« on: March 09, 2010, 05:15:49 AM »
I believe tomcat and magic have been with random for 2 years now. To put it simply it's all about coolz and also about not wanting to be an admin. If you help Coolz and don't bug him about becoming and admin it's likely he will consider you as one. Here is a simple brake down of rnd history so you can understand this.
If I recall right Coolz set up his first server I think round 2007 along with sleeper who was giving him some friendly completion. They both were admins on each others servers. and since I became good friends with both I was given admin here as well. Other early admins were Xrain, Cloud, Assassin and some others too. Later after the rnd site went up Minic was added because of his awesome computer skills and Ruben because He reported a large amount of trouble makers. So there you have it. I wouldn't expect too much considering you registered in January and won't shut up about your ambition.