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Messages - ArTIk*BaNAnA

Pages: 1 ... 89 [90] 91 ... 168
General Chat / Re: My Huge Viking Ship in Flood
« on: April 28, 2010, 12:44:57 PM »
Wow that's awesome, though I would put some walls at the sides =D
I can't even make half a ship of yours in flood lol, not even a quarter xD

Community Admin Apps / Re: ArTIk*BaNAnA Forum moderator application!
« on: April 28, 2010, 12:42:29 PM »
Oh shit
I was supposed to READ that before I voted?

W00T thanks Choucho! I'm actually starting to like you =P
You aren't that bad when not trolling =D
And if you're going to vote +1 you don't need to read xD

Community Admin Apps / Re: ArTIk*BaNAnA Forum moderator application!
« on: April 28, 2010, 11:35:29 AM »
+1 artic

WOW! I really didn't expect a +1 from you =D
Thank you very much Hkill, and good job on stop being a spammer and becoming nicer =D

P.S.- Please also vote at the poll, it just takes a couple of seconds =D

Funny Stuffz / Re: Zombie Survival funny screenies :)
« on: April 28, 2010, 11:32:04 AM »
They don't lol

Well, they don't spread it out like Deviant does lawl

General / Re: Speedtest.Net
« on: April 28, 2010, 11:30:13 AM »

I've gotten better results before tho.

HOLY SHIT, 90 MB HOLY CRAP, we don't have even 50 Mb in Israel xD
And fail upload compared to the download lawl

Community Admin Apps / Re: ArTIk*BaNAnA Forum moderator application!
« on: April 28, 2010, 11:28:11 AM »


Why not? at-least put up a reason....
And remember, I voted yes for you.

What if I help get this idiot off our community to prevent him from abusing respected?

Nah, that's the admins job =P
Now stop posting here this thread should be locked =\

Can I make him cry now?

Nah, remember, you're the helpful nurse, not the mean, shitty and annoying troll =P

I has idea....
move the admin applications mega board to restricted area for sr.members or jr.members

Agreed, though then some admins won't be able to view the section xD
Actually, that's their problem they aren't active on the forums lawl

Funny Stuffz / Re: OMFG LOL
« on: April 28, 2010, 08:18:55 AM »

Actually, that's what I think about Ray O.o
Except the gay part lawl

Community Admin Apps / Re: ArTIk*BaNAnA Forum moderator application!
« on: April 28, 2010, 08:17:41 AM »
Lol at Riding Horse! O_O
And hell yes (+1)
P.S Where is the pool :|

I'm riding horses lol, what's the problem? O.o
Thanks for the +1 Eddy =D
And the pool is at my city lawl, why, you want to come? xD

I'd vote +1 but no poll makes it impossible!

LOL, thanks for reminding, was so concentrated on the post that I forgot the poll xD
Though you can say +1 instead of voting.
EDIT - Forgot to say thank you for the +` lawl....Thanks for the +1! =D

P.S.- I claim the orange color xD

General / Re: Speedtest.Net
« on: April 28, 2010, 07:15:27 AM »

not thats my school

Lol, epic win upload, it's way more than my download speed xD

More songs from Choucho!

Dj Mangoo - The Melody

Special d Come With Me [HD]

Thanks Choucho!

Community Admin Apps / ArTIk*BaNAnA Forum moderator application!
« on: April 28, 2010, 06:51:20 AM »
Hey people, every day I go on RND forums I see lots of spammers, spam-threads, old threads that should be locked, double/triple/quad-posters, trolls, and no one does anything about these stuff, and if someone does they do it only in a few threads, a few people and that's it, people aren't afraid to spam or troll cause no one will do anything about that except complaining and hating.
So I thought we really should have more forum mods, and I would like to be one of them =D


Now here's my app:

Name: Dor/Dori

In-Game-Name: .:~RND`=- ArTIk*BaNAnA ¦RA¦

Age: 13 years and 11 months, will turn 14 on the 25th of May (25.5)

Education: Middle-School, 8th grade.

Locatin: Earth, Asia, Israel, Rehovot.

Computer Skills: I know a tiny bit of HTML, BBCode which is pretty easy, also a tad of LUA and mainly that's it.

Hobbies: Riding horses, skateboarding, swimming, exercising, drawing, playing on the computer, going out with friends, and kart racing =D

Experience with forums: I had 2 forums I opened, 2 forums that doesn't exist anymore, they were like a close community for my friends, I was a forum moderator in 3 forums, 2 of them were forums of my friends, one was a forum about gaming....I think lol, and I owned 4 websites that were made using an Israeli site called Tipo, made those sites when I was like 8-9 and had lots of stuff in them, one was about animals, the other was like an RP website (lol) and I had also about sports and one about tips on how to build a site and it had cool banners my friend made back then =D

Why I want to be a forum mod: I want to be a forum mod because, I see lots of people spamming without getting punished/get their post deleted/warned, I see some people that troll, but I don't see any mod that stops the troll/warns him/calms him down, I see double/triple/quad-posters that do that again and again without a punishment, I see lots of spam/old threads that aren't locked, and many more things that the forum mods are supposed to deal with.

I understand that most of them are busy or aren't in a good mood to deal with it right now, and that's why I'm applying, cause I'm at-least once a day on the forums and I do have the power to mod the forum and take care about all the stuff that the forum mods are supposed to deal with.

Why I see myself fit to the forum mod position: I see myself fit because, I'm responsible, I go by the rules, I'm trust-worthy, I admit when I fail (honest), even though you may think I'm childish/immature, when I get a serious job I can be very serious and mature, I'm good at changing people's thoughts and make them stop raging, I'm good at listening to people, I have ideas of how to make the forum better, I'm a democratic man, I know the rules and will ask Coolz how to deal with a situation, for example: if I'm not sure if to ban a person or not to ban him for a particular post, I use proper grammar (I think =P ) and last but not least (lawl) I can be a funny and a friendly guy =D

Ways to contact:

   (btw the picture there was taken like 2 years ago, I know I need to change it lol)

   *xchickmagnetx on Skype (lol can't change the name)

   *PM me on the forums

   *PM me for mail, I won't give it to anyone.


Thank you very much for taking your time to read this, even if you're going to vote no, cause I wrote alot lol.
And vote carefully and smartly, hope you will vote yes for me and I hope that Coolzeldad will trust me enough to make me a forum mod if I get enough votes.


Oh and sorry if the colors are annoying, I tried making the application look nice xD

~ArTIk*BaNAnA aka --

Approved Respected Apps / Re: About Asher/shifta/birdflu
« on: April 28, 2010, 05:29:06 AM »
W00T nice you have hard life =\
Though you got confused with the dates:

ran over by a car(walked home) 12/11/2010
Found out that i have a bullet in my kidney 14/11/2010

We are at 28/4/2010

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