Approved Respected Apps / Respected request :D make me respected nao! ^_^
« on: October 17, 2009, 06:21:32 PM »
Hey I would like to become respected
I enjoy playing the random server, thumbs up
I have also requested to be respected awhile ago but twas ignored. :'(
So i have to bug admins ay? should be fun ^_^
Name: Roberto
Gamer Name: Roby Rulz
Account name: rteakle@optusnet.com.au
Age: 15
Country: Australia
Server: Flood Server
Reasons: I have been playing on the flood server for awhile now, probably for about 3 weeks, and I REALLY REALLY ENJOY playing on this flood server. I don't play every day, but I play approximately 20 hours a week, depending on my schedule (homework, assignments etc). Unlike other flood servers, this is actually a decent one. Also, I see lots of minging that goes unnoticed which pisses me off, so I would like to become respected and join your group so I can make a difference and get rid of these mingers.
Oh yeah, if u need my steam id, then here it is
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:413842
make me respected nao plox! (lol plox)
I enjoy playing the random server, thumbs up

So i have to bug admins ay? should be fun ^_^
Name: Roberto
Gamer Name: Roby Rulz
Account name: rteakle@optusnet.com.au
Age: 15
Country: Australia
Server: Flood Server
Reasons: I have been playing on the flood server for awhile now, probably for about 3 weeks, and I REALLY REALLY ENJOY playing on this flood server. I don't play every day, but I play approximately 20 hours a week, depending on my schedule (homework, assignments etc). Unlike other flood servers, this is actually a decent one. Also, I see lots of minging that goes unnoticed which pisses me off, so I would like to become respected and join your group so I can make a difference and get rid of these mingers.
Oh yeah, if u need my steam id, then here it is
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:413842

make me respected nao plox! (lol plox)