« on: May 30, 2010, 09:19:51 PM »
Dear Mr. Bayne,
Upon your latest reply, I have realised that you may not be as bad as you I thought. But one thing: do not obey most of the rules, obey ALL OF THEM. You have got a point concerning to the money rounds. I, myself, have money rounded when I needed it, and I must say that without them, I would still be around 5 or 6 thousands credits.
I do not really like the idea of having a "money round vote", as it could be easily abused. Although, if it was made so that when a new player joins in the middle of a round, or someone dies, the money round was restarted, it would be pretty good. I would also like to have a general restart. You know, everyone with 1K again. AND, if possible, increase the amount of money you get when you win a round. That would encourage newcomers and anybody else to actually build a boat.
Best regards,
P.S.: I appreciate your respectful and honest answer, ergo, I apology for my behaviour against your persona.