RANDOM Español - Discusión / Re: Oye!
« on: June 10, 2010, 09:21:41 AM »
yo tambien
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Zs Update Will Include:So get over it.
- Weapons
- Zombie Classes
- Hats
- Achievements
- VGUI update
- Krasher (RND Zs Dev Team leader)
Tomcat you suck balls and you know it.Code: [Select]local killed = achievements.GetValue( "Hard Wood", "total", 0 )
local ply = LocalPlayer()
if ( !ValidEntity( ply ) ) then return end
local wep = ply:GetWeapon()
if ( !ValidEntity( wep ) ) then return end
local function PlayerKilledNPC( msg )
local victim, inflictor, attacker = msg:ReadString(), msg:ReadString(), msg:ReadEntity()
local ply = LocalPlayer()
if ( ValidEntity( ply ) && wep:GetClass() == "weapon_zs_plank" ) then
if ( killed != 10 && attacker == ply && victim == ply ) then
killed = math.Clamp( killed + 1, 0, 10 )
achievements.SetValue( "Hard Wood", "total", killed )
achievements.Update( "Hard Wood", killed / 10, killed .. "/10" )
return victim, inflictor, attacker
usermessage.AddHook( "PlayerKilledNPC", "Achievements.CantTouchThis", PlayerKilledNPC )
achievements.Register( "Hard Wood", "Kill 10 zombies with the plank.", "achievements/hardwood", killed / 10, killed .. "/10" )
Already got that one over 9000 times. Here is the one you want
.:~RND`=-Sanders has just earned the achievement "ASS rush" - "Explode all players pre-round and rush to redeem them while they yell at you"!