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Topics - Jetstodown :}

Pages: 1 ... 8 [9] 10
Funny Stuffz / POOR FRANK!
« on: February 18, 2010, 06:55:44 PM »

General Chat / Gmod auto turret. (video)
« on: February 17, 2010, 03:51:47 PM »

Garrysmod Two-Axis Auto Turret.


Games / win convo game
« on: February 13, 2010, 11:20:13 AM »
With this game we will make up conversation about other people and hope to RUIN THERE FUCKING LIFE have them laugh and anyway, I'll start off.

*Tomcat: I wonder if I can fit this threw there?
*Coolz: Your Mom knows :)

« on: February 10, 2010, 03:50:24 PM »
All you need to do is update wiremod because the releiced a fix for it.

ive been getting this problem so I decided to update wire. I update and it fix.
im not the only one my friend was asking me wtf was up also and he updated wire and it worked to.

Community Admin Apps / Sakades Admin App
« on: February 09, 2010, 05:30:18 PM »

*UPDATED AS OF 2/13/10*           Ignore this 8===D----
Added more information needed.
Little updates here and there.


Sakade's admin app :)
Name: Dalton Shaffer
SteamID: STEAM_0:0:28140700 00:25 82 0 active
Age: 14
Birthday: 1/20/1996
Ingame Name: .:~rNd`=-j3t2
Location: BelleValley ohio
Time Active: not certain depends if im in the mood
Admin Experience: css
Friends: Peetah, Magik, Luke.Eraser, others
Education: 8th grade
Skillz: wiremod
Builds: Houses, cars,calculators,andything with wiremod

I want to become admin because alot of admins arnt on wire build alot and thats almost the only server I got to, also Prop Hunt :)

some people like some people dont. Mostly people like me. At the server I rarely get into arguments but when I do I can end it with a snappy comback or a joke lolz

If people need help with a contraption I usually help, and when im in the middle of something I can still help people. My Steam is ramrodthedestroyer (Sexy shit right there.)

I post quite frequently and have many friends, I would ahve listed them but my steam was hijackedz so now I cant talk to them *crys*
I have been with random since we were at wireconstruct (before we moved back to it after freespace)

I think that if I were admin it would make wireconstruct alot better beacause I have noticed that when people are making something and not spazzing shit out we almost never crash. then a minge will come along and the spazz out and crash. I personaly would take notice because for some reason ill go out of hiding and look and see what everyone is doing. Ask if they need help. Then go back to failing and trying to mnake something  :-[

I forgot to mention I have experience with Unreal Editor 3 (w/e one comes with Unreal Tournament 3) But I could probaly get something to convert files

Funny Stuffz / funny myspace convo (fixed)
« on: February 09, 2010, 05:17:15 PM »
was using text converterDalton:
……………………………………………………​………………8:03 PMAnna:
……………………………………………………​………………8:04 PMDalton:
Lanee ran my fucking texts up
now I need to wait till next month
……………………………………………………​………………8:05 PMAnna:
really that sucks
……………………………………………………​………………8:05 PMDalton:
a n00b u ar3
……………………………………………………​………………8:06 PMAnna:
what does that mean
……………………………………………………​………………8:06 PMDalton:
……………………………………………………​………………8:06 PMAnna:
huh im confused
……………………………………………………​………………8:07 PMDalton:
u unrstnd m3h na0?
……………………………………………………​………………8:07 PMAnna:
what does m3h na0 mean
……………………………………………………​………………8:08 PMDalton:
What does sdfjklarfkas mean????
……………………………………………………​………………8:09 PMAnna:
what u cant use big words (or whatever that is) around me u should know that by now
……………………………………………………​………………8:10 PMDalton:
.oed emos sdeen anna
……………………………………………………​………………8:10 PMAnna:
what language is that
……………………………………………………​………………8:10 PMDalton:
its actually spanish
……………………………………………………​………………8:12 PMAnna:
oh well can u please talk in english its the only language i understand
……………………………………………………​………………8:12 PMDalton:
yddad ruoy dekcuf I
……………………………………………………​………………8:13 PMAnna:
what im seriouse i dont understand that
……………………………………………………​………………8:13 PMDalton:
lol .txet sdrawkcab sti hsinaps ni gniklat ton ma I annA?????
……………………………………………………​………………8:14 PMAnna:
……………………………………………………​………………8:15 PMAnna:
hello are u there?????
……………………………………………………​………………8:15 PMDalton:
roolf eht nopu llips doolb eht hctaw dna taorht ruoy tils I nehw ereht eb lli
……………………………………………………​………………8:17 PMAnna:
what put the letters in order im not good at this game
……………………………………………………​………………8:18 PMDalton:
do me a favoy
just read it backwards
its me talking backwards tard....
……………………………………………………​………………8:18 PMAnna:
oh hold on and i will
……………………………………………………​………………8:19 PMAnna:
ew ur really gonna do that im staying away
……………………………………………………​………………8:20 PMDalton:
kbai I need to let my peep laugh at u on the forums
……………………………………………………​………………8:20 PMAnna:
whats so funny
……………………………………………………​………………8:20 PMDalton:
Thanks for the humiliation.....

My name is Dalton btw

General Chat / Forum Project.( Need volunteers )
« on: February 09, 2010, 03:31:24 PM »
House Project

seateble couch tv elevatoer or stairs to lead up to a seconed floor and then use the2nd floor as a  lounge  First floor is lounge. Bed if possible. 3rd floor is a game room. Claw machine and other game shit. Ill put assorted props that are appropriate for that floor. If anyone would like to volunteer I would much appreciate it.

Okay, so here is your part. Make some nic nacs.


claw machine- I can make but would like somehelp or all of it done.

funny TV- gman dancing like a tard(Pfc.W. Young[3rd Rcn] has it covered he currently joining random)

pop machine- no description needed.

Feel free to post your ideas. and if u are joining the project


Pfc.W. Young[3rd Rcn]

visit my youtube for gmod and a video of the house when done.

Funny Stuffz / E = mc vagina
« on: February 01, 2010, 07:57:13 PM »

Funny Stuffz / epic win
« on: January 31, 2010, 09:56:24 AM »

Funny Stuffz / Prop hunt haxerz XD
« on: January 30, 2010, 03:12:12 PM »

[SolidVote] Type votekick <player>, or voteban <player> to initiate a vote kick or ban.
Player qwertyz has joined the game
qwertyz joined Hunters.
Welcome to .:`=-~rANdOm~`-=:.  -Prop Hunt|Tick100|Fast DL- The hunt is on! !
To view rules and/or a list of our servers and affiliates, type !info in chat!
Æødgrød: I Have Hacks Activated
Player Æødgrød left the game (Kicked by Console : In Order to Play Delete Your Hacks)
Jets: xD

moments later

[SolidVote] Type votekick <player>, or voteban <player> to initiate a vote kick or ban.
Player killamastaman has joined the game
Player Hobo King! has joined the game
Player αïṉτјøќïṉģ has joined the game
|«AUK»|Sorcs: I Have Hacks Activated
Player |«AUK»|Sorcs left the game (Kicked by Console : In Order to Play Delete Your Hacks)

General Chat / My house project :)
« on: January 30, 2010, 09:24:36 AM »
I have been working on this house for like 30 minutes and wanted some feedback. How do u like so far?

Funny Stuffz / TTT gone GAY???
« on: January 26, 2010, 11:51:36 AM »


Funny Stuffz / uhh But Plug?
« on: January 18, 2010, 03:55:31 PM »

General Chat / LOOK! my gmod has gone evil.....
« on: January 18, 2010, 02:24:38 PM »
just having some "fun" on gmod and then....

Approved Respected Apps / Respected Application
« on: January 02, 2010, 04:09:29 PM »
Ok for starters, I used to be respected on here but of course my account was hacked and when I got it back I was banned from VAC so I made a new account and I would like to be respected again so I can play with yall again. :)

Here is my information.

(thanks Mingebagger for the reference post)

SteamID: ramrodthedestroyer
In Game: =(e)=™ Alaskan Assasin
Friend(s): Tomcat, Peetah, forget because I cant login to other account now, sonicthesuper4, and some other people.
Favourite subject(s): Science, Language Arts, and Computer
Age: 13 and 3/4
Birthday: January 20 1996
Education: 8th grade Edu. Expression2 and barley any lua (just skins)
Builds: Machines, weapons, trains, boats, vehicles, gags, traps, and random shiz
Games: Half Life 2, Garry's Mod (obviously), Team Fortress 2, Day of Defeat: Source, The Citizen, Appletart Mod, Red Orchestra, Portal, Insurgency, Mirrors Edge, Mercenaries 2 : World in Flames, Smod Redux V5, Navirus A S S A S I N S Redux,
Location: Belle Valley, Ohio
How to contact me:Xfire: jetstodown

Thanks for taking the time to review my post.

                       -Love Sakade

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