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Topics - jeeniyus

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Community Admin Apps / I'm a jeeniyus and I hate mingebags.
« on: November 18, 2009, 04:35:16 PM »
Name: Stephen McCabe
Age: 13 years, 4 months and 7 days of age
Education: 8th grade English and Social Studies, a little bit of 9th grade math, and science...  infinite?
Location: Cupertino, California
Computer Skills: GIMP, Lua, Python (some), Java (very little), experience with Mac, Linux and Windows, Wire, Expression 2, more...
Why?: I want to be an admin of the .:`=-~rANdOm~`-=:. community because it is important to me, places/groups like this are hard to come by.
I believe I could make a good admin because I can be playful yet serious, and I hate to see people break rules or make other people unhappy. If you make me admin I could help establish order with a little bit of crazy.

Approved Respected Apps / I'm a jeeniyus and I hate mingebags
« on: November 14, 2009, 06:42:24 PM »
Name: jeeniyus (in_hand)
Friend(s): people on the wire build and winter survival servers
Favourite subject(s): algebra, wire, lua, python, geometry, expression 2, hammer
Birthday: 7.11
Education: 8th grade, geometry, hammer mapping, python, gimp, art (in gimp), genius
Builds: expression 2, pets, expression 2 pets, boats, cars, super mega gigantor random sculptures
Games: cs:s, garry's mod, team fortress 2, half-life 2, half-life 2:dm, half-life 2:ep1, half-life 2:ep2, sourceforts, dod:source, portal, arma 2, bioshock, cod, cod4, condition zero, condition zero deleted scenes, cs, dod, dm classic, eve, gta 4, gta: vc, gta: sa, half-life, half-life 2:lost coast, half-life deathmatch: source, half-life:blue shit, half-life: source, opposing force, psychonauts, ricochet, team fortress classic, thief: deadly shadows, starcraft, starcraft: brood war, toribash, rubber ninjas
Location: California
How to contact me: Gmail:

I hate mingebags, even though sometimes I accidentally minge, or revenge minge... accidentally. But the thing is I just want to be able to kick douches in the winter survival server and be able to save my awesome contraptions in the wire build. That is all for now.

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