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Messages - Banana Hat

Pages: 1 ... 37 [38] 39 ... 49
Boneyard / Re: Banana Hat Admin Abusing (Flood Server)
« on: October 19, 2009, 03:43:10 PM »
there you go now where am I
BTW... maybe I WAS wrong about you floating shooting the boat you're on for the whole round... idk because I couldn't find you but everyone was saying you kept shooting it... maybe they were minges that were saying it... if that's true I'm honestly sorry for that part of it.

there you go now where am I lying?

Help/Requests / Re: .dem file help
« on: October 19, 2009, 11:36:47 AM »
type in

playdemo (demo name)

Approved Respected Apps / Re: Hello im Sniping4peanuts
« on: October 19, 2009, 11:31:31 AM »
he's fine.

Boneyard / Re: Banana Hat Admin Abusing (Flood Server)
« on: October 19, 2009, 11:27:31 AM »
I'm not saying hes lying I just think  "misinterpreted" what he saw I never went in to noclip and attacked his boat. I built my own crap boat then attacked his with grenades someone on his boat returned fire and destroyed mine after which I swam over to his and shot out the middle prop finally I was pushed off and died.

Boneyard / Re: Banana Hat Admin Abusing (Flood Server)
« on: October 19, 2009, 10:30:48 AM »
Right ::) here let me brake it down for you.
     Thank you for taking the time to read this. Earlier today Banana Hat came to the Flood server for a while and he was "minging". Unfortunetly I do not have any screen shots or video clips because Banana is an admin and he gave me my respected and I thought he was kinda kool at first... therefore i wasn't PLANING on having to record him or anything because I didn't think he was going to do anything wrong (and I was much more interested in getting him to stop minging then to try to start recording him)...

     What Banana Hat was doing was doing:
First time: It wasn't a big deal or anything but it was annoying for everyone. There were aprox. 10 - 15 people in the game(I could maybe get a few of them to clarify what I'm saying if you want) and there was one larger boat (mine), and two other small boats. The two other small boats got ruined quickly because the people on my boat had better weapons so I had to start getting people to get off the boat so we don't hold up the round (because people were dead). I got most people off at about 400 seconds left of the "Kill Other Boats" stage and I noticed Banana Hat was still floating around not on any boats. I didn't mind because I knew if he wasn't floating he would just be on my boat and be getting the same amount of money anyways, but then once i had everyone off (about 300 sec. left) Banana wouldn't jump. I could have gave him the round but I was the one who made the boat, not him, and I had last a fair amount of money that round so I wanted to win. Banana dragged it out until 100 sec. left and just told everyone to calm down because there was only about a minute left... Everyone had to wait for him and everyone was getting pissed at both of us. Eventually the round ended with both me and Banana Hat winning. (it was against rules since he held up the round and money whored)

--this is where you and some other guy got demoted the other guy left and should probably bitch at me more than you

     Second time: He started off by holding up the round. It wasn't a money round or anything because there was another boat other than mine and we destroyed it and won. It was time for me to try and get everyone off when i noticed my boat being damaged. I kept watching people on my boat to see if they were shooting but no one was shooting... later ,after two of my vending machines were broken from my boat, someone mentioned Banana Hat was floating and shooting my boat. He had been floating off the ground and water from the beginning of the round.

-- now it starts getting weird cus I was dead this round.

     Third time: Banana Hat was pissing everyone in the server off (EVEN THE MINGES) and I decided no one was planning on shutting up until Banana left so I tried to votekick him just to stop the bickering (I had a perfect reason: he was shooting boat he was SUPPOSED to be on -since he was floating in air with admin power- and holding up round) but I figured he'd either just ban me anyways or everyone would be too scared to hit yes, I thought I'd do it anyways just to say I tried and they had no reason to be mad at me. Then it said "You must be respected to use this capability." or something like that. I'd realized Banana took away my respected since he was only admin. I asked him why and he wouldn't at first but then when he finally did he said that he did it because I kicked some guy. It then took him for ever to say that it was for kicking someone that was on the boat and shooting it. I kept complaining to him saying I CAN kick someone for shooting the boat they're on and he kept saying for me to read rules (the rule that you can shoot the boat you're on if you join it after your boat is destroyed)

--no idea what he is talking about now

and I kept saying that he was on the boat from beginning so I had the right to kick him (it was obvious the guy was on my boat from beginning cause the other people on the other boats died) but Banana Hat kept saying it wasn't against rules so I couldn't have kicked him. We went on for a while arguing that I was allowed to kick him and that he should kick himself for holding up round, shooting boats he's on, etc. etc... but eventually he left. Before he left AFTER I had already complained so much he told me my respected wasn't permanently gone and that a couple other people lost their respected too... First of all most the fighting could have been avoided simply by him telling me WHY I was demoted WHEN I was first demoted and that I wasn't demoted for good. He never did say who else got demoted and no one knew because we were all too afraid to

accidently kick someone -- how does this happen?

and get demoted. Also I was the only one who kicked while Banana was there and no one was minging that was respected so no one else SHOULD have been demoted no matter how long it's for...

     He also mentioned a couple (one) insults to me and other players such as "Sabbath do you like wack off to kicking people or something?"

-- he had the lamest come back

when I was being careful not to throw in juvinile insults...(not only cause he's admin)

     P.S I'm sorry I don't have any screen shots or anything but it seems as though most people hate Banana Hat anyways because I've been hearing complaining in not only Flood about him but in ZS also(I will try to record Banana minging/ abusing next time). Also sorry for the long essay but I figured I had to get specific seeing it's an admin I'm reporting. BTW Banana: don't just delete this if you see it... that'd only be another thing I could call abuse for... this problem needs solving. Last: I don't think I really needed the Steam ID seeing as he's an admin...

Boneyard / Re: Banana Hat Admin Abusing (Flood Server)
« on: October 19, 2009, 01:55:47 AM »
lol how do you START by holding up a round?

Boneyard / Re: I Report...
« on: October 19, 2009, 01:06:19 AM »
good job (M)ind(C)ontroller!

Boneyard / Re: Banana Hat Admin Abusing (Flood Server)
« on: October 19, 2009, 01:04:14 AM »
What kind of crack are you on?
I took your respected away because you were kicking people for rules that didn't exist. anyway yea I played the whole money round through, and I shot your boat after mine was destroyed then I got pushed off and died. Other than that everything you say is false and hard to read.

you really need to make the respected data base public and read only:'( we should open an official project to synchronize forum data base with the garrysmod data base. My suggestion would be to have people register the steam id on the forums and then have moderators promote them after their introduction :P

Approved Respected Apps / Re: jimonions >>>cnna have respected?
« on: October 18, 2009, 10:50:30 AM »
Key well you still need to bug an admin I'll probably be on all day today so just send me another email.

Approved Respected Apps / Re: mdew355 respected?
« on: October 17, 2009, 09:16:40 PM »
they would need his ssn or signature forging skills. ::) hes fine

General Chat / Re: moving
« on: October 17, 2009, 08:22:29 PM »
Well if your going to tvhs I can tell you what to expect. don't know much bout fishing or shooting tho.

General Chat / Re: moving
« on: October 17, 2009, 05:40:16 PM »
holy shit I just moved out of Loveland this summer  :P
did you buy my house or something?

Boneyard / Re: Demotion of {MingeKiller} ( I forgot the rest of his name)
« on: October 17, 2009, 10:58:35 AM »
then we might as well add cannons to the boats to and make it pirate ship warz

General Chat / Re: moving
« on: October 17, 2009, 10:28:53 AM »
where in Colorado are you moving too?

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