
, it was a bloody good day when I first entered RND's TTT server.
By now most of you have had the experience of me being there to stab you in the back.
Or marinade the walls of office with your brains at the end of my deagle.
You all love me and refer to me as Packaged or Ninja Waffles.
And a few of you have become my followers...

Okay now on to the real business, I'm on quite a bit and would like to keep the server in check
and keep people from abusing me and my friends.
It's not been a day on TTT unless someone in my friends list has asked me to start a votekick
and I've had to respond I'm not respected, I'd like to be able to help them out

So tell me what you think.
p.s. Don't turn around, and do not ever look over a fence.
Oh some personal info = 19m, Indiana
I program, and play online games. GOOD DAY.