« on: December 07, 2009, 04:21:28 PM »
There is this hacker on the RND servers called fRost. I've only seen him on Flood and fairly recently he threatened to give me a virus after I votekicked him for prop pushing. He said some fail exit line about my computer getting hacked, then shortly later I get a virus warning from my security system. It SAYS it's resolved but I have no idea about any of this type of stuff and anti virus software can tend to be unreliable. I'm just saying, it hasn't been bothering me too much, just get a virus warning sometimes, and sometimes it makes me randomly join another server in a quite inconvenient time. Like when I make a large boat on a Flood server... then I might sometimes randomly join a different game. I haven't been having problems with it recently, but be careful. This "fRost" guy is a minge, I remember him from about a month or so ago minging and shooting oat he's on, prop pushing, etc lol. Just be careful.