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Messages - Butcher1993

Pages: 1 ... 20 [21]
I know... stupid texture application was being stupid today. Ill fix that in Version 2. I also had to raise the water like an inch above the ground, because of a water texture problem. I added link on bottom. I gave the VMT and BSP to Mimic. Ill be on the temp server.

Hardest map I've ever made. Please add it, I worked really hard on it. It features:

1. Glitch Protection. I added a teleporter zone right under the map, it teleports you back up to spawn if you go through the floor.
2. Boat Protection (X4) I have 4 shops, with closable glass doors, opening roofs, for building your boats. Tired of narblets gravity gunning\getting on your boat while your building it? No more!! The doors and top automatically close when the water is fully risen. They do not automatically open, because the minges could get on top and get in. Open them yourself. Button on the right is top, left is glass door.
3. A place to test your boat, of course.
4. A lot of flat space to build that big ass boat of yours!!
5. And much, much more!!

Pictures are below. Its a lot of pictures, I know, but it shows all the map. Please consider putting my map into the server!! I can upload the vmt file if the administrators want to look at it, to make sure there is no secret weapons\places.

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Approved Respected Apps / waaaazup!!!
« on: August 20, 2009, 01:54:30 PM »
Whats up!! My name is Butcher, real name is John. Been playing source games for around 4 years. I can program batch, a little bit of visual basic, I can memory edit, create trainers, etc. I don't cheat though. I can create maps with Hammer, make binds, etc. My Steam ID is butcher1018728. My website is I don't maintain it anymore, its an old one but the most visited one. Made for Halo Trial.

I like Mexican food. I live in Las Vegas, really lol, and have ultra fast internet, 2.5Ghz Quad Core, 4GB memory, 9800GT video card, and a crappy harddrive. Thats about it!!

Oh yeah, can I be respected? Whatever that is lol. I only play Flood Server, but its down right now, so I am ulllltrraaa bored.

Forum/Website Suggestions / chatbox
« on: August 20, 2009, 01:46:23 PM »
we need a chatbox =p

Help/Requests / server down?
« on: August 20, 2009, 01:18:23 PM »
is it down? August 20, 1:18PM

General Chat / Re: Hello!! And a new map.
« on: August 20, 2009, 09:19:14 AM »
thanks!! I knew I had to put water as water, because i decompiled atlantas and looked to see what they put. That helps me alot, because i was gunna set up flood mod server just to test it lol. Thanks!

General Chat / Hello!! And a new map.
« on: August 18, 2009, 08:50:48 PM »
Hi! I just found the forums links, I play in the Flood Mod server, and the Sled Server. Mostly the FLood Server. My name in game is Butcher. I just wanted to introduce myself. I am new to Garry's Mod, but have been playing Source games for about 4 years. I have a suggestion. Instead of the map fishtank, I am currently making a flood map. It will be glitch proof, fixed spawn points, (no more "HIT ME PLEASE lol)

All I need to know is, how do I tie the build time, and then fight time? Do I just time it to how long the build time is, plus 10 seconds, and then the water rises?

Any suggestions, post here!!

I hope to be a part of this forum\server for a while. I was looking for a new game to mod, and I found one!!

Edit: Of course, only if the administrator allows me to build this map!!

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