Hi everyone, the name's Companion Cube.
I bet most of you have seen me on most if not all of RND's servers.
I really have a connection to these servers mainly because i found these servers back when i was a cracked steam user

I don't have a problem with other servers, but i just love these servers and they're frequenters so much xD
Moving on, you can mainly find me on the ZS server either almost owning as a human, or just having fun.
I also like the wire build server because i get to test a lot of your guys's contraptions

I'm not very well versed in wire or e2 but I'm willing to learn and i can make simple things like turrets and cars with wire. I've made an evil companion cube and other things

About me:
Name: ({ZsP} occasionally) Companion Cube
Real name: Milt
Friends: A lot of people on RND's servers

Contraptions: super turret, evil cube, car, hover car, spazzy car and plane, and an attempt to break source's speed limit xD
Age:13 and i only type

Times I'm on: usually around 8PM to 10PM east coast time, you can find me on the ZS server most of the time.
Your choice to make me respected or not