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Messages - ArTIk*BaNAnA

Pages: 1 ... 115 [116] 117 ... 168
Funny Stuffz / Re: i MUST WATCH ! TTT HILARITY
« on: April 01, 2010, 10:10:33 AM »
I don't want to take up space on my computer, put it on youtube if it's that funny....


Or atleast upload to megaupload cause rapidshare fails....EPICLY.

Music / Re: Anyone here listens to this band?
« on: April 01, 2010, 10:08:24 AM »
u guiz shood stop posting in this thread nao :/

all the threads deviant starts all turn out to be spam threads hah.

So what lul, these threads are interesting xD
Btw all threads turn out to be spammage threads lul

General Chat / Re: my rage about my school's principle
« on: April 01, 2010, 10:07:29 AM »
Damn, I have an awesome principle. My only problem is our science teacher. A kid talks and fucking extra homewark >.< Anyway, our principles (elementary and highschool because middle school is mixed with the highscool) are both awesome. They let us put on this T.V show every morning in a room with cameras, a desk, the works. It kinda inspires you to do something, because if your grades start to fall he takes you off the show. I'm on it almost every morning :)
Sorry to hear you have a crappy principle...

Wtf, I'm jealous, I'm in one of the crappiest schools in Israel, more then 2k kids ONLY IN MIDDLE SCHOOL, shitty teachers that barely teach, shout all day and give punishments, even for the good things that do nothing lol, our principle doesn't give a fuck about us, and our teacher that's responsible for us thinks that she can make everyone in the class friends, when half of it is bitches, bullies (not really, but there's just no word for it in english lul) and dwarf-annoying-geeks.....and because she thinks like that we have extra 2 hours in school to "become friends" -_-"

And, our school doesn't have budget for new computers, so we have crappy pentium 3 computers with windows 98 installed on them -_-

In high-school I'm hoping to learn in a much better school that has LAPTOPS on the desk FOR EVERY KID, fuxing awesome =D

General Chat / Re: Soo many spammy peoples
« on: April 01, 2010, 09:59:20 AM »
Is having a deep vagina as good as having a big penis? o.o"

Deep and wet, but wait.....its not the same as having a big dick =\
I'll change it!

"Don't forget, kids....the more posts you have, the bigger your tits are."  FIXED =D

Thanks for pointing that out Deviant! xD

Posts: 3

2 of them are his admin apps xDD

Boneyard / Re: Artik banana abuse
« on: April 01, 2010, 09:51:03 AM »
I lol'd. Everyone is a minge at some point.

Yeap, some do it for the lulz, some do it from epic boredom for a short amount of time, and some do it all the time =D
And there are some that almost never minged which are the extremely calm and epic people.
I for example, belong to the ones that do it for the lulz and then if it pissed off someone I say sorry and tries to be friends with him, if he is still pissed after that I'll just TRY to ignore lul

Server Requests/Suggestions / Re: Adding theatre server
« on: April 01, 2010, 02:31:49 AM »
I say no, looks boring after a few minutes, its better to put something else more fun instead...

Funny Stuffz / Re: Abbot and costello "who on first"
« on: April 01, 2010, 02:27:46 AM »
Gives a headache after a while lawl xD

General Chat / Re: Soo many spammy peoples
« on: April 01, 2010, 02:16:40 AM »
The teachings of "mr. proffesseur" in your sig is not relevant to me

Rofl xDD
Then we need to change it especially for Deviant!

"Don't forget, kids....the more posts you have, the deeper your vagina is."  xD

General Chat / Re: How to Insult Someone Without them Knowing.
« on: April 01, 2010, 02:14:00 AM »
Well maybe the certain person wants to avoid a conflict with the other person. Especially if the person is 10 or below.
I myself wouldn't insult a person 10 or below because that's just not nice. They're kids.

But if you call them something they don't understand, you feel like your message got across without having to
argue and fight the other person.

Basic reason for this: Avoid conflict.

I wont feel satisfied if I'll call them in names they don't understand, that's why I "insult" them from the beginning so they will understand that they are idiots.
And I don't mind "insulting" them cause they are just 4 years below my age xD
ANDDD.....calling someone an idiot isn't really insulting him, its more like a....hint? lul

HELL YES! I've met him a lot of times on ZS, when he's human, he's usually not talking. But when he dies, he just screams "OMG HACKERHACKERHACKER CHEATER" over and over again everytime he gets killed. It's annoying. Very annoying.

Lol, he also does that in TTT lul

General Chat / Re: my rage about my school's principle
« on: April 01, 2010, 02:06:23 AM »
ok so i used to be in the track team for school. I was the best at long jump and 200 meters low hurdles. Now im kicked out by my faggot principle because I failed at French. Im going to rage here.

The new middle school principle is a big fag, when I say fag I really mean fag. Nobody likes him, not even the teachers. He looks and acts like a weasel too.

Im in french class. i used to be taking japanese but for 6 years I stayed in lvl1. This has convinced me that i have some language impairment, however thas not the case with my english which is very good. i finish books in 2 days.(im totally dismissing any use of colorful sentances here because im ranting and just saying whatever is on my mind). Anyway 2 years ago I changed to french class and ever since then my life has turned into a big puddle of worthless shit. I did even worse in french than japaese.

There have been complaints from all m french teachers saing tha i dont put in effort and all that crap. I jus tr doing the work like in other classes but it doesnt seem to pay off. Yous see there are some really smart kids in our class tha somehow remember every single dam line of text they read leaving lots of other people behind struggling with simple stuff like je'mappel gtfo (only 1 french class for each grade see?)

so basically ive given up on french leaving me with an f and unsatisfactory effort. Today he called me into his big open office which is like right next to the middle school lounge -_- and said my french was bad yap yap yap and then hes kicking me out of track and forcing me to come early to school for extra fucking french with him. this is completely insane and the most completely useless and irrelevnt way to deal with aproble like this.

im done

ps. fuk you mr. principle and your fat wife
pps. this isnt the first time hes done some blatant stupid shit like this to me and others.

Lol, stupid principle doesn't understand that French is hard for you lul
But that's not just him, everything in school is stupid, nothing is done right, punishments and even harder work wont help someone to learn =\

Community Admin Apps / Re: Darkminds Admin App PEANUT :DDD
« on: March 31, 2010, 03:24:34 PM »
Cool Story, Bro.

Stfu, and read the whole thing Krasher xD

Community Admin Apps / Re: Kräsher's Admin Application.
« on: March 31, 2010, 03:23:59 PM »
Seriously, that will be a fuggin' AWESOME day.

Know what I mean?

Lul, ya....I hope I will be remembered in the history =O
I can see it... "Dori ****, the most successful man in history" - year 2020 xDDD

Community Admin Apps / Re: Pigeon 4 Admin
« on: March 31, 2010, 03:20:24 PM »
whats that suppose to mean

That means you are a very annoying spammer and you should stop spamming like you did right now cause it wont help you for shiz =D

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