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Messages - Tiger Guy

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This thread is pure win.

I seriously love it.

Frank I do not give any mind to people telling me things about "you haxed account I am disappoint", no i mean I really don't care, I have no care for human beings, simple things such as memories.

Tiger Guy I am sorry for ever doubting you couldn't pass your legal retardation application. That was just a joke to tell you I was sorry. But you are asskissin'.

Devie just no.

So anyways guys bye.

Have fun caring about life and other useless things. :D

PS. Random Game Server

hm... let me ask why you left a comment on my facebook saying "GTFO LOL".
I say jeaRous for a reason = You guys are jealous and butthurt.

What's your reason for "GTFO LOL", trolling, and going through my photobucket account in search for naked pictures?
Oh by the way, I'm sure you have seen that chopped off penis I have on my photobucket account that sadly, photobucket has not deleted.
Also what was your reason for impersonating Ruben on teamspeak? All I wanted was an apology from you and tomcat. I got one from Tomcat.
You had plenty of chances to apologize, including that time you impersonated Ruben. You were able to try to convince everyone that "Krasher didn't do it", why couldnt you also say "He's very sorry".

The question of immaturity comes up here. All I stated was "JeaRous". I guess I'm very immature for that.
Now you're pretending that you're all knowingly smart and mature and yet your past actions make it invalid.

You dare call me immature for one thing I did.
What have you done that makes you NOT immature?

1. He is JeaRous

2. He is horny, he need pr0n.

3. He want you back in kitchen, but you finally said "AWW HELL NAW! MAK YO' OWN FUCKING SANDWITCH"

4. asdf

5. HeRp DeRp

Krasher is a douche.

You're just proving you're butthurt, and show that picture to your mom pl0x

I'll go do something else now.

lolwut. Why would I be butthurt.

Community Admin Apps / Re: Admin pl0x
« on: July 31, 2010, 10:30:11 AM »

Nah Tiger Gay isn't a poser.....he's just an ass-kisser.

And you dare to title people as immature. Devie, I am disappoint.

Even if this is a joke you are being juvenile about it. You should stop condescending and start looking at what you say.

You will look back at this someday, Hopefully you can finish my sentence in a mature manner.

Seriously, why would I be jealous of you? because you got admin in RND? did you notice that I never made an admin app? CAUSE I NEVER WANTED TO BE ONE.

Kthxbai =D

Btw Coolz has -10 nao kthx.

Then why are you still butthurt about this. If you didn't care, you would of gotten over this by now.

And also, I made this just for you artik.

You sure?


Posts: 1341
Karma: +89/-10
[cheer] [smite]
Respect: -7

Seems like -1 is working now =P

Yeah, like -1 is going to hurt someone's feelings, especially the owners.

I think they got like a 6 million ppl bomb.

It's called Holocaust.
Instead of Hitler, it's Allah that's dictator.


Beware, he may explode his dynamite chest.
I wonder how many pounds of explosives he has.

1. LOL

2. I'm not bitching about it, I just posted ONE post about it, maybe I posted another one lmao

Yeah, and the -150 respect, and also, you have left +20 post about this. KTHXBYE.

Nah we're just trollin'.

And jealous? of what?

1. You jeaRous because she got bewbs.

2. You won't quit bitching about why she got admin. Just get over it. Coolz will probably just lul at your comments.

They are butthurt and JeaRous so they are liek

omg omg omg i will -1 respect them because that will totally maek me feel betta and maek me less butthurt and JeaRous.

rofl. young kids are being young kids

I feel a butthurt sandnigger incoming, please take cover Devie.

Haha. Your lack of intelligence amuses me.
Frank, you remind me of the Joker.
You're lack of balls amuses me.
Your lack of maturity amuses me.

Boneyard / Re: bye gamers
« on: July 31, 2010, 08:58:49 AM »

Artik and Krasher are so mad. Look at Devie's, Tiger Guy's, and my respect.

They so mad.
Mine looks like a super elite godlike golf score.

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