)
I am 15 years old and i really like to play Garry's mod. Also i play zombie survival a lot so u should see me on a lot.

I would like to be respected to stop hackers and minge bags. I really like to play the zombie survival and flood servers too.

I am also really good at wire mod too.

I live in Athol, Idaho.

Btw i think minge bags are fags.  :)

If you need to contact me my email is

Pages: [1]