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Topics - Tiger Guy

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Boneyard / Delete this topic
« on: November 19, 2009, 06:25:09 PM »
Delete the topic

General Chat / Cool Youtube Videos
« on: November 18, 2009, 01:23:25 PM »
I don't know if there is already a thread like this but I just wanted to start this if there isn't.

So lets get to the point.

On this thread, you post cool youtube videos. I wanted to post this video.

Nirvana vs Rick Astley - Never Gonna Give Your Teen Spirit up

You might of heard this video before, it is the best mixup I've ever heard.


General Chat / I've Changed My Name On Steam
« on: November 17, 2009, 04:25:03 AM »
If you know me, I've changed my name from Matthewcarroll9 to Tiger Guy. I've thought that name would of been more original. Anyways, bye

General Chat / HALP!
« on: November 16, 2009, 01:51:55 PM »
How do you play audio bits in gmod. I tried HLDJ but it always goes to The Orange Box SDK.  Tell me what to do or if I need a different program that will work in gmod.

Games / Modern Warfare 2
« on: November 14, 2009, 03:21:34 PM »
I got MW2 for the PS3.

My PSN is Starwar341 (yea...i know)

Add me if you have a PS3!

General Chat / New Weapon Upgrade System in Zombie Survival
« on: November 14, 2009, 08:54:37 AM »
I was wondering if someone could make one. Or also make a system where you can get wepons by how much damage you cause a zombie. The system would be like this

Glock,Zombie Drill, etc. 300 damage

Extra Health 700 damage

SMG 1400 damage

Grenades/Barricade Kit 1900 damage

Annabelle, etc. 2400 damage

Ultimate Weapon of Destruction OVER 9000!!!! damage(just kidding)

What do you think about this system?

Approved Respected Apps / Can I join rANdOm steam group
« on: October 23, 2009, 02:15:41 PM »

Funny Stuffz / Naked
« on: October 22, 2009, 02:25:40 PM »
I have noticed something, when you add NAKED to the end of a sentence, it's funnier and more perverted. Here is a couple of examples

Which one is funnier?

I went to Wal-Mart


I went to Wal-Mart NAKED

Which one is funnier?

I climbed a tree


I climbed a tree NAKED

Which one is funnier?

I watched that movie


I watched that movie NAKED

You see, every sentence is funnier when you add NAKED! Do you agree?

Approved Respected Apps / Hello
« on: October 16, 2009, 11:26:58 AM »
Hello, I am Matthewcarroll9. I joined these forums because I love the Zombie server. I have only had gmod for two weeks and I'm loving it.I am mostly on 5:00pm to 10:00pm (eastern standard time). I am 13, (going to be 14 in two weeks.) If you want to add me on Steam, my name is Matthewcarroll9. I am usually getting pwned on the zombie server.

I also have Counter Strike, but 99% of the time, I'm playing on gmod. I hate noobs that screw up cades in the zombie server! I also hate Minges that screw up boats on the flood server.

I am a beginner at gmod but I'm getting better one day at a time (first day I got gmod, I couldn't even spawn ragdolls lol). I am on the zombie server more than probably anyone(I have no life).

I have two cats, Gracie and Lacie. I love them so but they get in the way sometimes. One time while playing Zombies, I was in the middle of killing zombies, and Gracie started rubbing on me, I told her to please stop. So she is like "LOOK AT ME! LOOK AT ME!!!!11 AHHAHAHAHAHAH!!" and starts rubbing on my monitor and screws me up.I die. It wasn't funny.

I love going to college football games. I usually go to one every two weeks. I am in beast mode when I play Ultimate Frisbee. I got some pretty good hands. One time, I was on defense and someone threw a frisbee about 8 feet in the air, I jumped like a cat and threw It down. It's hard to get a frisbee when it's that high and going super fast. I also am catch for scores alot. One time I caught a no look catch and ran right straight into the wall. It hurt. I suck at throwing a frisbee. I'm a catcher. One time,  I was throwing to someone 20 feet away, and when I threw it, it went about 15 feet right of them.

I like oreo pie.

That pretty sums it up with me. I will add more if I want to.


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