Info: Hello, my name is Furlone. I started to play this server some, after my little brother started. I am a nice person, and I let everyone have fun. I come from Lithuania, and live in the United states. I am currently attending 9th grade, and doing 1/2 good. I also play the guitar, because it's just so awesome. I will also treat you the way you treat me, so if I treat everyone equally like "Crap"

. But if you piss me off, I will get back at you. So watch out, because Furlone is here.
Other: I am going to type anything that comes to my mind right now, so if you see something that makes you go like "WTF DOES THAT HAVE TO DO WITH THIS?" I will just be like chill man, talk slowwweer. Ok, so like I said previously I treat everyone the same. Unless you made the wrong decision you will be going with the flow, and you wont be stupid. I like to play on the PC, as well as play on my guitar. I like to have some fun too. I am not one of those people who has war every round. I also enjoy making art with ropes, and what ever else comes to my mind. It may be a robot right thing. Or a box raping another box "Personal Experiences". I really hate when other people ruin my creations just to get like 5 in-game cash, becasue it ruins the fun, and you are a douchebag who gets enjoyment from destroying others things. I do not like absent-minded guys.
Random stuff: I will jump out of a box if I need to amuse anyone. I might even make a time-travel vehicle of some sort, and teleport from 1 server into another, and pretend like I just skipped a year or two. Yup I am a pretty random person right now you might think, but I am a big fucking shot. not a regular shot, but a big FUCKING shot. That was just completely random that I was playing today on your servers and I was pissed so I started talking like that.
I do not care if you don't like me, but I <3 you all. [Small Text]Except some people.[/size]
You can't see the Small Text, because I am a ninja.
I don't have much to say, because I don't like to be the center of attention, unless it's the cool attention, but really I have nothing to say. I like the community, and I just wanted to tell you guys that.