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Topics - SabbathFreak911

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General / Compilers
« on: March 18, 2010, 02:57:19 PM »
I've started learning C++ and don't know much about the compilers yet. I know a bit of basically what they're for but are some compilers better then others? I don't know which compiler I should be using but right now I use the Dev-C++ 5 compiler from Bloodshed Software. Any suggestions?

Help/Requests / Whut.
« on: March 12, 2010, 11:02:15 PM »
So I finally decide to come back to TTT for once... I haven`t been on in a while, and I was playing as normal but then a minge came and no other respected were on... so I try to kick him but it doesn`t let me. It says I need to be respected :(. Why aren`t I respectedz? :`(

Server Requests/Suggestions / New Flood Mods?
« on: February 13, 2010, 05:15:16 PM »
    There has been a lot of people making new Flood mods lately. Since many ppl have been complaining about Flood and it's almost impossible to fix, why not just get a new Flood mod version? BoingBoing (RND's own admin) is making a new Flood mod and it sounds great. He was telling me that he was planning on making element upgrades for guns! He was also thinking of TAKING AWAY THE MONEY SYSTEM and simply having prop limits, etc. It sounds like a great idea o me, and would stop all the unfair advantages of weapons and money and not allow the rich to get richer and the poor to get poorer! I, would love having a new Flood mod, if not BoingBoing any new one! Just something different.
Time to update?

Server Requests/Suggestions / Try To Fix Votekick Glitch in TTT
« on: February 11, 2010, 02:45:50 PM »
I'm not sure if you're aware of it, but almost every time you votekick someone in TTT the server crashes (and everyone's Gmod). If possible, I was wondering if you could work on fixing this glitch because it's challenging to kix teh mingehz. Usually it doesn't crash when we voteban though. TY.

Funny Stuffz / I Get Kix For Following PPLZ In TTT
« on: February 10, 2010, 01:14:09 PM »
LOLOLOLOLOL Bear(something) guy kixed me in teh TTT while Ruben was there... for FOLLOWING a DIFFERENT person around LOL! I wasn't even killing him or anything just following him lololol! BTW, this isn't a report idc if I get kixed it just made meh Lul.

Help/Requests / C, C++, LUA, Wire, and E2 Help
« on: January 03, 2010, 11:19:18 AM »
Basically I have been wanting to learn C, C++, LU, Wire, and E2. For E2 I have had some good help from friends (TY Tomcat, Email, Magic, Peetah) but I am lazy and was wondering if there was a good tutorial for E2? Or any of these other things. I actually found a good tutorial for C and C++ but is there one for E2, Wire, or LUA?

P.S I have taken a look at Orb's Wire tutorials and find them pretty helpful, are there any other ones you guys learned from?

Funny Stuffz / LOL BRadFeLLah Admin LOL!
« on: January 03, 2010, 10:53:10 AM »
In Flood today some annoying guy called BRadFeLLah kept threatening to perma ban ppl and shit. This is part of the convo I LUL'ed:

*DEAD* BRadFeLLah: jump now or perm ban
Profile Saved!
*DEAD* sabbathfreak911: brad stfu k
*DEAD* sabbathfreak911: youre nto admin
*DEAD* sabbathfreak911: youre an idiot
*DEAD* sabbathfreak911: stfu
*DEAD* BRadFeLLah: u want to bet

*DEAD* Z-man: nice tower crazy
*DEAD* sabbathfreak911: yup
CRÀZY!^^: not really nice
CRÀZY!^^: good guns
*DEAD* sabbathfreak911: perma me
sabbathfreak911: well brad
BRadFeLLah: how much 1 million pounds because im rich and if u wanna take it furher i have a good loyer ok
sabbathfreak911: im waiting
sabbathfreak911: LOL!!!!"

Boneyard / WTF HAX??
« on: January 02, 2010, 03:51:21 PM »
Omfg I know it's not hacking or anything I just said it for teh lulz, but when I just kicked this "bat(something)" guy for prop pushing, killing, and attempted trapping (he tried trapping me in the warehouse at build LOL), it kicks ME instead. I typed votekick bat and I get kicked? WTF? I voted yes too and so did everyone else because we didn't realize the kick was on me not the minge. Wtf just happened?

Boneyard / WTF HAX?
« on: December 31, 2009, 12:30:37 PM »
Not actually hax, but in WireBuild some douchebag was covering everyone in holos while he killed everyone with some flying minge contraption... When we kicked some guy cause he was the only one notcomplaining about everything the server crashed... :( We nedz hewlp.

Help/Requests / HLSS (Half Life Sound Selector)
« on: December 30, 2009, 08:52:56 PM »
So I downloaded HLSS to play in game because I'm tired of listening to all these crappy dance mixes and shit but I need help with getting it to work. I have some wav files and everything's set up right I think but I need to figure out how to actually play it. Could someone please help me out here?

« on: December 26, 2009, 04:04:16 PM »
I'm tired of all this damn spam! EVERY time I get on there's like 3 pages in my "Show unread posts since last visit" of COMEPLETE SPAM! It's seriously ANNOYING. STOP. Meaning you Commander...

And you Banan...


Boneyard / GameHacker
« on: December 25, 2009, 04:32:54 PM »
This guy named game hacker on ZS kept glitching the door on a map so zombies couldn't get in. I don't have any proof, Steam ID or any whitnesses :(. They were all newish peolpe to the server. When i kicked the guy for glitching my Gmod crashed... IDK if the whole server crashed.

Help/Requests / Servers down :(
« on: December 24, 2009, 03:18:06 PM »
Either the servers are down still or I've been banned :'(.

Community Admin Apps / Sabbath`s Admin App.
« on: December 23, 2009, 01:46:42 PM »
You just got Rick Roll'd Gmod Style

Sry, had to put something as a sig. :).

Couldn`t do an original RickRoll, BH already did so this is all I could come up with.

P.S Any admin remove this if you wish to.

Boneyard / Hacker On RND Servers
« on: December 07, 2009, 04:21:28 PM »
There is this hacker on the RND servers called fRost. I've only seen him on Flood and fairly recently he threatened to give me a virus after I votekicked him for prop pushing. He said some fail exit line about my computer getting hacked, then shortly later I get a virus warning from my security system. It SAYS it's resolved but I have no idea about any of this type of stuff and anti virus software can tend to be unreliable. I'm just saying, it hasn't been bothering me too much, just get a virus warning sometimes, and sometimes it makes me randomly join another server in a quite inconvenient time. Like when I make a large boat on a Flood server... then I might sometimes randomly join a different game. I haven't been having problems with it recently, but be careful. This "fRost" guy is a minge, I remember him from about a month or so ago minging and shooting oat he's on, prop pushing, etc lol. Just be careful.

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