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Messages - Xexxar

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« on: March 20, 2010, 01:39:38 PM »
Pathetic. No one like you yomo. Making admins mad isnt the best way to go. Tick me off instead.

Gathering IP Information:...3..2..1..
Error:... Xexxar_is_lazy
Runcommand: Retry
Error:... Xexxar_could_though...

Community Admin Apps / Re: ReDone Xexxar Admin Application
« on: March 20, 2010, 01:30:57 PM »
Uhh...  :D

But liek, Tomcat. All I do is take server unban everyone on that server play on there and ddos the server and destroy the Database. Thats not that much...  ;)

Community Admin Apps / Re: Kräsher's Admin Application.
« on: March 20, 2010, 01:28:03 PM »
Krasher Would Destroy Rnd and is completely worthless and should defiantly never be made admin.

LOL JK he is ok. How I still think that I am better. But yes +1
=P I will win Krasher... Or we tie.

Community Admin Apps / Re: ReDone Xexxar Admin Application
« on: March 20, 2010, 12:50:04 PM »
I have been playing rnd for 7 months, respected for 6. And Bump!

Community Admin Apps / Re: yomogimochi's Admin application
« on: March 07, 2010, 08:26:19 AM »
I dont even know you. So... I had to put 0 but I hit -1 on accident.  :'(

Community Admin Apps / Re: ReDone Xexxar Admin Application
« on: March 07, 2010, 08:21:43 AM »
Is there any chance that I am going to have 3 people knocking on my door asking to love me, 2 are guys and 1 is a girl. Cause like... Tiger Guy, you may not have my body. Frank, I think your just high so....
And deviant, M O L E S T M E N T

Artwork/Graphics / Re: The New Forum Signature Board
« on: March 06, 2010, 06:52:25 PM »

Artwork/Graphics / Re: The New Forum Signature Board
« on: March 05, 2010, 10:25:46 PM »

Make it into a background for me. Have the words Xexxar along the space activity area. Like in black and dark blue.
Size i s 600X400

Make the size like 26
And make the font something that looks like space.

I believe that this would be a good idea.

For me on ZS, I would love the authority of slaying people ^.^ (No jk)

To me the idea is good because of the time long ago....

I was playing on zombie survival. It was a monday, early morning. Things were running slow. I sat down on my crappy chair and started up Garrysmod. I had no idea what was about to happen next. I saw randoms zombie server. It had 14 people exactly in it. I thought it would be fun to play on. Boy was I off. I connected to randoms, watching my garrysmod symbol rotate on the screen. I waited as I saw the words "...Sending Client Info..." As my character endured the inicial lagg from connecting, my eardrums were being assualted with the knife of the childs scream.

It was the russians. They launched a children nuke, it landed straight in randoms face.

They were everywhere. I tried to communicate to the demons. I called out for anyone. No answer. I was horrified, all forums of english speaking life were destroyed. I was the only one left. I can remember this one child, making my ears bleed. My headset is still stained with the bloodshed of this day. I attempted a voteban, to no use. The russians banded together creating an unbannable shield. I screemed out over global begging for backup. I was on my own to fight this battle. I used props to bash there heads. I tried to prop kill them with a chair, but the bastard shot the thing. I was weaponless, I ran out of the server and kept running till I hit america.

The point of this was to explain that being able to instantly kick would prevent things like gangs of annoying children from teaming up and not getting themselves banned.
This is a good Idea

Server Requests/Suggestions / Re: Delete deathmaps
« on: March 05, 2010, 04:49:43 PM »
Summing Up The Entire Thread:

What is so bad about them? Because you die alot?
One: It is a game
Two: It is not real
Three: The users vote for the maps, making it more fair then just a map rotation
Four: We don't need to improve anything about it
Five: Someone spent their time to make a map, you should give respect to sleeper
Six: It's Funny as hell watching little kids fall of the rail and die xD
Seven: And then when they Start rage quiting

We do not and most likely will not delete the deathmaps or change anything about voting.
Silly fish.

I hate it so much when retards purposely push eachother off. The problem is if even one person survives on deathlab. And they make it to the secret room. It will take 30 minutes for the game to end if he survives. No one wants to wait doing nothing on a zs server when a gay human is just staying in an unreachable, unrealalistic place.

This is zombie survival people, not DeathRun.
We want to survive, not dogde lasers and falling pillars.

Server Requests/Suggestions / Re: Delete deathmaps
« on: March 05, 2010, 04:45:36 PM »
Listen to me.

General Maps are
zm_4ngry_quarantine (REMOVE THIS MAP I HATE IT SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

I am not trying to pick favorites but I love fort.

I have talked with Ruban complaining that the system needs to be fixed so that you cant vote for the same map everyother time.

Like this:

Instead you could make it take 4 maps until you could repeat it
So, like:

This would be very handy when playing zs so we dont repeat maps over and over and over. When I play on ZS, I usually control a third of the voting power. Sometimes even three quarters of the server votes for the map I suggest.

However, if I do not say a map we should do, 75% of the time we end up to deathlab.

Consider doing this, it would help out A TON!!!

Community Admin Apps / Re: ReDone Xexxar Admin Application
« on: March 05, 2010, 04:30:47 PM »
Posting is fun!  ;D
Anyway, vote yes people! Not no!

Community Admin Apps / Re: ReDone Xexxar Admin Application
« on: March 03, 2010, 06:05:08 PM »

Community Admin Apps / Re: ReDone Xexxar Admin Application
« on: March 03, 2010, 04:10:06 PM »
woah. You know if I got +7 and you said -1 and there are no no's how does that work?

Sides Im an angel  :angel:

Community Admin Apps / ReDone Xexxar Admin Application
« on: March 03, 2010, 04:01:42 PM »
Hello, Its Xexxar again making another more recent admin application.

Name: Alex
Age: 6 (lol 15)
Steam name: Xexxar
Steam ID: Lazy, I'll get it later.
Location: Dat place in amerika
Education: Smart
Coding Knowledge: A lot of lua and some mapping.
Average Online Time per 2 Weeks: 119 Hours.
Playing Time on RND: I have been on RND since August (8 months.) Registered October 1st.
Administration Experience: I have been admin on my friends sandbox and a few other places.

Why I would like administrational responsiblilities:
I want to be admin to help RND. I have been noticing a lot of hackers on ZS, and general mingy players. (People that try to prop kill and cade break, a nusience to ZS players) Also people are generally being more disruptive of flood and sled build. If you know me you know that I play alot. I already tend to help out people when problems occur on other servers. However I dont enjoy leaving when im on a kill streak or human. With administration I could simply redeem myself after I helped the other server.

Want I want to change for the better of RND:
I do not want to keep the way respected is earned currently. Respected means respected. Not someone who takes time to type a little about themselves.
I think that the map changer on zs needs to be changed to only be able to do the same map after 4 times.
I want to make it so people who are worthy of things get them. People like sanders have been playing for a year. I think that there should be a spot between respected and admin. You could call it Moderator. The person is allowed to kick and slay players.
I also want to change the way flood works. The constant messages complaining of afks riding on boats when everyone is dead is annoying me. We could make a team script. Like team red, team blue, team yellow. Etc...
Wire is wire so liek...
Roleplay is vitually empty... My idea is so take the slots from that and use them to create an scars game. You could have races on gm_speedway_v2 and contests and all that fun.

I want to help RND for the better. Consider adding me to help you.

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