Epic large spam to get post rate up... Fail... Oh btw:
This tourrettes kid on GameMaestro.net Flood server (Xevon's) made meh lul:
Xanatos: i have more $ then you
Xanatos: hahahahaha
SabbathFreak: so?
Xanatos: that shows im more powerful
SabbathFreak: yea sure lmao
Xanatos: a RPG , shotgun , TMP , and para
Xanatos: will fuck anyone up
SabbathFreak: lol you have Para?
Xanatos: yes
Player Carp has joined the game
Xanatos: wasted ALOT OF FUCKING $
Player the names cheese dr.cheese has joined the game
SabbathFreak: no shit
Xanatos: the para does SHIT
Xanatos: not enough fucking ammo
SabbathFreak: youre just an idiot lol
Xanatos: your just a 13 year old homo
SabbathFreak: homophobe much
Xanatos: bring it on pedofile
SabbathFreak: your insults are as effective as your IQ
SabbathFreak: which isnt very
SabbathFreak: okay im a 13 year old pedo? that makes sense
Xanatos: IQ = 154
SabbathFreak: sure lol
Carp: lol
SabbathFreak: how old are you tourretes kid
Xanatos: whos tourret
We nicknamed him tourrettes kid cause he usually keeps calling me stuff like "YOU SHITFUCKDICKFACE" lul.
is that the real Xanatos ?
Because if its him, he would use his mic and he is like....18 or something.
Naaw it's Jizzdar pretending he's Xanatos the owner of Machinima. I later on raped him in the fact he's fail at lying. Questioned hima bunch of times on different things. One was: "Okay so what does Machinima mean then and why did you choose it as your group/website/YouTube name?" his reply: "Machinima is a word I made up for my clan."
ACTUAL DEFINITION: A machinima is a short video using a video game to produce it. (machinima is an actual word :O)
Oh and Xanatos doesn't actually make his own videos he pays people to make them: Jizzdar(Fizzdar) said that he was on Gmod to find a game to record his new video in. Fail.