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Messages - Tiger Guy

Pages: 1 ... 4 [5] 6 ... 70
Community Admin Apps / Re: Krasher's Admin Application.
« on: July 30, 2010, 09:16:30 PM »
Yes        90 (89.1%)
No        11 (10.9%)
Total Members Voted: 87

>90 = Yes
>11 = No

>Total members voted: 87




L33T H4X

Approved / Re: Hydralisk
« on: July 30, 2010, 09:04:49 PM »
1. Mass RDMing: No proof. Plus, if they do kill too many innocents, you can kick them, or let them suffer karma.
2. G4MER is a FGT.
3. Hydralisk is a cool guy.
According to Sanders. you can't kick for rdm, unless the innocent/detective has killed 6 people or more(The definition of mass rdm.)

Boneyard / Re: Kan I haz Adminz I 4th RND GIRL!
« on: July 30, 2010, 08:50:55 PM »
I had a double McNific today. It was reary yummy. Want one too?
Naw, he want sum of dat KFC and som watamalon.

Mapping / Re: zs_poolsclosed_v1
« on: July 30, 2010, 08:25:18 PM »
I'll try it in a bit I'll come back with my findings :P
If you find any glitches, please tell me.

General Chat / Re: The Offical Wisconsin Sucks Thread
« on: July 30, 2010, 08:23:22 PM »
Please post reasons why you think that Wisconsin sucks!

Mapping / Re: zs_poolsclosed_v1
« on: July 30, 2010, 12:23:27 PM »
Looks very nice, except that it's very blocky.....especially at the pool lol smooth the edges abit, will look epic if you do that =O
I am going to do that with the next version.

You know, there is a mute button for a reason.


(Guest) the punisher: fail map is fail
(Guest) the punisher: wait
(Guest) the punisher: actually i won this once
(Guest) amaya2050: this is the most fun fail ap
(Guest) Nightbane: me too
(Guest) amaya2050: map*
(Respected) .:RND`=- Tiger Guy: Punisher, fear-station fails too
(Guest) the punisher: no
(Respected) .:RND`=- Tiger Guy: yes
(Guest) ***S.o.U***_ myppl8: ...
(Respected) .:RND`=- Tiger Guy: It fucking sucks
(Guest) ***S.o.U***_ myppl8: :D
(Guest) the punisher: NO
(Guest) Theo ...: hello
(Respected) .:RND`=- Tiger Guy: yes
(Guest) ***S.o.U***_ myppl8: i had to eat brb
(Guest) the punisher: you dont decide, i do
(Guest) ***S.o.U***_ myppl8: *have
Player ***S.o.U***_ myppl8 left the game (Disconnect by user.)
(Guest) juan_luis_vsl: HEEYH
(Respected) .:RND`=- Tiger Guy: Actually, you have a small penis, so I decide
(Guest) Theo ...: O.O
(Guest) the punisher: i have a big dick too
(Respected) .:RND`=- Tiger Guy: YOU HAVE 2 DICKS?
(Guest) the punisher: yeah
(Guest) the punisher: sure
(Guest) ubay_the_murderer: help open please
(Respected) .:RND`=- Tiger Guy: wat
(Guest) ubay_the_murderer: angel kita el sillon
(Guest) the punisher: fuck 2 girls at the same time
(Respected) .:RND`=- Tiger Guy: Why is fear-station so good?
(Guest) Nightbane: ok
(Guest) the punisher: tree house
(Respected) .:RND`=- Tiger Guy: First off
(Guest) H.H.E.H.H.E: u guys fail
(Respected) .:RND`=- Tiger Guy: The walls are eye rape
[SolidVote] Type votekick or voteban to initiate a vote kick or ban.
(Guest) Theo ...: rtv
(Guest) ubay_the_murderer: kiyt please
(Guest) Theo ...: :P
(Respected) .:RND`=- Tiger Guy: and  there is only one place to hide
(Guest) the punisher: bitch
(Respected) .:RND`=- Tiger Guy: /broad See a failing cop,ff,swat, or medic? /pm Tiger and Ill handle it.
(Guest) Theo ...: lol
(Guest) Nightbane: destroy the sofa
(Guest) the punisher: there is 2 places
Warning: killicon not found 'worldspawn'
Player Yember has joined the game
Yember (Country: United States) connected.
(Guest) Nightbane: WTF
(Guest) ubay_the_murderer: k mierda
Warning: killicon not found 'weapon_zs_hammer'
(Guest) Nightbane: te mato el sofa
(Respected) .:RND`=- Tiger Guy: and it is heavily favored towards the humans
(Guest) Nightbane: xDD
(Respected) .:RND`=- Tiger Guy: face it
(Guest) the punisher: NO
(Respected) .:RND`=- Tiger Guy: it fucking sucks
(Respected) .:RND`=- Tiger Guy: Even the maker of the map said it sucks
(Guest) the punisher: wow, uba you are a faggot
(Guest) Theo ...: lol
(Guest) ubay_the_murderer: k me ijo¿?¿?
(Guest) Nightbane: faggot es un insulto
(Respected) .:RND`=- Tiger Guy: Then you have the guts to say that this map sucks?!?!/
(Guest) Nightbane: y creo que uno grande
(Respected) .:RND`=- Tiger Guy: it might be overplayed
(Guest) ubay_the_murderer: k tu madre k ¿?¿?
(Guest) the punisher: ubay, you are a dumbass who stole my kill
(Guest) Nightbane: porque se lo robastes xD
(Respected) .:RND`=- Tiger Guy: but fear-station is too
(Guest) Nightbane: dijo que eres un tonto del culo
(Respected) .:RND`=- Tiger Guy: and this map is much better
(Guest) the punisher: no
(Guest) the punisher: this map fails
(Respected) .:RND`=- Tiger Guy: yes
(Respected) .:RND`=- Tiger Guy: why
(Guest) the punisher: no one is smary enough to go to vents'
(Guest) Nightbane: dude
(Guest) Nightbane: you can survive upstairs
(Guest) amaya2050: help
(Guest) Nightbane: perfectly
(Respected) .:RND`=- Tiger Guy: That is the humans fault
(Respected) .:RND`=- Tiger Guy: not the maps
(Guest) Nightbane: i have survived upstairs
(Guest) the punisher: thats if someone guarding the vents
(Guest) amaya2050:  can u guys help plz
(Guest) ubay_the_murderer: jl sabes k el pack ese t recargar en entrar al sever
(Respected) .:RND`=- Tiger Guy: Only pussies vote for Fear-Station
(Guest) the punisher: NO
(Guest) H.H.E.H.H.E: night
(Guest) amaya2050: gimp
(Guest) amaya2050: help plz
(Respected) .:RND`=- Tiger Guy: yes
(Guest) Gimper: ya
(Guest) Nightbane: what
(Guest) H.H.E.H.H.E: help me to move this
(Guest) Gimper: k
(Guest) ubay_the_murderer: cuantos mas addons tngas mas  t tar da lo sabias¿?
(Guest) Nightbane: wait
(Guest) Nightbane: im eating
(Respected) .:RND`=- Tiger Guy: Umad?
(Guest) the punisher: nom nom nom
(Guest) the punisher: no, i like caps
(Respected) .:RND`=- Tiger Guy: Okay
(Respected) .:RND`=- Tiger Guy: They rage quit because of the pussie room
Player pahan(rus) has joined the game
pahan(rus) (Country: Russian Federation) connected.
(Respected) .:RND`=- Tiger Guy: Where you masturbate to gay porn
[SolidVote] Type votekick or voteban to initiate a vote kick or ban.
(Guest) the punisher: ow
(Guest) amaya2050: HELP ME!
Welcome to .:`=-~rANdOm~`-=:.  -Zombie Survival|Tick66|Fast DL- !
To view rules and/or a list of our servers and affiliates, type !halp in chat!
(Guest) the punisher: yember, you really dont know who you are fucking with
(Respected) .:RND`=- Tiger Guy: Internet tough guy?
(Guest) Yember: the punisher
(Guest) the punisher: yay
Player roucourtju has joined the game
roucourtju (Country: Belgium) connected.
(Respected) .:RND`=- Tiger Guy: Yes i think so
(Guest) the punisher: internet tough guy ftw
(Guest) H.H.E.H.H.E: use gun !!
(Guest) ubay_the_murderer: tio m kedan 2 kita eso xfi para matarlos
Player Yember left the game (Disconnect by user.)
(Guest) the punisher: fear me >:D
(Respected) .:RND`=- Tiger Guy: What are you going to do?
(Guest) the punisher: idk
(Guest) H.H.E.H.H.E: use gun to destroy it
(Guest) H.H.E.H.H.E: ...
(Guest) ubay_the_murderer: di?=?=
(Respected) .:RND`=- Tiger Guy: Okay
(Guest) Nightbane: quien
(Guest) Jetskier: HOW U SPRAY PAINT
(Guest) ubay_the_murderer: tu
(Guest) Nightbane: juan luis o yo?
(Respected) .:RND`=- Tiger Guy: I dont fear you
(Guest) Nightbane: estamos todos arriba
(Respected) .:RND`=- Tiger Guy: I laugh at you
(Guest) the punisher: yay
(Respected) .:RND`=- Tiger Guy: At how stupid you are
(Guest) ubay_the_murderer: x eso kita el sofa para matarlos
(Guest) the punisher: NOU
KeyValues Error: LoadFromBuffer: missing { in file materials/models/weapons/v_pza/blackcrab_sheet.vmt

KeyValues Error: LoadFromBuffer: missing { in file materials/models/weapons/v_pza/blackcrab_sheet.vmt

KeyValues Error: LoadFromBuffer: missing { in file materials/models/weapons/v_pza/blackcrab_sheet.vmt

KeyValues Error: LoadFromBuffer: missing { in file materials/models/weapons/v_pza/blackcrab_sheet.vmt

KeyValues Error: LoadFromBuffer: missing { in file materials/models/weapons/v_pza/blackcrab_sheet.vmt

KeyValues Error: LoadFromBuffer: missing { in file materials/models/weapons/v_pza/blackcrab_sheet.vmt

KeyValues Error: LoadFromBuffer: missing { in file materials/models/weapons/v_pza/blackcrab_sheet.vmt

KeyValues Error: LoadFromBuffer: missing { in file materials/models/weapons/v_pza/blackcrab_sheet.vmt

KeyValues Error: LoadFromBuffer: missing { in file materials/models/weapons/v_pza/blackcrab_sheet.vmt

KeyValues Error: LoadFromBuffer: missing { in file materials/models/weapons/v_pza/blackcrab_sheet.vmt

Error: Material "models/weapons/v_pza/blackcrab_sheet" uses unknown shader "220"
(Respected) .:RND`=- Tiger Guy: yes you
(Guest) the punisher: nou
(Respected) .:RND`=- Tiger Guy: nice comeback
(Guest) oldpunk786858: пахан
(Guest) the punisher: this other come back may not sound good but
(Guest) the punisher: im rubber your glue
(Guest) oldpunk786858: пахаааааааан
(Guest) the punisher: im gonna fuck you into 2
(Guest) oldpunk786858: привет
(Respected) .:RND`=- Tiger Guy: Really
(Guest) the punisher: yay
(Respected) .:RND`=- Tiger Guy: Fucking really?
Player edanamartinez has joined the game
edanamartinez (Country: United States) connected.
(Respected) .:RND`=- Tiger Guy: IM SO SCARED
(Guest) the punisher: ;p
[SolidVote] Type votekick or voteban to initiate a vote kick or ban.
(Respected) .:RND`=- Tiger Guy: MOMMY HELP ME
(Guest) the punisher: lol
(Guest) Theo ...: is that a real language ur talking? ......
(Guest) ubay_the_murderer: kitalo xfi
(Guest) Nightbane: no puedo
(Guest) the punisher: im gonna elite h4x0r you
(Respected) .:RND`=- Tiger Guy: okay
(Respected) .:RND`=- Tiger Guy: Do it, faggot

At this point, he just shuts up. Sorry Jim, but fear-station really does suck.

Mapping / zs_poolsclosed_v1
« on: July 30, 2010, 10:34:14 AM »
This is a map I made because I ditched the football map. I think it is better than my first two maps(zs_whitewallmassacure and zs_stripclub.) It includes 4 areas (Parking Lot, Pool, Bar, and Restrooms) The main cading place is the bathrooms.

Images of the map:

I hope you enjoy the map!

General Chat / Re: The Offical Wisconsin Sucks Thread
« on: July 30, 2010, 07:16:05 AM »
you stole my quote of yomo. faggot D":
I didn't.

General / Re: Your PC Spec :D
« on: July 30, 2010, 06:46:38 AM »
$5 dollars for updated spic. $10 dollars for new pc.

General Chat / The Offical Wisconsin Sucks Thread
« on: July 30, 2010, 06:43:59 AM »

Post reasons why Wisconsin Sucks!

Don't kill me Tomcat!

Boneyard / Re: South Park
« on: July 30, 2010, 06:10:46 AM »
Way to keep bumping the oldest thread on the forums.

Boneyard / Re: South Park
« on: July 29, 2010, 09:01:47 PM »

Boneyard / Re: Kan I haz Adminz I 4th RND GIRL!
« on: July 29, 2010, 08:27:43 PM »
Oh.... My.... God....

Wth?? This has got to be a joke. Somebody just doesn't get admin that easy.. Well somebody did:,1141.0.html

But that was back when RnD had like 30 people on the forum...
I think Teeny is like Moo's gf or something like that.
Read everything before you post.

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