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Messages - cable330

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Community Admin Apps / Re: Cable330's Admin App
« on: September 20, 2009, 12:09:53 AM »
You should probably have a neutral option, like a "cable is teh cool guy but he not be admin".

Hmm... yeah i never thought of that. but i dont think i can change it now

Community Admin Apps / Cable330's Admin App
« on: September 20, 2009, 12:02:45 AM »
Name: Caleb Argetsinger

Age: OVER 9000!

SteamID: Idk what the #'s are so for now its cable330

Birthday: 8/3/97

Ingame Name: .:~RND`=- Cable330

Location: Whitehall, Michigan

Education: Jr high, 8th grade

Skills: Source SDK Hammer, and adv skills with HTML. I make videos.

Builds: Gmod builds - Eh, not much. Hammer Builds - Quite a few maps. Pretty good.

I want to become an admin because the servers don't have enough active admins. I'm on quite a lot so i'd be a very active admin. Only kick or ban if very necessary. Never play around with the admin commands, Some players might not like it.

Im a fair player. I play the servers a lot. I like zombie survival and TTT is good sometimes. I like to help people out, Im currently respected and I dont abuse my powers, And i like to have fun.

Admin List and Introductions. / Re: Tomcat's Admin App
« on: September 19, 2009, 11:46:10 PM »
+1 from cable330 :D

Help/Requests / Re: Why am i no longer respected?
« on: September 19, 2009, 11:26:38 PM »
well when u bash my friends im going to be offensive and also age has alot to do with this u make up  a whole bunch of fucking bull shit to taddletale on and then u go omg omg mommy mommy hes doing this hes doing this give him a slap on the wrist gtfo? there shouldnt be a guide line hes allrdy following one  faggot if some 1 needs help he helps them and the reason he had godmode on was to HELP PPL so he didnt die FAGGOT so GTFO  U FUCKN LITTLE IMMATURE KID <=== raging
I didn't taddle. I just simply wanted my respect back. And the funny thing is, I have it back. In fact i have had it back for 2 days. And i didn't try to get all of these people involved ok. So just calm down

Help/Requests / Re: Why am i no longer respected?
« on: September 19, 2009, 11:19:46 PM »
GO FUCK OFF YOU LITTLE BITCH? hahaha u stupid porch monkey dude u were whining enough that u had to make 3-4 posts about sleeper abusing admin and Tadram99 and respected taken away u whine so much that it makes me cringe at the thought about it and suck my dick dry bitch? doesnt make since u fuck face hypocrite so stfu and go drop your balls first your 10 years too young to talk shit to me fuckn nigger
My age has nothing to do about this! I am very aware that im young. That has nothing to do with this topic. All you want to do is argue. So just forget about this whole thing OR take your immature insults else where

Help/Requests / Re: Why am i no longer respected?
« on: September 19, 2009, 11:06:49 PM »
for little faggots like cable who think they are doing nothing at all and is in his perfect world where nothing happens but what he wishes to accept u need to stfu and stop bitching like a little porch monkey faggot
you know what? Go fuck off you little bitch. I wasnt whining about any thing i just wanted my fucking respect back! It wasn't me that started this whole fucking argument! Ok so you can just suck my dick dry bitch!

Help/Requests / Re: Votebans not working on people
« on: September 19, 2009, 08:53:29 AM »
No man dont worry. From what i know you should get your respect back after 24 hours from a voteban. What im saying is that when you get votebaned you loose your respect for 24 hours. But im not 100% sure.

Help/Requests / Re: Why am i no longer respected?
« on: September 19, 2009, 08:48:58 AM »
Fine... Lets just stop this fight. So are we good?

Help/Requests / Re: Why am i no longer respected?
« on: September 18, 2009, 09:17:25 PM »
Well first of all i couldn't read any fucking thing because every one was spamming votekick him. Second of all its not my fault that you guys lost the key or what ever the fuck you guys were doing. All i fucking knew was that i was having a simple game of Zombie survival. AND you do abuse your admin privlage. For example: I remember once in zombie survival you were the last human and spawned your self with a para and used it against other players. And if i remember correctly you were also in noclip. I really dont want to get on you bad side but im just giving what i beleive is the truth.

Help/Requests / Re: Why am i no longer respected?
« on: September 18, 2009, 06:19:31 PM »
Ok thanks man  ;)

Help/Requests / Why am i no longer respected?
« on: September 18, 2009, 02:28:58 PM »
Uh hey guys. I was playing on wire construct today and i realized that im no longer respected... Now i have never done anything to abuse it. I have had alot of sh*t happen to me ever sence last night when i was temp. perm banned from zs (BTW im no longer banned) And the only reason i was banned is because i started a votekick on some one with godmode but thats because sleepersoft gave it to him and i had no idea that sleeper gave it to him. So when i kicked him sleeper banned me from the server. (The way i think about it, its a really stupid reason to ban some one) But any way I think thats why i lost my respect. Man this is so bullsh*t! If some one could just give me my respect back please. I had no idea that sleepersoft gave that guy godmode. For all i knew he was hacking. I know im not good at explaining this but please. Just give me my respect back. My steam ID is cable330. Thank you.

Help/Requests / Re: OMG!! PLEASE HELP!!!
« on: September 17, 2009, 06:39:04 PM »
What?  :'(   How can i get proof? I swear. I dont really have any idea how to prove my self... But i swear i would never lie about somthing like this. I guess you could ask cozmic... he was playing when it happend and i talked to him. idk! Sleepersoft was also playing. I tried to pm him but he wont respond.  :'( Man i just want to play again  :'(

Help/Requests / OMG!! PLEASE HELP!!!
« on: September 17, 2009, 06:26:20 PM »
OMG! I was just playing zombie survival and some guy with the steam ID named Tradam99 had some sort of god mode. He was the last human and no one could kill him. He had para's, no clip, (etc) and everyone was spamming votekick him. So i started a kick on him and all of a sudden im banned from the server! This is really p*ssing me off. I have never hacked in my life, I have never abused the privilege of being respected or anything. If some one could please help it would be VERY VERY appreciative.   :'( 

General Chat / Re: AWSOME HACKER BOAT!!
« on: September 11, 2009, 08:42:11 PM »
HAHAHA yeah insuranceguy does f**k mothers XD

Approved Respected Apps / May i be in the Random group on steam?
« on: September 10, 2009, 09:42:57 PM »
Hello, I would like to be in the steam random group. Im already respected i just would like to be in the group...

Steam ID: Cable330
Ingame ID: .:~RND`=- Cable330

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