« on: November 14, 2009, 07:02:49 PM »
Name: Emil (Email) (The Swede!!)
SteamID: STEAM_0:0:24163693
Age: 16
Birthday: 07/08/93
Ingame Name: .:RND`=- Email
Location: Pittsburgh, PA, USA
Time Active: From 5:00 PM to 10:00 PM more on weekends
Admin Experience: GMod, Counter Strike: Source.
Friends: Minic, Peetah, Dark, XTastic, CommanderEddy, Magic, Tiger Guy, Hito, SabbathFreak, and Coolzeldad!!
Education: 10th grade, database programming, robotics programming (mainly NXT and VEX), digital imaging
Skillz: C#, HTML , Photoshop, LUA, Hammer, Google Sketchup, Mixcraft 4, Gamemaker, map making.
Builds: Moster Truck, Admin security house, elevators of all levels , facer torpedo minger killer, e2 stuffz, cars, other fun stuffs.
Why i would like to be an ADMIN: I have intermediate skills in server hosting, I'm neutral in everything which makes me a good judge, I'm EXTREMELY HELPFUL, I'm very fair and nice to everyone. I have an epic good desktop so if I'm lagging say: "Screw you ComCast". I have a decent laptop that I'm using to try making a server on and I have succeed after 6hours of work. Its not online but I'm thinking about contribute it for Random's usage (US east). I talk fluently English and Swedish, and I have helped some Swedes in need on your servers.
I love listening to techno!!