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Messages - Sanders

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Mapping / Re: zs_Tranquilty_Lane
« on: June 06, 2010, 12:46:59 PM »
Well, im not at my pwn computer right now but when i get back im going to talk to tomcat about him ripping some textures off the GECK for me. That should make the map look a lot more natural.

Anyways, ill post a pic of a complete house when I get back.

General / Re: Your PC Spec :D
« on: June 06, 2010, 12:42:48 PM »
For now, I'm still waiting for AMD's competitor to the new intel chips, but the sheer fact that the phenom II's still hold their own against them is something.

General / Re: Your PC Spec :D
« on: June 06, 2010, 02:21:45 AM »
Act more mature?

I dont appreciate trolling bro. You know you failed, don't try to brush over it on the "it was a joke" premise. I am trying to enjoy your ultimate tech failure:

ATI 5000 series > FERMI SERIES



General / Re: Your PC Spec :D
« on: June 05, 2010, 04:28:38 PM »
but ok, you are the last one to get the joke

refer to my sig

General / Re: Your PC Spec :D
« on: June 05, 2010, 04:20:26 PM »
Nice fail Krasher, I hope it made your e-peen feel bigger

It goes from 1 to 7.9. Your scores are so goddamn fake. You know what else is fake?

Your CPU. Nobody on earth has oc-ed an i7 to 6.33 ghz without a liquid nitrogen rig, and the cpu never lasts long.

Look up your damn facts kind sir before you fail.

General / Re: Windows Experience Index Rating
« on: June 05, 2010, 02:44:31 PM »
Ya know, nobody else will post in here, since we basically have super computers. For the lulz ill post the laptop im on ratings.

I challenge someone to post lower ratings (WITH DRIVERS INSTALLED, ALL 1's WITHOUT DRIVERS IS EASY LOL).

Also sheeps what is your gfx configuration? You almost have the gfx maxed out.

General / Re: Your PC Spec :D
« on: June 05, 2010, 02:38:57 PM »
lol 6.3 GHz?

I am a developer, I render models, water, and other needy things. I can even compile a map like inversion in a couple seconds on HDR.

Me too. It's called map optimization. Any map that takes over 30 seconds to compile on a half decent machine needs more optimization. Don't feel bad just cause you blew like $500 USD on an intel cpu that doesnt do much more than my $200 USD AMD cpu.

Wah ha ha ha ha.

Even if your processor pwns mine, mine does what it needs to do, really fast, and was really cheap. Can't beat dat customer satisfaction.

General / Re: Your PC Spec :D
« on: June 05, 2010, 01:55:48 PM »
Have you ever needed i7 power though? I've got a phenom II in my rig, and i can watch full blu-ray quality movies, play games at max, ect. Bottom line is that you don't even need a cpu that powerful. I can get the same benchmarks as you with a cpu that cost half the price.

General / Re: Your PC Spec :D
« on: June 05, 2010, 12:42:05 AM »
Krasher, are you comparing one single cored nvidia gpu against two dual cored ati gpus?

Stop drinking the nvidia koolaide Krasher and step into the 21st century. Even the modern nvidia shit (namely fermi) is double shit (unless you have a nuclear reactor for power, and liquid nitrogen for cooling).

Watt for watt, ATI pwns Nvidia.

Aside from that, its hardly fair to compare 5970 against gtx 280. Again, let me reiterate: dual core gpu of a 5970 gpu, vs single core gtx 280. Even overclocked, a gtx 280 cannot come close to ONE 5970, let alone a crossfire 5970 masterpiece.

GTFO, go read some benchmarks.

Funny Stuffz / Re: 2012? BULLSHIT!
« on: June 03, 2010, 07:51:07 AM »
Your plan would imply that a person could live forever, but we would quickly run out of room if people stopped dying. People need to die or we cant have enough room for kids.

Boneyard / Re: Unfair demotion from respected
« on: June 02, 2010, 09:18:23 PM »
Idk whats with such high level of accountability with votekick/ban. For one, if two or more people suggest the votekick/ban, you should do it (of course unless they suggest you do it for reason like "FAWKING NUTSACK SHOTTED AT ME").

People need to check their shit when they are voting in votebans as well.

Funny Stuffz / Re: Troll Minge Names
« on: June 02, 2010, 09:14:55 PM »
I dont normal troll, but when I admin troll i use


Doesn't attract attention at all 'round these parts.

Anime/Manga Discussion / LOLWTF ANIME
« on: June 02, 2010, 12:37:49 PM »
I was just sitting here watching anime like I normally do, when I decided:

Its time to watch Elfen Lied, even though people said it is a gorefest.

Christ. So much decapitation I think i been scared for at least a week.

One moment of character development, where we see this clumsy ass chick. Makes you sorta moe-lol

Five minutes later, she too gets decapitated.


ITT: post weird animes you have wtf-ed while watching.

Funny Stuffz / Haters gonna hate
« on: June 01, 2010, 07:39:15 PM »
.:~RND`=- Sanders: unrelated:
.:~RND`=- Sanders: lol wtf
.:~RND`=- Sanders: [insert image link]
.:~RND`=- Sanders: so thats how fat people do it
.:~RND`=- Tomcat: spam that
.:~RND`=- Tomcat: LOL


Anime/Manga Discussion / Re: Hatsune Miku!
« on: June 01, 2010, 01:18:53 AM »




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