General / Re: PPEP SVN Thread
« on: April 10, 2010, 07:07:20 AM »
well you said you needed requests?
AP - Armor Piercing
FMJ - Full Metal Jacket
JSP - Jacketed Soft Point
JHP - Jacketed Hollow Point
Glaser Safety Slug
Training Ammo
The Hague Accords
000 Buck - 8 lead pellets (0.36")
00 Buck - 9 lead pellets (0.33")
0 Buck - 12 lead pellets (0.32")
1 Buck - 16 lead pellets (0.30")
4 Buck - 27 lead pellets (0.24")
QB 8 - 8 pellets (Armor Piercing)
Flechettes - 32 flechettes (Armor Piercing)
Slug HP - Hollow-point slugs
Baton - Rubber batons
.30 US Carbine
.300 Whisper subsonic
.300 Winchester Magnum
.338 Lapua Magnum
.338 Whisper subsonic
.357 Magnum
.357 SIG
.376 Steyr
.40 S&W
.40 S&W subsonic
.44 Magnum
.440 CorBon Magnum
.45 ACP +P
.45 ACP subsonic
.454 Casull
.45-70 Government
.50 Action Express (AE)
4.6x30mm H&K
4.92x34mm H&K caseless
5.45x18mm Soviet
5.45x39mm Soviet
5.56mm Steyr Flechette
5.56x45mm NATO
5.7x28mm FN
5.7x28mm FN subsonic
7mm Remington Magnum
7.62x39mm Soviet
7.62x42mm Soviet
7.62x51mm NATO
7.62x51mm NATO Duplex
7.62x51mm NATO Match
7.62x51mm NATO Sabot
7.62x54mmR Russian
7.65x17mm Browning
7.92x57mm Mauser
9x19mm NATO
9x19mm NATO subsonic
9x21mm Russian
9x23mm Winchester
9x30mm Grom
9x39mm Soviet subsonic
10x25mm Norma
10x25mm Norma subsonic
12.7x99mm BMG (.50 BMG)
A4 (reporting name "V-2 rocket")
AA-1 Alkali (NATO reporting name for the Kaliningrad K-5)
AA-2 Atoll (NATO reporting name for the Vympel K-13)
AA-3 Anab (NATO reporting name for the Kaliningrad K-8)
AA-4 Awl (NATO reporting name for the Raduga K-9)
AA-5 Ash (NATO reporting name for the Raduga K-80)
AA-6 Acrid (NATO reporting name for the Kaliningrad K-40)
AA-7 Apex (NATO reporting name for the Kaliningrad K-23)
AA-8 Aphid (NATO reporting name for the Kaliningrad K-60)
AA-9 Amos (NATO reporting name for the Vympel R-33)
AA-10 Alamo (NATO reporting name for the Vympel R-27)
AA-11 Archer (NATO reporting name for the Vympel R-73)
AA-12 Adder (NATO reporting name for the Vympel R-77)
AA-13 Arrow (NATO reporting name for the Vympel R-37)
AAM-3 (Japanese Type 90 air-to-air missile)
AAM-4 (Japanese Type 99 air-to-air missile)
AAM-5 (Japanese Type 04 air-to-air missile)
Abdali-I (Pakistani surface-to-air Short-range ballistic missile)
ABM-1 Galosh (NATO reporting name for the Russian/USSR, Vympel A-350 surface-to-air Anti-Ballistic Missile)
ADM-20 Quail
AGM-12 Bullpup
AGM-28 Hound Dog
AGM-45 Shrike
AGM-48 Skybolt
AGM-53 Condor
AGM-62 Walleye
AGM-64 Hornet
AGM-65 Maverick
AGM-76 Falcon
AGM-78 Standard ARM
AGM-79 Blue Eye
AGM-80 Viper
AGM-83 Bulldog
AGM-84 Harpoon
AGM-87 Focus
AGM-114 Hellfire
AGM-119 Penguin (Norwegian-made; only non-US-made missile in US arsenal)
AGM-122 Sidearm
AGM-123 Skipper
AGM-124 Wasp
AGM-136 Tacit Rainbow
AGM-142 Have Nap
AGM-169 Joint Common Missile
Agni Missile
Agni I
Agni II
AIM-4 Falcon
AIM-7 Sparrow
AIM-9 Sidewinder
AIM-26 Falcon
AIM-47 Falcon
AIM-54 Phoenix
AIM-68 Big Q
AIM-97 Seekbat
AIM-95 Agile
AIR-2 Genie
Alacrán missile (Spanish for "Scorpion")
Al-Samoud 2
Apache (popular name for the MBDA Apache)
AQM-37 Jayhawk
AQM-41 Petrel
AQM-60 Kingfisher
AQM-81 Firebolt
AQM-91 Firefly
Arrow (missile) (Anti-ballistic)
AS-25K (anti-ship)
AS.30 (designation for the MBDA AS-30)
AS.34 Kormoran
ASM-1 (Japanese Type 80 air-to-ship missile)
ASM-2 (Japanese Type 93 air-to-ship missile)
ASRAAM (project name for the AIM-132 ASRAAM)
Aster (popular name for the MBDA Aster)
Astra Missile
ATM-1 (Japanese Type 64 Anti-Tank Missile)
ATM-2 (Japanese Type 79 Anti-Landing craft and Anti-Tank Missile)
ATM-3 (Japanese Type 87 Anti-Tank Missile)
ATM-4 (Japanese Type 96 Multi-Purpose Missile System)
ATM-5 (Japanese Type 01 Light Anti-Tank Missile)
Babur (Pakistani Cruise Missile)
Barak naval point defense surface-to-air missile (Israel)
BGM-34 Firebee
BGM-109 Tomahawk
Baktar-Shikan (Pakistani Anti-tank Guided Missile)
Black Arrow (United Kingdom)
Bloodhound UK Surface-to-air
Blowpipe UK Man portable Surface-to-air
Blue Steel nuclear stand off missile (United Kingdom)
Blue Streak (United Kingdom)
BQM-106 Teleplane
BQM-111 Firebrand
BQM-145 Peregrine
BQM-147 Exdrone
BQM-155 Hunter
BQM-167 Skeeter
BrahMos (Missile developed by Russia/India )
Brakemine UK WWII project
Brimstone (United Kingdom)
CA 94
CA 95
CEM-138 Pave Cricket
CGM-16/HGM-16 Atlas
CIM-10 Bomarc
Condor missile (Argentina)
CQM-121 Pave Tiger
Crotale (France)
* Desna (popular name for the R-9 Desna intercontinental ballistic missile)
* DF-3A (NATO name: CSS-2)
* DF-5
* DF-4
* DF-15
* DF-21
* DF-25
* DF-31
* DH-10
* Dvina (popular name for the R-12 Dvina theatre ballistic missile)
* EGBU-15
* Elbrus (popular name for the R-300, a Scud variant)
* ENTAC (France)
* Enzian missile
* ERYX (France)
* Euromissile HOT anti-armour missile
* Exocet (popular name for the MBDA Exocet)
* Fateh-110
* Fireflash
* Firestreak
* FGM-77 Dragon
* FGM-148 Javelin
* Fieseler Fi 103, the V-1
* FIM-43 Redeye
* FIM-92 Stinger
* FQM-151 Pointer
* FROG-7
* Gabriel missile (Ship-to-ship and air-to-ship variants)
* Ghauri-I
* Ghauri-II
* Ghauri-III
* Ghaznavi-I
* Global Rocket 1 fractional orbital bombardment system missile (Russia; Cold War) (NATO reporting name SS-X-10 Scrag)
* GQM-93
* GQM-94 B-Gull
* GQM-98 Tern-R
* GQM-163 Coyote
* GR-1 (designation for the Global Rocket 1)
* Green Cheese
* Green Flash
* Grom
* Hadès
* Harpoon
* Hatf-I/IA/IB
* Hongqi-1 SAM
* Hongqi-2 SAM
* Hongnu-5 SAM
* Hongqi-7 SAM
* Hongqi-9 SAM
* Hongqi-10 SAM
* Hongqi-15 SAM
* Hongqi-17 SAM
* Hongqi-18 SAM
* Hongqi-61 SAM
* HOT (popular name for the Euromissile HOT anti-armour missile)
* Hsiung Feng I (HF-1) (ship-to-ship)
* Hsiung Feng II (HF-2) (guided multiplatform antiship)
* Hsiung Feng IIE (HF-2E) (land attack cruise missile variant of HF-2)
* Hsiung Feng III (HF-3) (antiship and/or land attack cruise missile)
* Hyunmoo
* IDAS (missile)
* Ingwe
* J-Missile
* Javelin Surface-to-air
* Jericho missile (Ground-to-ground ballistic)
* JL-1
* JL-2
* K-5 missile (AA-1 Alkali)
* K-8 missile (AA-3 Anab)
* K-9 missile (AA-4 Awl)
* K-13 missile (AA-2 Atoll)
* Kaishan-1 SAM
* LAM (Loitering Attack Missile)
* LEM-70 Minuteman ERCS
* LGM-25 Titan
* LGM-30 Minuteman
o Minuteman I
o Minuteman II
o Minuteman III
* LGM-118 Peacekeeper
* Lieying-60 SAM
* LIM-49 Spartan
* LIM-99
* LIM-100
* Long March cruise missile
* M1 submarine launched ballistic missile
* M2
* M4
* M5
* M20
* M45
* M51
* Magic (popular name for the R550 Magic)
* Mectron MAA-1 Piranha (short-range air-air infrared homing missile)
* Malkara (joint Australian/British)
* MAN-1 (anti-ship missile by Mectron, not in service yet)
* Martin Pescador MP-1000 anti-ship ASM (Argentina)
* MAR-1 (anti-radiation missile by Mectron, in tests)
* Mathogo anti-tank, wire-guided (Argentina)
* MBDA Apache
* MBDA AS 30
* MBDA Aster
* MBDA Exocet
* MBDA Meteor
* Meteor (popular name for the MBDA Meteor)
* MBDA Scalp EG
* MGM-1 Matador
* MGM-5 Corporal
* MGM-13 Mace
* MGM-18 Lacrosse
* MGM-21
* MGM-29 Sergeant
* MGM-31 Pershing
* MGM-51 Shillelagh
* MGM-52 Lance
* MGM-134 Midgetman
* MGM-168 ATAMCS Block IVA
* MGR-1 Honest John
* MICA (project name for the MBDA MICA)
* MIM-3 Nike-Ajax
* MIM-14 Nike-Hercules
* MIM-23 Hawk
* MIM-46 Mauler
* MIM-72 Chaparral
* MIM-104 Patriot
* MIM-115 Roland
* Mokopa
* Molodets (popular name for the RT-23 Molodets)
* MQM-33
* MQM-36 Shelduck
* MQM-39
* MQM-40 Firefly
* MQM-42 Redhead/Roadrunner
* MQM-57 Falconer
* MQM-58 Overseer
* MQM-61 Cardinal
* MQM-74 Chukar
* MQM-105 Aquila
* MQM-107 Streaker
* MQM-143 RPVT
* MR-UR-100 Sotka intercontinental ballistic missile (Russia; Cold War) (NATO reporting name SS-17 Spanker)
* MX: See LGM-118 Peacekeeper
* Nag Missile (Indian Anti-Tank Guided Missile)
* Nirbhay
* Naval Strike Missile (NSM)
* Nike
* Nodong-1
* Nuclear bunker buster
* Oka (popular name for the R-400 Oka)
* Otomat
* P-1 missile (SS-N-1 Scrubber)
* P-700 Granit (SS-N-19 Shipwreck)
* Penguin (U.S. designation: AGM-119)
* PenLung-9 SAM
* PL-10
* Polyphem
* PGM-11 Redstone
* PGM-17 Thor
* PGM-19 Jupiter
* Pioner (popular name for the RT-21M Pioner)
* Pluton
* Popeye missile (Standoff. U.S. designation AGM-142 Have Nap. A cruise missile variant purportedly exists as well)
* PQM-56
* PQM-102 Delta Dagger
* PQM-149 UAV-SR
* PQM-150 UAV-SR
* Prithvi missile
* Prithvi II missile
* Prithvi III missile
* Python 5 (popular name for Rafael Python 5)
* Qassam rocket
* Qianwei-1 SAM
* Qianwei-2 SAM
* R-1 theatre ballistic missile (SS-1 Scunner)
* R-2 theatre ballistic missile (SS-2 Sibling)
* R-4 missile (AA-5 Ash)
* R-5 theatre ballistic missile (SS-3 Shyster)
* R-7 Semyorka intercontinental ballistic missile (USSR/Russia; Cold War) (NATO name SS-6 Sapwood)
* R-9 Desna intercontinental ballistic missile (USSR/Russia; Cold War) (NATO name SS-8 Sasin)
* R-11 tactical ballistic missile (USSR; Cold War) (NATO name SS-1b Scud)
* R-12 Dvina theatre ballistic missile (USSR; Cold War) (NATO name SS-4 Sandal)
* R-13 submarine launched ballistic missile (USSR; Cold War) (SS-N-4 Sark)
* R-14 Usovaya theatre ballistic missile (USSR; Cold War) (NATO name SS-5 Skean)
* R-15 submarine ballistic missile (USSR; Cold War)
* R-16 intercontinental ballistic missile (USSR; Cold War) (NATO name SS-7 Saddler)
* R-17E, variant of Russian Scud B
* R-21 submarine-launched ballistic missile (USSR; Cold War) (SS-N-5 Serb)
* R-23 missile (AA-7 Apex)
* R-26 intercontinental ballistic missile (USSR; Cold War) (mistakenly applied NATO name SS-8 Sasin)
* R-27 submarine-launched ballistic missile (USSR; Cold War) (SS-N-6 Serb)
* R-27 missile (AA-10 Alamo)
* R-33 missile (AA-9 Amos)
* R-36 intercontinental ballistic missile (USSR/Ukraine) (NATO name SS-9 Scarp and SS-18 Satan)
* R-39 missile (SS-N-20 Sturgeon)
* R-40 missile (AA-6 Acrid)
* R-46 orbital launcher and intercontinental ballistic missile (Russia; Cold War)
* R-60 missile (AA-8 Aphid)
* R-73 missile (AA-11 Archer)
* R-77 missile (AA-12 Adder)
* R-300 Elbrus theatre ballistic missile (USSR; Cold War) (NATO name SS-1c Scud)
* R-400 Oka theatre ballistic missile (USSR; Cold War) (NATO name SS-23 Spider)
* R550 Magic
* Ra'ad (Pakistani Cruise Missile)
* Rapier Surface-to-air
* Rafael Python 5 (Air-to-air)
* RBS-15
* RBS-23
* RBS-70
* RBS-77
* RBS-90
* Red Top Air-to-air
* RGM-6 Regulus
* RGM-15 Regulus II
* RGM-59 Taurus
* RGM-165 LASM
* RIM-2 Terrier
* RIM-7 Sea Sparrow
* RIM-8 Talos
* RIM-24 Tartar
* RIM-50 Typhon LR
* RIM-55 Typhon MR
* RIM-66 Standard Missile-1
* RIM-66 Standard Missile-2
* RIM-67 Standard Missile-1 ER
* RIM-67 Standard Missile-2 ER
* RIM-85
* RIM-101
* RIM-113
* RIM-116 Rolling Airframe Missile
* RIM-156 Standard Missile-2ER Block IV
* RIM-161 Standard Missile-3
* RIM-162 ESSM
* ROLAND air defence missile
* RS-24 intercontinental ballistic missile (Russia; Modern) [1]
* RSA-1
* RSA-2
* RSA-3
* RSA-4
* RT-1 theatre ballistic missile (USSR; Cold War)
* RT-2 intercontinental ballistic missile (Russia; Cold War) (SS-13 Savage)
* RT-2PM Topol intercontinental ballistic missile (Russia; Modern)(SS-25 Sickle)
* RT-2UTTH Topol M intercontinental ballistic missile (Russia; Modern) (SS-27)
* RT-15 mobile land launced theatre ballistic missile (USSR; Cold War) (SS-14 Scamp)
* RT-20 intercontinental ballistic missile (USSR; Cold War) (SS-15 Scrooge)
* RT-21 Temp 2S intercontinental ballistic missile (USSR; Cold War) (SS-16 Sinner)
* RT-21M Pioner theatre ballistic missile (USSR; Cold War) (SS-20 Saber)
* RT-23 Molodets intercontinental ballistic missile (Russia; Modern) (SS-24 Scalpel)
* RT-25 theatre ballistic missile (USSR; Cold War)
* RUM-139 VL-Asroc
* RUR-5 Asroc
* SA-2 Guideline
* SA-3 Goa
* SA-4 Ganef
* SA-5 Gammon
* SA-6 Gainful
* SA-7 Grail
* SA-8 Gecko
* SA-9 Gaskin
* SA-10 Grumble
* SA-11 Gadfly
* SA-12 Gladiator/Giant
* SA-13 Gopher
* SA-14 Gremlin
* SA-15 Gauntlet
* SA-16 Gimlet
* SA-17 Grizzly
* SA-18 Grouse
* SA-19 Grisom
* SA-20 Gargoyle
* SA-X-21 Growler
* SA-N-3 Goblet
* Saber (SS-20) (NATO reporting name for the RT-21M Pioner)
* Saddler (SS-7) (NATO reporting name for the R-16 rocket)
* Samid
* Saegheh
* Sagarika (SLBM) (Indian Ballistic Missile)
* Sajjil (MRBM) (Iranian Ballistic Missile)
* Sandal (SS-4) (NATO reporting name for the R-12 Dvina)
* Sapwood (SS-6) (NATO reporting name for the R-7 Semyorka)
* Sark (SS-N-4) (NATO reporting name for the R-13)
* Sasin (SS-8) (NATO reporting name for the R-9 Desna, also mistakenly applied to the R-26)
* Satan (SS-18) (NATO reporting name for the R-36M)
* Savage (SS-13) (NATO reporting name for the RT-2)
* Scaleboard (SS-12 / SS-22) (NATO reporting name for the TR-1 Temp)
* Scalpel (SS-24) (NATO reporting name for the RT-23 Molodets)
* Scamp (SS-14) (NATO reporting name for the RT-15)
* Scapegoat (SS-14) (alternate NATO reporting name for the RT-15)
* Scarp (SS-9) (NATO reporting name for the R-36)
* Scrag (SS-X-10) (NATO reporting name for the Global Rocket 1 and UR-200)
* Scrooge (SS-15) (NATO reporting name for the RT-20)
* Scud (SS-1b/SS-1c) (NATO reporting name for the R-11 and R-300 Elbrus family)
* Scunner (SS-1) (NATO reporting name for the R-1)
* SD 10 (Pakistani Beyond Visual Range Air-to-Air Missile)
* Sea Cat
* Sea Dart
* Sea Eagle
* Sea Skua
* Sea Slug Surface-to-air
* Sea Wolf Surface-to-air
* Sego (SS-11) (NATO reporting name for the UR-100)
* Semyorka (popular name for the R-7 Semyorka)
* Serb (SS-N-5) (NATO reporting name for the R-21)
* Serb (SS-N-6) (NATO reporting name for the R-27)
* Shahab-1
* Shahab-2
* Shahab-3
* Shahab-3D
* Shahab-4
* Shahab-5
* Shahab-6
* Shaheen-I (Pakistani MRBM)
* Shaheen-II (Pakistani IRBM)
* Shaheen-III (Pakistani IRBM)
* Shavit (Space launcher)
* Shkval (VA-111)
* Shaurya missile (Indian)
* Shyster (SS-3) (NATO reporting name for the R-5)
* Sibling (SS-2) (NATO reporting name for the R-2)
* Sickle (SS-25) (NATO reporting name for the RT-2PM Topol)
* Silkworm missile subsonic cruise missile
* Sinner (SS-16) (NATO reporting name for the RT-21 Temp 2S)
* Skean (SS-5) (NATO reporting name for the R-14 Usovaya)
* Sky Bow I (TK-1) (SAM)
* Sky Bow II (TK-2) (SAM)
* Sky Bow III (TK-3) (SAM)
* Sky Spear (Short range SSBM)
* Sky Sword I (TC-1) (air-to-air)
* Sky Sword II (TC-2) (air-to-air)
* Skybolt ALBM
* SM-62 Snark
* SM-73 Goose (decoy cruise missile)
* SM-74 (proposed decoy cruise missile)
* Sotka (popular name for the MR-UR-100 Sotka)
* Spanker (SS-17) (NATO reporting name for the MR-UR-100 Sotka)
* Spartan LIM-49A ABM
* Spider (SS-23) (NATO reporting name for the R-400 Oka)
* Spike/Gil missile (Anti-tank)
* Sprint ABM
* SS-1 Scunner (NATO reporting name for the R-1)
* SS-1b Scud (NATO reporting name for the R-11)
* SS-1c Scud (NATO reporting name for the R-300 Elbrus)
* SS-2 Sibling (NATO reporting name for the R-2)
* SS-3 Shyster (NATO reporting name for the R-5)
* SS-4 Sandal (NATO reporting name for the R-12 Dvina)
* SS-5 Skean (NATO reporting name for the R-14 Skean)
* SS-6 Sapwood (NATO reporting name for the R-7 Semyorka)
* SS-7 Saddler (NATO reporting name for the R-16 rocket)
* SS-8 Sasin (NATO reporting name for the R-9 Desna, also mistakenly applied to the R-26)
* SS-9 Scarp (NATO reporting name for the R-36)
* SS-10 surface-to-surface missile (France)
* SS-11 surface-to-surface missile (France)
* SS-11 Sego (NATO reporting name for the UR-100)
* SS-12 surface-to-surface missile (France)
* SS-12 Scaleboard (NATO reporting name for the TR-1 Temp)
* SS-13 Savage (NATO reporting name for the RT-2)
* SS-14 Scamp (NATO reporting name for the RT-15)
* SS-15 Scrooge (NATO reporting name for the RT-20)
* SS-16 Sinner (NATO reporting name for the RT-21 Temp 2S)
* SS-17 Spanker (NATO reporting name for the MR-UR-100)
* SS-18 Satan (NATO reporting name for the R-36M)
* SS-19 Stiletto (NATO reporting name for the UR-100N)
* SS-20 Saber (NATO reporting name for the RT-21M)
* SS-21 Scarab (NATO reporting name for the OTR-21)
* SS-22 Scaleboard (NATO reporting name for the TR-1 Temp modified versions)
* SS-23 Spider (NATO reporting name for the R-400 Oka
* SS-24 Scalpel (NATO reporting name for the RT-23 Molodets)
* SS-25 Sickle (NATO reporting name for the RT-2PM Topol)
* SS-27 (NATO reporting name for the RT-2UTTH Topol M)
* SS-1000 (Brazil, retired)
* SS-N-2 Styx
* SS-N-4 Sark (NATO reporting name for the R-13)
* SS-N-5 Serb (NATO reporting name for the R-21)
* SS-N-6 Serb (NATO reporting name for the R-27)
* SS-N-12 Sandbox
* SS-N-15 Starfish
* SS-N-16 Stallion
* SS-N-17
* SS-N-19 Shipwreck
* SS-N-20
* SS-N-22 Sunburn
* SS-N-27 Sizzler (NATO reporting name for the 3M54E)
* SS-X-10 Scrag (NATO reporting name for the Global Rocket 1 and UR-200)
* Starstreak
* Stiletto (SS-19) (NATO reporting name for the UR-100N)
* Storm Shadow
* Strela-1 missile (SA-9 Gaskin)
* Strela-2 missile (SA-7/SA-N-5 Grail)
* Swingfire Ground to ground, anti-tank
* Taurus missile
* Terne ASW
* Temp (popular name for the TR-1 Temp)
* Temp 2S (popular name for the RT-21 Temp 2S)
* Thunderbird
* Tippu missile (Pakistani IRBM)
* Topol (popular name for the RT-2PM Topol and RT-2UTTH Topol M)
* TOROS missile
* TR-1 Temp theatre ballistic missile (Russia; Cold War) (SS-12 / SS-22 Scaleboard)
* Trigat
* Trishul missile (Indian Surface-to-Air Missile)
* UGM-27 Polaris
* UGM-73 Poseidon
* UGM-89 Perseus
* UGM-96 Trident I
* UGM-133 Trident II
* Umkhonto
* UR-100 intercontinental ballistic missile (Russia; Cold War) (NATO reporting name SS-11 Sego)
* UR-100MR (common alternate designation for the MR-UR-100 Sotka)
* UR-100N intercontinental ballistic missile (Russia; Cold War) (NATO reporting name SS-19 Stiletto)
* UR-200 intercontinental ballistic missile (Russia; Cold War) (NATO reporting name SS-X-10 Scrag)
* Usovaya (popular name for the R-14 Usovaya)
* UUM-44 Subroc
* UUM-125 Sea Lance
* V-1
* V-2 rocket
* Voivode (popular name for the R-36M2)
Wasserfall missile
X-4 missile
AP - Armor Piercing
FMJ - Full Metal Jacket
JSP - Jacketed Soft Point
JHP - Jacketed Hollow Point
Glaser Safety Slug
Training Ammo
The Hague Accords
000 Buck - 8 lead pellets (0.36")
00 Buck - 9 lead pellets (0.33")
0 Buck - 12 lead pellets (0.32")
1 Buck - 16 lead pellets (0.30")
4 Buck - 27 lead pellets (0.24")
QB 8 - 8 pellets (Armor Piercing)
Flechettes - 32 flechettes (Armor Piercing)
Slug HP - Hollow-point slugs
Baton - Rubber batons
.30 US Carbine
.300 Whisper subsonic
.300 Winchester Magnum
.338 Lapua Magnum
.338 Whisper subsonic
.357 Magnum
.357 SIG
.376 Steyr
.40 S&W
.40 S&W subsonic
.44 Magnum
.440 CorBon Magnum
.45 ACP +P
.45 ACP subsonic
.454 Casull
.45-70 Government
.50 Action Express (AE)
4.6x30mm H&K
4.92x34mm H&K caseless
5.45x18mm Soviet
5.45x39mm Soviet
5.56mm Steyr Flechette
5.56x45mm NATO
5.7x28mm FN
5.7x28mm FN subsonic
7mm Remington Magnum
7.62x39mm Soviet
7.62x42mm Soviet
7.62x51mm NATO
7.62x51mm NATO Duplex
7.62x51mm NATO Match
7.62x51mm NATO Sabot
7.62x54mmR Russian
7.65x17mm Browning
7.92x57mm Mauser
9x19mm NATO
9x19mm NATO subsonic
9x21mm Russian
9x23mm Winchester
9x30mm Grom
9x39mm Soviet subsonic
10x25mm Norma
10x25mm Norma subsonic
12.7x99mm BMG (.50 BMG)
A4 (reporting name "V-2 rocket")
AA-1 Alkali (NATO reporting name for the Kaliningrad K-5)
AA-2 Atoll (NATO reporting name for the Vympel K-13)
AA-3 Anab (NATO reporting name for the Kaliningrad K-8)
AA-4 Awl (NATO reporting name for the Raduga K-9)
AA-5 Ash (NATO reporting name for the Raduga K-80)
AA-6 Acrid (NATO reporting name for the Kaliningrad K-40)
AA-7 Apex (NATO reporting name for the Kaliningrad K-23)
AA-8 Aphid (NATO reporting name for the Kaliningrad K-60)
AA-9 Amos (NATO reporting name for the Vympel R-33)
AA-10 Alamo (NATO reporting name for the Vympel R-27)
AA-11 Archer (NATO reporting name for the Vympel R-73)
AA-12 Adder (NATO reporting name for the Vympel R-77)
AA-13 Arrow (NATO reporting name for the Vympel R-37)
AAM-3 (Japanese Type 90 air-to-air missile)
AAM-4 (Japanese Type 99 air-to-air missile)
AAM-5 (Japanese Type 04 air-to-air missile)
Abdali-I (Pakistani surface-to-air Short-range ballistic missile)
ABM-1 Galosh (NATO reporting name for the Russian/USSR, Vympel A-350 surface-to-air Anti-Ballistic Missile)
ADM-20 Quail
AGM-12 Bullpup
AGM-28 Hound Dog
AGM-45 Shrike
AGM-48 Skybolt
AGM-53 Condor
AGM-62 Walleye
AGM-64 Hornet
AGM-65 Maverick
AGM-76 Falcon
AGM-78 Standard ARM
AGM-79 Blue Eye
AGM-80 Viper
AGM-83 Bulldog
AGM-84 Harpoon
AGM-87 Focus
AGM-114 Hellfire
AGM-119 Penguin (Norwegian-made; only non-US-made missile in US arsenal)
AGM-122 Sidearm
AGM-123 Skipper
AGM-124 Wasp
AGM-136 Tacit Rainbow
AGM-142 Have Nap
AGM-169 Joint Common Missile
Agni Missile
Agni I
Agni II
AIM-4 Falcon
AIM-7 Sparrow
AIM-9 Sidewinder
AIM-26 Falcon
AIM-47 Falcon
AIM-54 Phoenix
AIM-68 Big Q
AIM-97 Seekbat
AIM-95 Agile
AIR-2 Genie
Alacrán missile (Spanish for "Scorpion")
Al-Samoud 2
Apache (popular name for the MBDA Apache)
AQM-37 Jayhawk
AQM-41 Petrel
AQM-60 Kingfisher
AQM-81 Firebolt
AQM-91 Firefly
Arrow (missile) (Anti-ballistic)
AS-25K (anti-ship)
AS.30 (designation for the MBDA AS-30)
AS.34 Kormoran
ASM-1 (Japanese Type 80 air-to-ship missile)
ASM-2 (Japanese Type 93 air-to-ship missile)
ASRAAM (project name for the AIM-132 ASRAAM)
Aster (popular name for the MBDA Aster)
Astra Missile
ATM-1 (Japanese Type 64 Anti-Tank Missile)
ATM-2 (Japanese Type 79 Anti-Landing craft and Anti-Tank Missile)
ATM-3 (Japanese Type 87 Anti-Tank Missile)
ATM-4 (Japanese Type 96 Multi-Purpose Missile System)
ATM-5 (Japanese Type 01 Light Anti-Tank Missile)
Babur (Pakistani Cruise Missile)
Barak naval point defense surface-to-air missile (Israel)
BGM-34 Firebee
BGM-109 Tomahawk
Baktar-Shikan (Pakistani Anti-tank Guided Missile)
Black Arrow (United Kingdom)
Bloodhound UK Surface-to-air
Blowpipe UK Man portable Surface-to-air
Blue Steel nuclear stand off missile (United Kingdom)
Blue Streak (United Kingdom)
BQM-106 Teleplane
BQM-111 Firebrand
BQM-145 Peregrine
BQM-147 Exdrone
BQM-155 Hunter
BQM-167 Skeeter
BrahMos (Missile developed by Russia/India )
Brakemine UK WWII project
Brimstone (United Kingdom)
CA 94
CA 95
CEM-138 Pave Cricket
CGM-16/HGM-16 Atlas
CIM-10 Bomarc
Condor missile (Argentina)
CQM-121 Pave Tiger
Crotale (France)
* Desna (popular name for the R-9 Desna intercontinental ballistic missile)
* DF-3A (NATO name: CSS-2)
* DF-5
* DF-4
* DF-15
* DF-21
* DF-25
* DF-31
* DH-10
* Dvina (popular name for the R-12 Dvina theatre ballistic missile)
* EGBU-15
* Elbrus (popular name for the R-300, a Scud variant)
* ENTAC (France)
* Enzian missile
* ERYX (France)
* Euromissile HOT anti-armour missile
* Exocet (popular name for the MBDA Exocet)
* Fateh-110
* Fireflash
* Firestreak
* FGM-77 Dragon
* FGM-148 Javelin
* Fieseler Fi 103, the V-1
* FIM-43 Redeye
* FIM-92 Stinger
* FQM-151 Pointer
* FROG-7
* Gabriel missile (Ship-to-ship and air-to-ship variants)
* Ghauri-I
* Ghauri-II
* Ghauri-III
* Ghaznavi-I
* Global Rocket 1 fractional orbital bombardment system missile (Russia; Cold War) (NATO reporting name SS-X-10 Scrag)
* GQM-93
* GQM-94 B-Gull
* GQM-98 Tern-R
* GQM-163 Coyote
* GR-1 (designation for the Global Rocket 1)
* Green Cheese
* Green Flash
* Grom
* Hadès
* Harpoon
* Hatf-I/IA/IB
* Hongqi-1 SAM
* Hongqi-2 SAM
* Hongnu-5 SAM
* Hongqi-7 SAM
* Hongqi-9 SAM
* Hongqi-10 SAM
* Hongqi-15 SAM
* Hongqi-17 SAM
* Hongqi-18 SAM
* Hongqi-61 SAM
* HOT (popular name for the Euromissile HOT anti-armour missile)
* Hsiung Feng I (HF-1) (ship-to-ship)
* Hsiung Feng II (HF-2) (guided multiplatform antiship)
* Hsiung Feng IIE (HF-2E) (land attack cruise missile variant of HF-2)
* Hsiung Feng III (HF-3) (antiship and/or land attack cruise missile)
* Hyunmoo
* IDAS (missile)
* Ingwe
* J-Missile
* Javelin Surface-to-air
* Jericho missile (Ground-to-ground ballistic)
* JL-1
* JL-2
* K-5 missile (AA-1 Alkali)
* K-8 missile (AA-3 Anab)
* K-9 missile (AA-4 Awl)
* K-13 missile (AA-2 Atoll)
* Kaishan-1 SAM
* LAM (Loitering Attack Missile)
* LEM-70 Minuteman ERCS
* LGM-25 Titan
* LGM-30 Minuteman
o Minuteman I
o Minuteman II
o Minuteman III
* LGM-118 Peacekeeper
* Lieying-60 SAM
* LIM-49 Spartan
* LIM-99
* LIM-100
* Long March cruise missile
* M1 submarine launched ballistic missile
* M2
* M4
* M5
* M20
* M45
* M51
* Magic (popular name for the R550 Magic)
* Mectron MAA-1 Piranha (short-range air-air infrared homing missile)
* Malkara (joint Australian/British)
* MAN-1 (anti-ship missile by Mectron, not in service yet)
* Martin Pescador MP-1000 anti-ship ASM (Argentina)
* MAR-1 (anti-radiation missile by Mectron, in tests)
* Mathogo anti-tank, wire-guided (Argentina)
* MBDA Apache
* MBDA AS 30
* MBDA Aster
* MBDA Exocet
* MBDA Meteor
* Meteor (popular name for the MBDA Meteor)
* MBDA Scalp EG
* MGM-1 Matador
* MGM-5 Corporal
* MGM-13 Mace
* MGM-18 Lacrosse
* MGM-21
* MGM-29 Sergeant
* MGM-31 Pershing
* MGM-51 Shillelagh
* MGM-52 Lance
* MGM-134 Midgetman
* MGM-168 ATAMCS Block IVA
* MGR-1 Honest John
* MICA (project name for the MBDA MICA)
* MIM-3 Nike-Ajax
* MIM-14 Nike-Hercules
* MIM-23 Hawk
* MIM-46 Mauler
* MIM-72 Chaparral
* MIM-104 Patriot
* MIM-115 Roland
* Mokopa
* Molodets (popular name for the RT-23 Molodets)
* MQM-33
* MQM-36 Shelduck
* MQM-39
* MQM-40 Firefly
* MQM-42 Redhead/Roadrunner
* MQM-57 Falconer
* MQM-58 Overseer
* MQM-61 Cardinal
* MQM-74 Chukar
* MQM-105 Aquila
* MQM-107 Streaker
* MQM-143 RPVT
* MR-UR-100 Sotka intercontinental ballistic missile (Russia; Cold War) (NATO reporting name SS-17 Spanker)
* MX: See LGM-118 Peacekeeper
* Nag Missile (Indian Anti-Tank Guided Missile)
* Nirbhay
* Naval Strike Missile (NSM)
* Nike
* Nodong-1
* Nuclear bunker buster
* Oka (popular name for the R-400 Oka)
* Otomat
* P-1 missile (SS-N-1 Scrubber)
* P-700 Granit (SS-N-19 Shipwreck)
* Penguin (U.S. designation: AGM-119)
* PenLung-9 SAM
* PL-10
* Polyphem
* PGM-11 Redstone
* PGM-17 Thor
* PGM-19 Jupiter
* Pioner (popular name for the RT-21M Pioner)
* Pluton
* Popeye missile (Standoff. U.S. designation AGM-142 Have Nap. A cruise missile variant purportedly exists as well)
* PQM-56
* PQM-102 Delta Dagger
* PQM-149 UAV-SR
* PQM-150 UAV-SR
* Prithvi missile
* Prithvi II missile
* Prithvi III missile
* Python 5 (popular name for Rafael Python 5)
* Qassam rocket
* Qianwei-1 SAM
* Qianwei-2 SAM
* R-1 theatre ballistic missile (SS-1 Scunner)
* R-2 theatre ballistic missile (SS-2 Sibling)
* R-4 missile (AA-5 Ash)
* R-5 theatre ballistic missile (SS-3 Shyster)
* R-7 Semyorka intercontinental ballistic missile (USSR/Russia; Cold War) (NATO name SS-6 Sapwood)
* R-9 Desna intercontinental ballistic missile (USSR/Russia; Cold War) (NATO name SS-8 Sasin)
* R-11 tactical ballistic missile (USSR; Cold War) (NATO name SS-1b Scud)
* R-12 Dvina theatre ballistic missile (USSR; Cold War) (NATO name SS-4 Sandal)
* R-13 submarine launched ballistic missile (USSR; Cold War) (SS-N-4 Sark)
* R-14 Usovaya theatre ballistic missile (USSR; Cold War) (NATO name SS-5 Skean)
* R-15 submarine ballistic missile (USSR; Cold War)
* R-16 intercontinental ballistic missile (USSR; Cold War) (NATO name SS-7 Saddler)
* R-17E, variant of Russian Scud B
* R-21 submarine-launched ballistic missile (USSR; Cold War) (SS-N-5 Serb)
* R-23 missile (AA-7 Apex)
* R-26 intercontinental ballistic missile (USSR; Cold War) (mistakenly applied NATO name SS-8 Sasin)
* R-27 submarine-launched ballistic missile (USSR; Cold War) (SS-N-6 Serb)
* R-27 missile (AA-10 Alamo)
* R-33 missile (AA-9 Amos)
* R-36 intercontinental ballistic missile (USSR/Ukraine) (NATO name SS-9 Scarp and SS-18 Satan)
* R-39 missile (SS-N-20 Sturgeon)
* R-40 missile (AA-6 Acrid)
* R-46 orbital launcher and intercontinental ballistic missile (Russia; Cold War)
* R-60 missile (AA-8 Aphid)
* R-73 missile (AA-11 Archer)
* R-77 missile (AA-12 Adder)
* R-300 Elbrus theatre ballistic missile (USSR; Cold War) (NATO name SS-1c Scud)
* R-400 Oka theatre ballistic missile (USSR; Cold War) (NATO name SS-23 Spider)
* R550 Magic
* Ra'ad (Pakistani Cruise Missile)
* Rapier Surface-to-air
* Rafael Python 5 (Air-to-air)
* RBS-15
* RBS-23
* RBS-70
* RBS-77
* RBS-90
* Red Top Air-to-air
* RGM-6 Regulus
* RGM-15 Regulus II
* RGM-59 Taurus
* RGM-165 LASM
* RIM-2 Terrier
* RIM-7 Sea Sparrow
* RIM-8 Talos
* RIM-24 Tartar
* RIM-50 Typhon LR
* RIM-55 Typhon MR
* RIM-66 Standard Missile-1
* RIM-66 Standard Missile-2
* RIM-67 Standard Missile-1 ER
* RIM-67 Standard Missile-2 ER
* RIM-85
* RIM-101
* RIM-113
* RIM-116 Rolling Airframe Missile
* RIM-156 Standard Missile-2ER Block IV
* RIM-161 Standard Missile-3
* RIM-162 ESSM
* ROLAND air defence missile
* RS-24 intercontinental ballistic missile (Russia; Modern) [1]
* RSA-1
* RSA-2
* RSA-3
* RSA-4
* RT-1 theatre ballistic missile (USSR; Cold War)
* RT-2 intercontinental ballistic missile (Russia; Cold War) (SS-13 Savage)
* RT-2PM Topol intercontinental ballistic missile (Russia; Modern)(SS-25 Sickle)
* RT-2UTTH Topol M intercontinental ballistic missile (Russia; Modern) (SS-27)
* RT-15 mobile land launced theatre ballistic missile (USSR; Cold War) (SS-14 Scamp)
* RT-20 intercontinental ballistic missile (USSR; Cold War) (SS-15 Scrooge)
* RT-21 Temp 2S intercontinental ballistic missile (USSR; Cold War) (SS-16 Sinner)
* RT-21M Pioner theatre ballistic missile (USSR; Cold War) (SS-20 Saber)
* RT-23 Molodets intercontinental ballistic missile (Russia; Modern) (SS-24 Scalpel)
* RT-25 theatre ballistic missile (USSR; Cold War)
* RUM-139 VL-Asroc
* RUR-5 Asroc
* SA-2 Guideline
* SA-3 Goa
* SA-4 Ganef
* SA-5 Gammon
* SA-6 Gainful
* SA-7 Grail
* SA-8 Gecko
* SA-9 Gaskin
* SA-10 Grumble
* SA-11 Gadfly
* SA-12 Gladiator/Giant
* SA-13 Gopher
* SA-14 Gremlin
* SA-15 Gauntlet
* SA-16 Gimlet
* SA-17 Grizzly
* SA-18 Grouse
* SA-19 Grisom
* SA-20 Gargoyle
* SA-X-21 Growler
* SA-N-3 Goblet
* Saber (SS-20) (NATO reporting name for the RT-21M Pioner)
* Saddler (SS-7) (NATO reporting name for the R-16 rocket)
* Samid
* Saegheh
* Sagarika (SLBM) (Indian Ballistic Missile)
* Sajjil (MRBM) (Iranian Ballistic Missile)
* Sandal (SS-4) (NATO reporting name for the R-12 Dvina)
* Sapwood (SS-6) (NATO reporting name for the R-7 Semyorka)
* Sark (SS-N-4) (NATO reporting name for the R-13)
* Sasin (SS-8) (NATO reporting name for the R-9 Desna, also mistakenly applied to the R-26)
* Satan (SS-18) (NATO reporting name for the R-36M)
* Savage (SS-13) (NATO reporting name for the RT-2)
* Scaleboard (SS-12 / SS-22) (NATO reporting name for the TR-1 Temp)
* Scalpel (SS-24) (NATO reporting name for the RT-23 Molodets)
* Scamp (SS-14) (NATO reporting name for the RT-15)
* Scapegoat (SS-14) (alternate NATO reporting name for the RT-15)
* Scarp (SS-9) (NATO reporting name for the R-36)
* Scrag (SS-X-10) (NATO reporting name for the Global Rocket 1 and UR-200)
* Scrooge (SS-15) (NATO reporting name for the RT-20)
* Scud (SS-1b/SS-1c) (NATO reporting name for the R-11 and R-300 Elbrus family)
* Scunner (SS-1) (NATO reporting name for the R-1)
* SD 10 (Pakistani Beyond Visual Range Air-to-Air Missile)
* Sea Cat
* Sea Dart
* Sea Eagle
* Sea Skua
* Sea Slug Surface-to-air
* Sea Wolf Surface-to-air
* Sego (SS-11) (NATO reporting name for the UR-100)
* Semyorka (popular name for the R-7 Semyorka)
* Serb (SS-N-5) (NATO reporting name for the R-21)
* Serb (SS-N-6) (NATO reporting name for the R-27)
* Shahab-1
* Shahab-2
* Shahab-3
* Shahab-3D
* Shahab-4
* Shahab-5
* Shahab-6
* Shaheen-I (Pakistani MRBM)
* Shaheen-II (Pakistani IRBM)
* Shaheen-III (Pakistani IRBM)
* Shavit (Space launcher)
* Shkval (VA-111)
* Shaurya missile (Indian)
* Shyster (SS-3) (NATO reporting name for the R-5)
* Sibling (SS-2) (NATO reporting name for the R-2)
* Sickle (SS-25) (NATO reporting name for the RT-2PM Topol)
* Silkworm missile subsonic cruise missile
* Sinner (SS-16) (NATO reporting name for the RT-21 Temp 2S)
* Skean (SS-5) (NATO reporting name for the R-14 Usovaya)
* Sky Bow I (TK-1) (SAM)
* Sky Bow II (TK-2) (SAM)
* Sky Bow III (TK-3) (SAM)
* Sky Spear (Short range SSBM)
* Sky Sword I (TC-1) (air-to-air)
* Sky Sword II (TC-2) (air-to-air)
* Skybolt ALBM
* SM-62 Snark
* SM-73 Goose (decoy cruise missile)
* SM-74 (proposed decoy cruise missile)
* Sotka (popular name for the MR-UR-100 Sotka)
* Spanker (SS-17) (NATO reporting name for the MR-UR-100 Sotka)
* Spartan LIM-49A ABM
* Spider (SS-23) (NATO reporting name for the R-400 Oka)
* Spike/Gil missile (Anti-tank)
* Sprint ABM
* SS-1 Scunner (NATO reporting name for the R-1)
* SS-1b Scud (NATO reporting name for the R-11)
* SS-1c Scud (NATO reporting name for the R-300 Elbrus)
* SS-2 Sibling (NATO reporting name for the R-2)
* SS-3 Shyster (NATO reporting name for the R-5)
* SS-4 Sandal (NATO reporting name for the R-12 Dvina)
* SS-5 Skean (NATO reporting name for the R-14 Skean)
* SS-6 Sapwood (NATO reporting name for the R-7 Semyorka)
* SS-7 Saddler (NATO reporting name for the R-16 rocket)
* SS-8 Sasin (NATO reporting name for the R-9 Desna, also mistakenly applied to the R-26)
* SS-9 Scarp (NATO reporting name for the R-36)
* SS-10 surface-to-surface missile (France)
* SS-11 surface-to-surface missile (France)
* SS-11 Sego (NATO reporting name for the UR-100)
* SS-12 surface-to-surface missile (France)
* SS-12 Scaleboard (NATO reporting name for the TR-1 Temp)
* SS-13 Savage (NATO reporting name for the RT-2)
* SS-14 Scamp (NATO reporting name for the RT-15)
* SS-15 Scrooge (NATO reporting name for the RT-20)
* SS-16 Sinner (NATO reporting name for the RT-21 Temp 2S)
* SS-17 Spanker (NATO reporting name for the MR-UR-100)
* SS-18 Satan (NATO reporting name for the R-36M)
* SS-19 Stiletto (NATO reporting name for the UR-100N)
* SS-20 Saber (NATO reporting name for the RT-21M)
* SS-21 Scarab (NATO reporting name for the OTR-21)
* SS-22 Scaleboard (NATO reporting name for the TR-1 Temp modified versions)
* SS-23 Spider (NATO reporting name for the R-400 Oka
* SS-24 Scalpel (NATO reporting name for the RT-23 Molodets)
* SS-25 Sickle (NATO reporting name for the RT-2PM Topol)
* SS-27 (NATO reporting name for the RT-2UTTH Topol M)
* SS-1000 (Brazil, retired)
* SS-N-2 Styx
* SS-N-4 Sark (NATO reporting name for the R-13)
* SS-N-5 Serb (NATO reporting name for the R-21)
* SS-N-6 Serb (NATO reporting name for the R-27)
* SS-N-12 Sandbox
* SS-N-15 Starfish
* SS-N-16 Stallion
* SS-N-17
* SS-N-19 Shipwreck
* SS-N-20
* SS-N-22 Sunburn
* SS-N-27 Sizzler (NATO reporting name for the 3M54E)
* SS-X-10 Scrag (NATO reporting name for the Global Rocket 1 and UR-200)
* Starstreak
* Stiletto (SS-19) (NATO reporting name for the UR-100N)
* Storm Shadow
* Strela-1 missile (SA-9 Gaskin)
* Strela-2 missile (SA-7/SA-N-5 Grail)
* Swingfire Ground to ground, anti-tank
* Taurus missile
* Terne ASW
* Temp (popular name for the TR-1 Temp)
* Temp 2S (popular name for the RT-21 Temp 2S)
* Thunderbird
* Tippu missile (Pakistani IRBM)
* Topol (popular name for the RT-2PM Topol and RT-2UTTH Topol M)
* TOROS missile
* TR-1 Temp theatre ballistic missile (Russia; Cold War) (SS-12 / SS-22 Scaleboard)
* Trigat
* Trishul missile (Indian Surface-to-Air Missile)
* UGM-27 Polaris
* UGM-73 Poseidon
* UGM-89 Perseus
* UGM-96 Trident I
* UGM-133 Trident II
* Umkhonto
* UR-100 intercontinental ballistic missile (Russia; Cold War) (NATO reporting name SS-11 Sego)
* UR-100MR (common alternate designation for the MR-UR-100 Sotka)
* UR-100N intercontinental ballistic missile (Russia; Cold War) (NATO reporting name SS-19 Stiletto)
* UR-200 intercontinental ballistic missile (Russia; Cold War) (NATO reporting name SS-X-10 Scrag)
* Usovaya (popular name for the R-14 Usovaya)
* UUM-44 Subroc
* UUM-125 Sea Lance
* V-1
* V-2 rocket
* Voivode (popular name for the R-36M2)
Wasserfall missile
X-4 missile