Server Requests/Suggestions / zs_anchor problematic map
« on: July 28, 2009, 12:19:32 PM »
Hi everyone, i wanna say to all admins that anchor for zombie survival is a very problematic map cause the secret place when you can hide is a mechanic room. And the problem is that zombies wanna be humans and door cant be opened if humans are up it, mi question is if you can disable votekick and voteban only in that map, cause beein banned without a reason (i have seen cases that they banned me and i wasnt up the door) that map is very problematic. Now i will put some photos of me having fun with shiz and cops abusing in sleepersoft server of poor komohiro xD.(Always Biohazard abusing of poor komohiro xDDD)
PD: Komohiro is Luben's or Ruben's Friend
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PD: Komohiro is Luben's or Ruben's Friend
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