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Messages - SabbathFreak911

Pages: 1 ... 83 [84] 85 ... 100
Community Admin Apps / Re: Hia People
« on: December 25, 2009, 10:33:58 AM »

Help/Requests / Re: Servers down :(
« on: December 25, 2009, 10:30:08 AM »
Yuh it's happened multiple times that I lose all my favs :(.

Community News & Announcements / Re: Merry Christmas!
« on: December 25, 2009, 10:27:24 AM »
Merreh Christmas all!

Oh and here's a nice Christmas special video I found:

Funny Stuffz / Re: Naked
« on: December 25, 2009, 10:02:10 AM »
I spy you.
I spy you while you're naked.


Community News & Announcements / Re: Christmas wishes!
« on: December 24, 2009, 11:07:31 PM »
I wish I don't have to go to summer school again :D

I wish to not have to ever go to Summer School ._..

General Chat / Re: A WTF!? Thread
« on: December 24, 2009, 11:03:35 PM »

Funny Stuffz / Re: Naked
« on: December 24, 2009, 11:02:21 PM »
Don't you remember M4H PIX0RZ?!

You laugh, you lose.

No I'm just win like that.
No.Sabb u fail because I already know about keyboard cat and i did not die.

Umm... first of all we weren't talking about this thread or the keyboard cat we were talking about a funny pic Frank posted lol. Second of all I didn't say you didn't know keyboard cat I was hoping you did know it lol.
Darn! i got pwned by sab like 2 times in a row >:(


General Chat / Re: Why me and mdew355 got demoted.
« on: December 24, 2009, 10:54:18 PM »
LOL! Well I'm glad the whole story is out. But really? a coincidence? LOL! No offence but I don't think there's any way to have the same IP as someone else in the world lol. Anyways, it sucks that you're not admin :(. I wish you were still, I can't believe this is why you both were demoted it was pointless to lie about in the first place. :(

Approved Respected Apps / Re: Hello Guys! My respected Application ^_^
« on: December 24, 2009, 07:49:38 PM »
Oh lol. Kthnxbai.

General Chat / Re: A WTF!? Thread
« on: December 24, 2009, 07:46:55 PM »
Epic large spam to get post rate up... Fail... Oh btw:

This tourrettes kid on Flood server (Xevon's) made meh lul:

Xanatos: i have more $ then you
Xanatos: hahahahaha
SabbathFreak: so?
Xanatos: that shows im more powerful
SabbathFreak: yea sure lmao
Xanatos: a RPG , shotgun , TMP , and para
Xanatos: will fuck anyone up
SabbathFreak: lol you have Para?
Xanatos: yes
Player Carp has joined the game
Xanatos: wasted ALOT OF FUCKING $
Player the names cheese dr.cheese has joined the game
SabbathFreak: no shit
Xanatos: the para does SHIT
Xanatos: not enough fucking ammo
SabbathFreak: youre just an idiot lol
Xanatos: your just a 13 year old homo
SabbathFreak: homophobe much
Xanatos: bring it on pedofile
SabbathFreak: your insults are as effective as your IQ
SabbathFreak: which isnt very
SabbathFreak: okay im a 13 year old pedo? that makes sense
Xanatos: IQ = 154
SabbathFreak: sure lol
Carp: lol
SabbathFreak: how old are you tourretes kid
Xanatos: whos tourret

We nicknamed him tourrettes kid cause he usually keeps calling me stuff like "YOU SHITFUCKDICKFACE" lul.
is that the real Xanatos ?
Because if its him, he would use his mic and he is like....18 or something.

Naaw it's Jizzdar pretending he's Xanatos the owner of Machinima. I later on raped him in the fact he's fail at lying. Questioned hima  bunch of times on different things. One was: "Okay so what does Machinima mean then and why did you choose it as your group/website/YouTube name?" his reply: "Machinima is a word I made up for my clan."

ACTUAL DEFINITION: A machinima is a short video using a video game to produce it. (machinima is an actual word :O)

Oh and Xanatos doesn't actually make his own videos he pays people to make them: Jizzdar(Fizzdar) said that he was on Gmod to find a game to record his new video in. Fail.

General Chat / Re: What did you got?
« on: December 24, 2009, 07:41:30 PM »

I win :)


Funny Stuffz / Re: Naked
« on: December 24, 2009, 07:38:00 PM »
Don't you remember M4H PIX0RZ?!

You laugh, you lose.

No I'm just win like that.
No.Sabb u fail because I already know about keyboard cat and i did not die.

Umm... first of all we weren't talking about this thread or the keyboard cat we were talking about a funny pic Frank posted lol. Second of all I didn't say you didn't know keyboard cat I was hoping you did know it lol.

General Chat / Re: List of Epic Fail Russian Kids
« on: December 24, 2009, 07:36:05 PM »
I hate them. Once upon a day I was in flood, and there were about 3-4 russians. All the other were normal.(wha? lol)
They started minging, so I started, well, doing what I like best. VOTEBANNING. Each time I votebanned one, I said: "Deafeating russians one at a time."

It felt good.

Umm. Even if it were the Russians minges that come back and minge all the time, did you give them a kick before a ban? Just saying, it's only going to make them more mad and minge more...
P.S Zippo... Russian minge... he needs a ban noaw.
There are 2 Zippos
1)his name is ->ZiPPo<-, He is Russian and he is a minger

2)This is the real Zippo we know.His name is
Zippo- Servers are now online!, NOW THIS IS THE REAL ZIPPO

They're both minges. I was playing with the Russian one, I though the was different, NTM he sounded different. The Zippo on here is still an annoying minge. He kept money rounding with ppl dead, prop pushing, and ban me for no reason other then that I wanted to play.

Help/Requests / Re: Servers down :(
« on: December 24, 2009, 06:28:48 PM »
Old servers? What do you mean before an IP change?

General Chat / Re: NEW GROUP FOR ZOMBIE SLAYERS! Major Zombie League!!
« on: December 24, 2009, 05:34:20 PM »
I would but I fail at zoombiez :o.

P.S Merry Christmas to you aswell lol.

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