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Messages - Xrain

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Boneyard / Re: Anony Mouse's prop pushing
« on: April 15, 2010, 09:20:42 PM »
one wat i said is not off topic im giving advice kinda and if u think this community need work maby u should do it the are more than 900 community so it would umm VERY hard to work on the community so u should stfu you bastard

Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?

Boneyard / Re: Anony Mouse's prop pushing
« on: April 12, 2010, 12:28:53 PM »
Its always perma-banning with you guys... I swear every time i go in the servers its just a constant stream of requests for me to perma-ban people for every slight affront they have received throughout the course of the week.

You know, last time i checked, people didn't get sent to prison for hitting someone in the back of the head with a rubber band.

The times I ever had to permanently ban someone, I can count on one hand.

For me at least i feel the punishment should fit the crime...
For example:

A Kick/jail/explode/20deaths etc.: Someone is being an ass, prop pushing, spamming, etc. for the first or second time
1 Hour ban: Person immediately rejoins the server and continues action.
1 day - 1 week ban: I notice someone has been causing major problems numerous times

I find most of the time, all i have to do is kick someone, and that usually is enough to send them a clear enough message and then they stop. It's only in very few cases that i have to actually resort to banning someone.

The only things i ever perma ban for, is DDOS'ing someone, hacking, or is evading bans.

Something that does irritate me to no end, is when a respected user decided I'm just an idiot and don't know what I'm doing, and am obviously going to let this horrid violator get away with what ever that are doing. So they take it upon them selves to vote-ban someone, and 99% of the time, they do it right in the middle of me attempting to kick/ban them.

I tend to revoke people's respected when they do that to me.

Why is this irritating to me? Well, I have an entire arsenal of things I can do to someone to punish them without resorting to banning them.

Approved Respected Apps / Re: It's godlike123123123 from garry's mod
« on: April 12, 2010, 12:05:15 PM »
Why this thread was allowed to descend in the depth of hell that it did is a mystery to me...

So roman8880, on to your application, it a little bit light on the content aspect, but since English most likely isn't your native language its good enough.

As for the rest of you, i believe this is the section where people introduce themselves, not the section where two monkeys fling crap at each other. So if you wish to do that, there is actually a section on this forum specifically for that task!  :o I believe it is called the Complaints section, or the Grave Yard, so feel free to troll each other there, and not in someone's respected app.

And hkill, considering in nearly every single app you tell them they need more content, I think it would be safe to assume that we get the point by now. So, if your only reply to someone is that "you don't have enough stuff in the app" maybe try being more original and saying something along the line of, "Oh, hey welcome to Rnd, Romania eh? i have a few cousins there, nice place, nice place... well good luck on your app!"

Got a problem? feel free to use the complaints forum, its what it was designed for.

General Chat / Re: 1 year in RND
« on: April 02, 2010, 04:35:56 PM »
Lets see I suppose... it's been somewhere ~4 years for me... so do I get a cookie or something?

So think about that, all you 14 y/o's out there, I started playing in random servers when you were 10 years old... 

General Chat / Re: my rage about my school's principle
« on: April 02, 2010, 05:55:14 AM »
Well, up here at least it's district policy that if you are failing a class you are not allowed to do any sports period, until the next grade check rolls along... So the response really isn't that unwarranted, since I don't remember ever seeing in the constitution the right to participate in sports (could be a good thing to include). But your principle is definitely suffering from a bit of a power trip, and could have handled that in a million better ways.

As far as your french class goes, It's literally all in your head, I understand the problem of not finding motivation to do a class, for college you have prerequisite classes required for all degrees, which forces me to have to take classes like library science, and anthropology... Not exactly very relevant to engineering degrees.

I did the 110 high hurtles, 300 hurtles, and the 4x100, and 4x200 relays in high school, and believe it or not, school work is just like sports, the more you practice at it the better you get.

You can't learn a language by just "doing" the work, just as you cant complete a hurdle race by "only" running, the first hurdle you come up to will just break your kneecaps, and you will face-plant into the track.

The key to learning a language is learning how to think in it, you should look at a pen, and think "un stylo", not look at a pen and go "hmm a pen... whats a pen in french? oh thats right un stylo"

Its not as hard as you might think, for example, when you look at your principle when you see him in the hall you prolly think "asshat" or something along those lines, you don't sit there and think "Hmm Mr.<w/e his name is> what do I call him again? oh that's right jerkface!"

So look you can already do it, and didn't even know it! Amazazing!

Yes I know there is more to french than just memorizing names for things, there are all the male/female word rules, and all that stuff, but if toddlers in France can do it, I'm sure Mr."a book every two days" can do it too if he puts his mind to it. Besides, English is a hundred times more complex than any other language out there, so quit whining and get to work!  ;D

Spike from cowboy bebop

Lol, it was the middle of the night and I couldn't be bothered to look for the lock button.  :P

With great power comes great responsibility, if thee hath abusith thyn given power, thy shall be smited with a great force of 9000 explosions.

Otherwise, welcome and thank you for posting, but it might be a wise decision to expand upon your application, read the format shown at the top of the forums, and try to model your application on it, but for now I suppose this will be acceptable!

Good luck!

General Chat / Re: VIR (Very Important Respected)
« on: March 27, 2010, 02:44:31 AM »
Id be game for VLR (Very Lame Respected)  ;D

Boneyard / Re: How to catch Name Changers.
« on: March 04, 2010, 09:55:53 PM »
what about for super admins and the owner?

In game, it remains the same.

However out of game, Coolz can just add people manually to the ban-list.

Boneyard / Re: How to catch Name Changers.
« on: March 04, 2010, 07:16:12 PM »
They both have shown people how to do things if you don't have admin, here how to do it if you do!


1. Press P

2. Scroll to Ban

3. Select Permanent

4. Select Name

5. Have no lulz because person didn't have time to say something unintelligible

Thus, the guys gone, end of story.

But all kidding aside, thanks krasher, and sanders for the informative guides, although in sanders case, being in plain English could be debated.  ::)

Boneyard / Re: How to catch Name Changers.
« on: March 04, 2010, 03:35:38 PM »
Or a more accurate method:

1. Find a name changer

Jerk: I HAtez JOO
Xrain: Ever floats your boat
Xrain: Oh the humanity

2. Fire up your Quantum Entanglement Analyzation Preamplifier (QEAP)

3. Make sure the Quantum Proxy humidifier is full

4. Use the QEAP to measure the quantizative normalizations between you and the suspected name changer

5. Fire up your Hyperbolic Mass Accelerator (HMA).

6. Once Positive Quantizative Normalization has been verified, use the pythagrian theorm, using the number from the QEAP as A, and the speed of light (c) as b.

7. Input the resultant C into the Hyperbolic Mass Accelerator normalizer.

8. Once the HMA cycles, open the Quantum Reactant Chamber and take out the slice of toast that appeared.

9. Add the slice of toast to your library of other suspected name changers.

- Problem dealt with!-

Community News & Announcements / Re: "More Admins" Petition
« on: February 24, 2010, 03:58:28 PM »
I feel like I'm being forgotten again...  ::)

Server Requests/Suggestions / Re: Admins on flood servers
« on: February 24, 2010, 12:35:19 PM »
The main problem is, that flood doesn't support a long term game play experience. So basically it gets boring really fast, and that makes it tough to keep regular admins on the server. So an admin might start out on the server every day, but eventually it gets too boring and repetitive, so the admin moves on. The only way I could see keeping regular admins on the server, would to add a new admin every few weeks or so, and that would not be a good solution.

The game-play faults also goes along way to explain the high minge amounts, most people start off just fine, and play the game how it should be played, but after a while they run into a wall where there are really no new experiences to be had, but they spent so much time into it they really don't want to leave so they find other ways to entertain themselves and this usually leads to breaking rules.

The other issue that takes place, is the high entry requirements of the game, when you start out, you only have a crappy pistol. But almost everyone else has rocket launchers and the like. And since you have a limited amounts of funds you cant build a very strong boat leading to it being killed almost immediately.

The third issue, is how the reward system works. Only the people who win the round gain money. There is no way for a person who is broke to gain any cash, other than to jump onto other people's boats leading to the problem of piracy. People often complain about money rounds, I know I do, but there is a good reason why it has popped up. That's because it's the players way of attempting to correct a game fault, it just happens that this method takes a long time and is very boring.

I could continue all day long on other faults of the game mode, but I think I outlined a few of the less talked about ones.

Flood is a game that is at a in-house beta, or alpha level of finish. It's not so much as its buggy, more like its just the base start of a game and no content or balancing has been added to it.

It has a lot of potential, but in it's current form it is very incomplete. So it really shouldn't be run full time on a server, not at least until some more effort has been put into its development.

Boneyard / Re: THIS HAS TO STOP NOW !!!!
« on: February 22, 2010, 02:01:35 AM »


Why do people always think this is the most horrible threat imaginable?


Even if an admin was there to ban him, it wouldn't have changed much other than it would have taken less time to re-ban him. There is only so much you can do. We could release a script that could ban by mac address, but this would only prevent someone from rejoining for a little while. Until they finally figured out that we were banning them by that means.

In the end the only way to prevent someone from rejoining semi-permanently, would be to go to his house, cut off his hands, and set fire to his computer, even then if he really wanted to he could still just have someone else log in, in his stead.

So instead of always complaining about how people can circumvent the banning system, just be patient, and keep re-banning him and eventually he will get tired and stop attempting to join again.

People make it sound like it's their right to play on these servers, that if something is amiss it is violating some sort of sacred constitution.

But it is certainly not the case, Coolz provides these servers for the benefit of all of you, for free, using a considerable amount of his free time in the process. He does his best, which is considerably better than just about any other server operator that I know of.

So if things in Random are so horrible for you, that you could simply not find any enjoyment in the game, then by all means leave, because if that's the case then Garry's mod is no longer fulfilling its purpose in providing entertainment for you, so go find a hobby or something that brings joy to your self.

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