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Messages - MasteRyu

Pages: 1 ... 24 [25] 26 ... 35
RANDOM Deutsch - Diskussion / Re: Katze is mein apfel
« on: February 18, 2010, 09:02:15 AM »
lol was für ein zufall  xD

rANdOm = zUFaLl

RANDOM Deutsch - Diskussion / Re: Willkommen - Welcome
« on: February 18, 2010, 09:01:04 AM »
ja  :laugh:
warum bist du nicht online? du bist zwar hier online aber auf steam nicht  :(

ich geh immer auf mein laptop, dort hab ich kein steam

Official Server Projects / Re: Gm_Ultimatum_Rnd
« on: February 18, 2010, 06:51:35 AM »
i use the ep2 engine

its stil not done yet,

changelogz0rz xD:
changed the tiny flatgrass area to a forest :3
a little welcome to the map(message on-screen"Welcome to .:~`=-rANdOm-=`~:." when you spawn :D
easter egg voice on map spawnz0rz,
made new snow area,
made the area seperate, eg: u cant see the other area from one area,
removed the train :o
snow fall on snow area
rainfall in forest
enviromental noises in forest
moar trees/different trees at spawnzorz
hdr skybox
adding more teleports

i noticed that i also use ep 2 engine nvm...

Games / RND-CITY (Updated Weekly)
« on: February 18, 2010, 04:23:34 AM »

This game is about to increase the population of the town by visiting the site.

the more visitors we get the more population we have and well uhm... just visit it!

You can also Increase the security etc. so we wont have a high crime rate and else

here are the links:

Increase Population: = UNLOCKED

Increase Industry: = UNLOCKED

Increase Transport: = UNLOCKED

Increase security: = LOCKED

Increase environment: = LOCKED

Increase business: = LOCKED

Current Population:


Current Unemployment:


Current Transport:


Current Crimerate:


Current Pollution:


:D = AWSUMWTF Status

:) = Good Status

:l = Locked Status

:I = Normal Status

:( = Bad Status

D: =OMFG Status

Official Server Projects / Re: Gm_Ultimatum_Rnd
« on: February 18, 2010, 03:49:54 AM »
i use the orange-box as the engine and half life 2 ep2 as the game. ;)


he means the people who make the map

we use the standard hl2 ep1 engine for sdk

sie sind aus Schweiz
sie brauchen Übersetzer...


in schweiz spricht man auch deutsch... oder muss

General Chat / Re: Virtually ban someone above you
« on: February 16, 2010, 01:28:51 AM »
perma banned.

reason: being bacon

Gescheites Deutsch.exe funktioniert nicht mehr

-> Besser deutsch lernen

-> zur Hölle Fahren

-> Niemals deutsch lernen und blablbabla

Errorcode: KeineAhnungwasdasbedeutet

Boneyard / Re: THIS STOPS NOW.
« on: February 15, 2010, 09:33:41 AM »
hmmmm..... ya thats what i call failminge

RANDOM Deutsch - Diskussion / Re: Katze is mein apfel
« on: February 15, 2010, 09:25:20 AM »
und allandu is fag

RANDOM Deutsch - Diskussion / Re: Willkommen - Welcome
« on: February 15, 2010, 09:24:26 AM »
sirene-tür klopfen-haftbefehl-click-verhaften-ins Gefängnis-fertig  :D

oha es kommt ja auch einfach so ne sirene aus dem nichts ohne polizeiwagen... nur sirene lolololol

Funny Stuffz / Re: Hold the x button for as long as you cant breath
« on: February 15, 2010, 09:22:34 AM »
Win Combination = Ctrl + V

Games / Re: Mass Effect 2
« on: February 15, 2010, 09:18:57 AM »
I dun like urz ryu but it lookz niec xD a bit too much... shepard?
commander urs sux...

lol thats because the game is about shepard xD

Boneyard / Re: ADD Respected and admin requirements
« on: February 15, 2010, 09:12:53 AM »
just wipe the respected member database and make a new one

Pages: 1 ... 24 [25] 26 ... 35