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Messages - Marked_One_KIA

Pages: 1 ... 37 [38] 39 ... 44
Boneyard / Re: =BTD=CoL Pilot report
« on: July 05, 2010, 05:01:08 PM »
not u shawn

Boneyard / Re: TTT w/ new update
« on: July 05, 2010, 04:45:21 PM »
well on gamemodes like TTT its a bit more important...
know name/stats or get kerploded and votekicked DX

Boneyard / Re: Marked one kia abusing respected
« on: July 05, 2010, 04:21:44 PM »
rdm'ing detective twice or traitor killing... or both im assuming. lol

Boneyard / TTT w/ new update
« on: July 05, 2010, 03:57:56 PM »
names doesnt work. wild RDM is wild
traitor kill traitor rdm is wild
detective kill detective is wild
innocent killing detective is wild

TTT is wild

cud this be fixed? =.=
cause names, health, and status (detective) dont appear, and TTT relies on that stuff

Boneyard / Re: Marked one kia abusing respected
« on: July 05, 2010, 03:18:54 PM »
im just gonna say this
he rdm 3+ people every time i play with him, unless we kill him first
he rdm detective (or tried too) twice before this ban
most people want him perma'd
i ALWAYS give him chance before he is banned, in fact some people try to ban on sight, and i try to convince them not to...
i dont abuse respected... i wont say im best respected ever, but only other complaint ive had was ploof, and he DEFINITELY deserved...
i try not to voteban IF i even do use, i usualy give a shitton of warnings and only kick, but sorry, jonny, he pisses everyone off

thoguh cahnge to rules, imo. in tt, last round, rdm is allowed if everyone agrees. cause it happens anyways

Boneyard / Re: OMG Big Rich = Troll :L
« on: July 05, 2010, 03:03:37 PM »
sab, those are the servers that need to be DDoS'd... permanently =.=

Boneyard / Re: Marked one kia abusing respected
« on: July 05, 2010, 03:00:26 PM »
7. Killing a detective as innocent, UNPROVOKED is votekickable.

oh look a broken rule
i killed led at start of round because he was attacking detective. i lost a good chunk of karma because of led =.=
when he attacked detective NEXT round also, along with me... well then i votebaned, because i KNOW he isnt gonna stop, as everyone else knows.
its not like i ban him as soon as he enters... i dont do that... though he is usualy banned by someone by end of round 1-2, or everyone is non-respected and screaming at him...

Boneyard / Re: Marked one kia abusing respected
« on: July 05, 2010, 01:43:34 PM »
by all dayi mean every time i see him, which is 3x so far today. sorry if i dont take that shit well sanders... but this guy is getting ridiculous.
im dissapointed... he was doing SO GOOD before... occasional rdm or mic spam... but now... :<

Boneyard / Re: Marked one kia abusing respected
« on: July 05, 2010, 01:40:50 PM »
as said many times before... mass rdm is bannable...

rdming 2+ people along witht eh detective before were able to put him down, is what i call mass rdm, every round, all day

also, i know this saying saying  much, but if its as unanimous as it was...
i hope i spelled that right

Boneyard / Re: Marked one kia abusing respected
« on: July 05, 2010, 01:23:10 PM »
all day you have RDM and propkill

reason is thare

gtfo w/ love pl0x

Boneyard / Re: name change spammer/rdm/bser/cockmunch/minge
« on: July 05, 2010, 01:14:35 PM »
ledjonny needs some banning. he has started it up again,...
thought i wud post that here instead of making new thread :L

*screaming mic spam and fegit muted*
*fegit dies*
*me dies*
fegit types
me: i muted you. your noisy
*prop killings >_<*
*me starts votekick which fails*
*fegit starts voteban*
"Marked One KIA is banned for 60 minutes"

or sumtin like that

Boneyard / Re: =BTD=CoL Pilot report
« on: July 05, 2010, 07:20:56 AM »
There is this thing called a format... try using it sometime?,1170.0.html

there is this thing called the back button... try using it sometime?

Boneyard / Re: name change spammer/rdm/bser/cockmunch/minge
« on: July 05, 2010, 04:50:29 AM »
k. brb. need to spam this thread then =.=
i have witnesses XD

EDIT: gmod crashed while tabbing back in, but if u go onto TTT server, anyone cud copy paste for you, and tell you

Boneyard / name change spammer/rdm/bser/cockmunch/minge
« on: July 05, 2010, 04:25:31 AM »
# 453 "jellybeanonthemoon " STEAM_0:1:17420233 46:58 223 0 active
# 453 "tycoonistcarl " STEAM_0:1:17420233 48:01 218 0 active

previous ID was wrong, hard to see this bastard...
but this one is confirmed :D

if i get evidence itll just be spamming the thread lol...

changed name 5 times a second about, rdm, minged, and cocksucked a tranny
i hope he paid well...


he hacked too. and if tungung happens to read this, SORRY FOR BANNING YOU! complete accident while trying to ban him :<

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