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Messages - ItchyDani3l

Pages: 1 ... 31 [32] 33 ... 35
Anime/Manga Discussion / Re: Suggestions?
« on: June 25, 2010, 09:26:09 PM »
Lol don't make me go on a cyber killing rampage.
I'll walk into the forums one day with a pump shotgun and just come to each thread one by one.

Ohai deathward

No nudity. No werefox. No dix. Final.

Community Admin Apps / Re: respected app
« on: June 25, 2010, 09:22:03 PM »

no but seriously, how come the fail respected threads are ALWAYS longer than the good ones??? XD

Community Admin Apps / Re: Krashεr's Admin Application.
« on: June 25, 2010, 06:58:09 PM »
28 pages which I refuse to waste my life with.

General Chat / Yo hey listen uhm I was wondering
« on: June 25, 2010, 06:56:46 PM »
Can I hav yo numah.

No seriously. I was just wondering everyone's opinion on me thus-far and if I created an admin application in the not-so-near future if you guys would vote on my rigged system that would only have +1 choices a +1 for me.

Also, I'm taking any kinds of questions about myself.

Before I get troll-loads of the really obvious ones, here's a breif overview.

16 yrs old

10th --> 11th grade (it's summer so yeah)
AP Calculus AB (I win)
AP US History
Programming (I think, I forget exactly what my schedule will be)
AP Physics (again not sure)
Advanced Band (Trombone)
Other classes which don't matter

I'm a Certified SolidWorks Associate:
I've done very miniscule amounts of mapping using HAMMER.
I have done very very very miniscule amounts of Gmod 9 lua.
Unfortunately, I have done minimal actual programming of any language to this day, other than just dicking around in the CMD and making .BAT files.

I am a rather accomplished anime/manga artists (if I do say so myself).

I'm a funny guy, but I'm also very strict when it comes to breaking the rules. (you can ask anyone I've played with about this really, most namely DeathWard ;D)
Oh yeah, and I always give warnings tho. So none of the people I votekick/ban sit there going "OMFG WHAT DID I DO??? .__."
Except AFKs. I don't warn AFKs for being AFK. Just in case someone tries to pull that card on me...

But yeah, if you don't try to propkill, mass RDM, or hack then you'll probably find me a likable guy (at least I'd hope D:).
Whenever I play on the TTT server there's usually between 2-5 or 6 people from my friends list on there at once. (mostly because I've met alot of people by playing on the server). So yeah, I'm guessing I can't be that unlikable. And damnit sanders add me to your friends list you jerk.
And also I was wondering if Sanders would like to add me to his steam friends ass well. =D

Community Admin Apps / Re: Krashεr's Admin Application.
« on: June 25, 2010, 06:32:51 PM »
Long admin app is looooooooooooooooooooong.

I refuse to read this all.

Boneyard / Re: Krasher admin abuser
« on: June 25, 2010, 06:14:56 PM »
noone can use that either...
it's mine :3
for whenever someone fails pretty bad

Anime/Manga Discussion / Re: Suggestions?
« on: June 25, 2010, 04:43:33 PM »
Lol you're just jealous of their red hair.


EDIT: (haha, no double post for me) B-)

-Japanese Geisha (I like this one myself. It even has a background and stuff)
-Shinobi Trainee (a girl actually, also with a backgroud)
-Figure Training 1 (I was planning on making an anime, and this helped me nail the character and form of the main character)
-Figure Training 2 (not as good as the first, this was basically the same except for a minor character)
-Random Drawing 1 (well u see I draw at the lunch table sometimes and my friend named sabrina liked to draw on my paper -_-)
-Random Drawing 2 (I was trying to teach a friend to draw and then sabrina drew on my paper again. She always criticizes my work)
-Awesome Wing-ed Heart Thing (screw you, I'm scanning it anyway. It's good trust me.)
-Character Concept 1 (the main character of my anime's concept drawing...)
-Character Concept 2 (the same for the minor character...)
-Various Schoolgirl Drawings (seriously I have alot of them...)
-White House Apocalypse (a picture of the silhouette of the whitehouse with an atomic blast in the background. I know, we all wish)
-Chibi Art 1 (Chibi of me and one of my friends :3)
-Chibi Art 2 (Less detailed chibi of me being picked on by 3 similar albeit different friends)
-Shading Test (this is where I learned to shade. You'll notice that all of my drawings before this had no shading...)
-Emo Grim Reaper Lady (One of my favorites, I'll upload this either way probably...)
-Half-Life Drawings (several Half-life Associated drawings including Combine Soldiers, Zombies, ect.)

Boneyard / Re: !!!Ban request format!!! README !!!!
« on: June 25, 2010, 04:40:52 PM »
I think I've stepped into some kind of reverse reality where everything is upsidedown.

Newbies posting ban request formats... I swear...

Boneyard / Re: xxncxx is such a baby.
« on: June 25, 2010, 04:28:48 PM »
Take my respected.  Yes I said it.  Take my respected away.

Boneyard / Re: Krasher admin abuser
« on: June 25, 2010, 04:06:46 PM »

General Chat / Re: Jonas Brother's concert
« on: June 25, 2010, 10:56:43 AM »
My recommendation.... hmmmm... fake your own death the day of the concert.

Anime/Manga Discussion / Re: Suggestions?
« on: June 25, 2010, 05:06:46 AM »
crap I keep forgetting about this thread guys... >.<
hold on I think I have some stuff already scanned.

Okay, so this is one of my slightly older drawings. I'd really like to upload my drawing of the geisha, but u know, I need to get a scanner...
Oh yeah, and don't mind that chibi in the upper right hand corner... I got bored and I didn't have a pencil, so I used pen. She's trying to fly...

Lastly, post happy comments or GTFO.

LOADING:[--          10%           ]

Oh yeah, and before on of y'all points it out, I know the collar bones are going in the wrong direction :3
I'm so badass that i make it look good.

Boneyard / Re: xxncxx is such a baby.
« on: June 25, 2010, 04:57:20 AM »
Okay, in a nutshell, my experiences with supergiff (I don't know where the hell you guys are always getting 'griff' from, but it's bugging the hell out of me) and/or xxncxx have not been that great.
He does tend to propkill/RDM alot and he usually gets warnings from me and/or complaints from others once every 2 maps or so >.>
He's like maybe 12 years old and I think that personally he is just short of the proper maturity level to separate emotions from judgement when playing a children's computer game. By this, I mean he will (and has) started votekicks and bans on people who have only propkilled once or RDMed once when it happened to be him they killed.

It's not that he's a bad person, it's just I don't see that he's fit to use this kind of power under stress (that he's most likely going to be put through)

but then I guess there's the other point of view that some people when they become admins just turn into douches, and for some people that starts at the level of moderator/respected (otherwise, before they're even and admin) and I despise douche admins with extreme intensity.

Boneyard / Re: Krasher admin abuser
« on: June 25, 2010, 04:39:02 AM »
[relevant post]
Wait, so krasher IS permabanned??
Because in the TTT server yeah he was being kinda a douche and uhm... >.>
yeah. he was like in league with the mic spammers. :P
[/relevant post]

I am surrounded by /b/tards. -_-

Anime/Manga Discussion / Re: Yu-Gi-Oh (the abbridged series)
« on: June 22, 2010, 08:35:42 PM »
Lol, it's even funnier as you watch the series because they have running jokes like when Kaiba smiles, a puppy dies. And So far up to episode 30 he's only smiled twice. The first time, it was when mokuba was saved and then Yami said it was creepy that Kaiba was smiling...
The second time was when a dualist foolishly agreed to play a children's card game with Kaiba (and it had a subtitle that said "+1 Dead Puppies" xDDDD)

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