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Topics - cable330

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General Chat / Whats your heaven?
« on: October 18, 2009, 12:23:56 PM »
Im bored... My heaven would include ice cream and pretty girls. What would yours be? Leave a quote NOW  :o

General Chat / I AM ADDICTED TO L4D!!!
« on: October 11, 2009, 01:08:49 PM »
I am now addicted to l4d and no longer playing gmod. If anyone else plays l4d with garena then tell me your name and ill add you

General Chat / THE CABLE IS BACK BIT*HES!!!!
« on: October 02, 2009, 01:43:53 PM »

General Chat / New movie! 2012 coming in nov.
« on: October 01, 2009, 07:55:50 PM »
I just saw a preview of a new movie named 2012 and it look bada$$!
Feel free to post your thought on this new movie.

General Chat / Is it spam if i reply on allmost every post?
« on: October 01, 2009, 07:36:04 PM »
I was wondering if it was spamming if i replied saying something worth saying on almost every post. Because that what i do. I just like reading stuff on the forum. If you go to any category just look. General chat. Last post: Cable330   

General Chat / My steam account has been hijacked
« on: October 01, 2009, 07:08:07 PM »
Hey guys. My steam account has been hijacked and disabled. I have contacted steam asking them if they could give me my account back. I scanned a CD key from my counter-Strike source game as proof so dont loose hope in teh cablez. TEH CABLEZ SHALL NOT FALL!

« on: September 30, 2009, 12:22:52 PM »
Well my steam account is disabled and i dont think ill be getting it back so... Well if you want to re-add me the watch this video i made for you guys

General Chat / !!!READ!!! COOLZ PLEASE READ!!
« on: September 29, 2009, 06:17:50 PM »
Ok uhm i cant log into my steam account and it says it might be hijacked! I don't know what to do. Should i just make a new one? I wont be respected anymore... would my admin app still count?!?! Aww man! My games were cracked... Idk if that has anything to do with it... What about all my progress on the flood server?!?!  :'( please read!!!  :'(

Help/Requests / Minges on flood server!
« on: September 29, 2009, 06:07:05 PM »
Ok, I love the flood server and i love making some sick boats but when ever i make a boat tons of the noobies pile on to my boat like its a public train! I think it would be very convenient if there was a prop protection type of thing that when ever a player is not on your prop protection list it will force them off or kill them. Please put some thought into this.

Server Requests/Suggestions / Flood Server Prop Healer/Wheels
« on: September 29, 2009, 03:40:51 AM »
Prop Healer

I was playing flood server and i made a pretty nice/large boat (Which i spent all of my money on) And  it survived 2 rounds but after the 2 rounds my boat had about 67 health overall and tried to use the prop healer (Which i have never attempted before) And I noticed that it had been disabled. Why?


Also many people minge with the wheel tool being able to spawn 20 or so wheels because it doesn't cost any money. I think it should cost 1000 dollars to spawn one wheel. I think that would be fair. 

Now i shall be 13.  :)

Community Admin Apps / Cable330's Admin App
« on: September 20, 2009, 12:02:45 AM »
Name: Caleb Argetsinger

Age: OVER 9000!

SteamID: Idk what the #'s are so for now its cable330

Birthday: 8/3/97

Ingame Name: .:~RND`=- Cable330

Location: Whitehall, Michigan

Education: Jr high, 8th grade

Skills: Source SDK Hammer, and adv skills with HTML. I make videos.

Builds: Gmod builds - Eh, not much. Hammer Builds - Quite a few maps. Pretty good.

I want to become an admin because the servers don't have enough active admins. I'm on quite a lot so i'd be a very active admin. Only kick or ban if very necessary. Never play around with the admin commands, Some players might not like it.

Im a fair player. I play the servers a lot. I like zombie survival and TTT is good sometimes. I like to help people out, Im currently respected and I dont abuse my powers, And i like to have fun.

Help/Requests / Why am i no longer respected?
« on: September 18, 2009, 02:28:58 PM »
Uh hey guys. I was playing on wire construct today and i realized that im no longer respected... Now i have never done anything to abuse it. I have had alot of sh*t happen to me ever sence last night when i was temp. perm banned from zs (BTW im no longer banned) And the only reason i was banned is because i started a votekick on some one with godmode but thats because sleepersoft gave it to him and i had no idea that sleeper gave it to him. So when i kicked him sleeper banned me from the server. (The way i think about it, its a really stupid reason to ban some one) But any way I think thats why i lost my respect. Man this is so bullsh*t! If some one could just give me my respect back please. I had no idea that sleepersoft gave that guy godmode. For all i knew he was hacking. I know im not good at explaining this but please. Just give me my respect back. My steam ID is cable330. Thank you.

Help/Requests / OMG!! PLEASE HELP!!!
« on: September 17, 2009, 06:26:20 PM »
OMG! I was just playing zombie survival and some guy with the steam ID named Tradam99 had some sort of god mode. He was the last human and no one could kill him. He had para's, no clip, (etc) and everyone was spamming votekick him. So i started a kick on him and all of a sudden im banned from the server! This is really p*ssing me off. I have never hacked in my life, I have never abused the privilege of being respected or anything. If some one could please help it would be VERY VERY appreciative.   :'( 

Approved Respected Apps / May i be in the Random group on steam?
« on: September 10, 2009, 09:42:57 PM »
Hello, I would like to be in the steam random group. Im already respected i just would like to be in the group...

Steam ID: Cable330
Ingame ID: .:~RND`=- Cable330

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