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Messages - SabbathFreak911

Pages: 1 ... 57 [58] 59 ... 100
Server Requests/Suggestions / New Flood Mods?
« on: February 13, 2010, 05:15:16 PM »
    There has been a lot of people making new Flood mods lately. Since many ppl have been complaining about Flood and it's almost impossible to fix, why not just get a new Flood mod version? BoingBoing (RND's own admin) is making a new Flood mod and it sounds great. He was telling me that he was planning on making element upgrades for guns! He was also thinking of TAKING AWAY THE MONEY SYSTEM and simply having prop limits, etc. It sounds like a great idea o me, and would stop all the unfair advantages of weapons and money and not allow the rich to get richer and the poor to get poorer! I, would love having a new Flood mod, if not BoingBoing any new one! Just something different.
Time to update?

Boneyard / Re: THIS STOPS NOW.
« on: February 13, 2010, 05:03:34 PM »
OMFG ever time I see this twat he's getting a voteban!

Boneyard / Re: Qhrusdal Abusing
« on: February 13, 2010, 03:57:20 PM »

Ooooh that son of a bitch.... >.>

Boneyard / Re: Qhrusdal Abusing
« on: February 13, 2010, 01:45:56 PM »
HE NEEDS A BAN! This guy is major minge. Demote AND ban Qhrusdal. He randomly votebans ppl a lot for no reason or little reason with no warning. He also was votebaning everyone while there was a name change hacker in the server to try to get the hacker, and he did but he baned a lot of other ppl on the way!

Mapping / Re: Fm_Grass
« on: February 13, 2010, 10:24:28 AM »
I like the map. I say, don't diss the map. Diss the mod o.o.

Help/Requests / Re: Mods/Admins Only
« on: February 11, 2010, 08:23:10 PM »
I code in lua
Example 1
Example 2

I have been here TOO damn long.

And On age, I am ALOT more mature than most.

And Magic Lives In GB, Nowhere near Coolz

I didn't say that's what made an admin. But, no offence, by you constantly saying you're more mature then everyone is kinda... the opposite. Just saying.

Help/Requests / Re: Mods/Admins Only
« on: February 11, 2010, 07:33:35 PM »
but your avatar wins sabb :(

Lul teh jaxed from teh BoatSinker.

Help/Requests / Re: Mods/Admins Only
« on: February 11, 2010, 06:42:05 PM »
Why Not :(

Many the same reason I wouldn't stand a chance either. Mainly these:

A) Age

B) No Coding/Scripting Knowledge

C) Haven't Been On the Server As Long As Most Admins

D) Don't Know Any Admins IRL

I'm not saying that's how Coolz decides who to make admin but they are likely contributers.

Help/Requests / Re: Mods/Admins Only
« on: February 11, 2010, 03:44:41 PM »
You want me right???


As an admin? I'm sure you'd be a great admin, but to be realistic I doubt you'll become one. No offence.

Help/Requests / Re: Mods/Admins Only
« on: February 11, 2010, 02:50:35 PM »
It probably has a lot to do with your age, personality, maturity, general reputation, intelligence(probably some coding), etc. I also recommended Tomcat and Magic and a few others as possible good admins, so if Coolz got more PMs like that maybe he would also tally up who most ppl want as an admin most.

Server Requests/Suggestions / Try To Fix Votekick Glitch in TTT
« on: February 11, 2010, 02:45:50 PM »
I'm not sure if you're aware of it, but almost every time you votekick someone in TTT the server crashes (and everyone's Gmod). If possible, I was wondering if you could work on fixing this glitch because it's challenging to kix teh mingehz. Usually it doesn't crash when we voteban though. TY.

Funny Stuffz / Re: I Get Kix For Following PPLZ In TTT
« on: February 10, 2010, 02:15:57 PM »
In first place, this guy should never had earned rescpeted. People actually don't know whot they give respected to.

He didn't earn it. He admitted to the server after I got kicked and Ruben demoted him that, in fact, he gave Ruben someone else's intro and said it was his...

General Chat / Re: boat sinker for language moderator (greek and french)
« on: February 10, 2010, 01:18:44 PM »

Funny Stuffz / I Get Kix For Following PPLZ In TTT
« on: February 10, 2010, 01:14:09 PM »
LOLOLOLOLOL Bear(something) guy kixed me in teh TTT while Ruben was there... for FOLLOWING a DIFFERENT person around LOL! I wasn't even killing him or anything just following him lololol! BTW, this isn't a report idc if I get kixed it just made meh Lul.

Boneyard / Re: The Few. - Getting an Alienware
« on: February 10, 2010, 12:49:52 PM »

How dare thee sayith that upon thy!



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