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Topics - ƒąĢĢǿŧ™

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Funny Stuffz / Funny kid when i play flood.
« on: April 08, 2010, 10:04:33 AM »
i was playing flood and this kid who thinks that he can call an admin in and like showing off.
Ok, and this is what happen in the chat logs.

Code: [Select]
Predator 6400: how can you sell your props ina matcs
[BS] Xieneus: You cant do that
[BS] Xieneus: Thats illegal
[BS] Xieneus: Salan. I can get the admins on
.:RND'=CommanderEddy |AHN|: no who said that
.:RND'=CommanderEddy |AHN|: are u even respected ?
[BS] Xieneus: Da
[BS] Xieneus: Your not
.:RND'=CommanderEddy |AHN|: ok get the admins NOW
.:RnD:.XlmarinelX^.^'s props have been cleaned up
[BS] Xieneus: With pleasure
.:RND'=CommanderEddy |AHN|: ok
.:RND'=CommanderEddy |AHN|: i am waiting
Profile saved!
[BS] Xieneus: Summoned
.:RND'=CommanderEddy |AHN|: *waiting....
.:RND'=CommanderEddy |AHN|: looks like you lied
.:RND'=CommanderEddy |AHN|: i am going to post this on the forums
.:RND'=CommanderEddy |AHN|: lol
[BS] Xieneus: why lol
[BS] Xieneus: Someone is prop rocketing into space XD
[BS] Xieneus: thats illegal
Then i asked him who is the owner of RND.
Code: [Select]
:RND'=CommanderEddy |AHN|: Xienus tell me the owner of RND
Profile saved!
[BS] Xieneus: Wait what
[BS] Xieneus: Im confused
.:RND'=CommanderEddy |AHN|: Owner of RND
.:RND`=- xXMarjuiceXx sad: who created it
[BS] Xieneus: I thought your someone else
[BS] Xieneus: or are you jsut blending your name again
.:RND'=CommanderEddy |AHN|: c'mon don't waste my time
[SolidVote] Type votekick <player>, or voteban <player> to initiate a vote kick or ban.
Player DoeniDon [BWEN] has joined the game
[BS] Xieneus: fuck

Artwork/Graphics / Let's start CnC our artwork !
« on: April 04, 2010, 06:18:05 AM »
CnC stands for Comments and Critiques(Criticism).

What is CnC
When someone made a sig or some other artwork, you would want to CnC because it is like a feedback. Try to say it in a nice way, so don’t be too hard on the one who is posting his artwork. If you are going to be too hard, the designer may feel bad about his/her work, and that's not what we want with giving CnC! And when you give CnC, try to explain you critiques please, that way they know what they did wrong. So if you give CnC it has to be constructive CnC, that way the designer can improve. If you think the artwork is perfect, then mention that^^.

A few good examples of CnC

Think is too bright on the left side of the face which kinda made it blurred and I think in some places is over sharpened but don't take it too seriously since I'm still newbie and I could say things that's wrong
Umm the render is choppy and the Yellow Light Spot on near the face looks bad bro, the white light source could be added behind the Christmas Bag lol.

WTF Lol that guy in the sig has 3 hands? and can you actually show the render?

The thing on the Lower Left bothers me. lol

Looks great bro but the Focal is Bright and over-contrasted,
cannot really say something... and you could better add a White Text somewhere in the dark/Black Areas there.

Interesting grunge effects/bg.

Try bring more colours into it, keep the render's colour more visible.
Remove the borders for now. The white border kinda distracts one's eye when looking at your piece.
Work on your composition, stick with the rules of thirds.

These are examples of good CnC because they explain why they (dis)like the artwork. This way the designer can improve his skills.

A few examples of bad CnC

Looks really great.
nice sig

i like your sig.

These are a few examples of bad CnC because they don’t say why they think the artwork is good/bad. This way the designer doesn’t know how to improve. Sorry to the people that posted those comments, but it doesn't really help the designer with improving. I know that it's nice to hear that somebody likes your sig, but it's even better if someone explains you why they like that sig^^.

Maybe we follow these guidelines? these don't HAVE to be used, but I think it's better, that way you can comment on everything

Feelings for the artwork:


Thanks For Reading
Sticky Please :)

Games / Post your Halo:Reach Character !
« on: April 02, 2010, 09:01:29 PM »

General Chat / Coincidence ? I don't think so.
« on: March 27, 2010, 04:31:49 AM »

Sry guys i'll edit this thread later.

Funny Stuffz / EPIC WIN TIME !
« on: March 18, 2010, 06:40:04 AM »

I was watching some Pingaz(i think i am not allowed to say adults stuff :P). Sorry i have to cover them.LOL
Ok if u dun understand, the time is 1:23. You will guys think its not big deal, yes u are right.

« on: March 06, 2010, 07:49:54 PM »
Game Show Fail

If u dont get it that means ur a kid or u are a female.
Nah jk.

.[spoiler=What it means]The Banana jacking off[/spoiler]

« on: March 06, 2010, 01:45:51 AM »

General Chat / 3D in RND without 3D glasses
« on: March 04, 2010, 07:00:19 AM »
Look here i am 3D
While don't look here

Boneyard / Re: RNDFlood - Resumed
« on: March 04, 2010, 06:16:29 AM »
OK What about this...

Players won't receive money during round or round ends. this will take money rounders down...

They will shot the enemy boat and that will generate a money depending on the prop cost.

Since there will be an (Anti-Pirate tool) that will push people off the boat ONLY if you are the owner.

but the problem will be that ppl can still shot others props and still will be like Killing prop round...

so im thinking about, if the owner of that prop is dead they wont receive money but can kill the props that is a lose of time.

need ur opinions gaiz thx.
yes as u sed it, the prop killing round. Maybe u make it like they wont get money if they shoot their own props.
But i have a question, will our money be back to 100 bux ?

Games / Halo: Reach Multiplayer Beta Gameplay REAL!
« on: March 04, 2010, 04:27:55 AM »

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Server Requests/Suggestions / Banned from ZS ?
« on: February 27, 2010, 05:21:35 AM »
Ok i was just gonna play some ZS and then BAM !They said i am banned.

Games / Wanna play Defcon together ?
« on: February 26, 2010, 10:20:27 PM »
I am bored playing Defcon with AI.
Plzz tell me if u want to play Defcon.

General Chat / Steam fuxed up.
« on: February 24, 2010, 05:35:57 AM »
Ok thanks to Sanders, now my steam is fux'ed up.
I installed the new steam thingy.
Take a look at this.

Community Admin Apps / Cliché (CommanderEddy's admin Thread)
« on: February 16, 2010, 04:30:49 AM »
Please Vote. Thank You
(And please try to make it +1 :P)

Updates to post:

Many Stuff. Also thanks to Krasher for the template.
New stuff, like alot of stuff will be added to this new thread.

Name Info:
CommanderEddy , Lolcatz |AHN|

Steam Username:

Steam ID:
STEAM_0:0:24745811 00:43 275 0 active

Real Name:



Hours on Garry'sMode:
I don't really know but its a long.

15 (going to be 16 on 20th May)

UK, United Kingdom, Great Britian

...Maybe some C++, Lua, Visual Basic. I have my own server and edited some stuff on the Flood gamemode. Not really successful tho.[/size]

What I'm good at:
IDK, maybe...ban, scare, MW2, PSP, Computer Stuff.

Previous Experience:

How long am i on random servers? :P:

Half a year.

[center]Why I want this, and should have this: [/center]
       - Many people on Flood like me.
       - I am VERY easy to get along with
       - Sometimes i don't give warnings if its major stuff. But i usually give warnings to noobs or mingers.
       - I will say hai to noobz.
       - If I am not helping a player, I am Building a boat, not 'mingeing'
       - When I join the flood server people say "OH HAI" (obviously people know and like me)
       - I do kick players that are breaking rules
       - I pretty much have memorized the rules (the ones that are most broken)
       - My average posts on forum per day is 0.3123123213213124923040353
       - With admin, I will only try to improve gaming experience on the servers
       - I am in Gmod Daily, if not hourly xP     
       - I know basic admin things
       - I have a very nice admin application
       - Many other things too :P
       -Last but not least, I WANT TO KICK SOME RUS ASS. Nah jk. But seriously.

(WAT !)

Random Shizz:

OWNAGE ON MW2, and i make sigs when i am bored.

When You Might See Me In Gmod:

Flood...Maybe now u will see me on TTT.

Thanks for the template Krasher.

General Chat / I AM BACK ! ! ! I missed a lot of stuff :/
« on: February 12, 2010, 02:12:33 AM »
I am banned for a week(7 days) for some reason.
PM me and i will tell you all about it.
Also, what is going on ?

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