« on: June 18, 2010, 12:39:29 PM »
Sanders don't be a dumbshit. He EXCESSIVE RDMs which is not allowed. Meaning he'll kill as many ppl as he can in one life (usually like 7) AND there's more then just this report on him, his Steam ID is on them and I was too lazy to get it :/. Finally, ledjohny has been on the server doing shit like this for as long as Coolz made the TTT server. If you didn't make assumptions and actually played TTT you would have known that. My point being, he's had plenty of chances. I don't think he's a bad guy but he RDMs too much and even though he doesn't do it as much now, he still will RDM last round like fux or RDM like fux before he leaves. I just now decided it was important I report him and get proof because it's been going on for so long.