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Messages - ItchyDani3l

Pages: 1 ... 26 [27] 28 ... 35
Boneyard / arggg being a general douche and abusing respected
« on: July 12, 2010, 12:54:29 PM »
aggg was basically propkilling me, accusing me of 'attempting to propkill' and votekicking me for no real reason.

We votebanned him twice, but he apparently has multiple cracked steam accounts with gmod on them.
So yeah, I recorded one demo, but he didn't do much other than accusing me of attempting to propkill in that one. I DO, however, have lots of witnesses.

This is a screenshot taken after we banned him the second time (and as you can see he's rejoining)
You can refer to anyone in the list for a witness.

It's also worth noting that any time immediately after he killed someone as traitor (or when he prop killed me) as well as at other times, we were experiencing extreme amounts of lag.

Some people claimed that arggg was DDoSing the server, but noone has any proof. Not surprisingly, arggg blamed the lag on me.
In addition to all of this, he was being generally disrespectful to other players and made everyone grumble and complain.

Boneyard / Re: yomo epic prop spam
« on: July 11, 2010, 02:04:27 PM »
Yomo stole my fail whale!!!! :(

in other news, nobody gives a shit if yomo prop spams?

Server Requests/Suggestions / Re: Automated Demotion
« on: July 11, 2010, 02:00:47 PM »
That way when an angry 12 year old german hacker joins he can auto make himself respected (probably admin if you make this script) and then start banning people he doesn't like.

Anime/Manga Discussion / Re: LOLWTF ANIME
« on: July 10, 2010, 09:55:26 PM »
school girls and anime just dont go together.

Especially since that's what 1/2 of the anime's out there are about (Bleach, Inuyasha, Haruhi Suzumiya, the list goes on)

Approved Respected Apps / Re: Trying to get respected.
« on: July 10, 2010, 06:05:44 PM »
Warning: This thread contains dangerous amounts of fail.

Okay but seriously guys.
Let's just put it this way: The only way people will take you serious and respect you is if you use complete, coherent, and precise sentences.

Boneyard / Re: yomo epic prop spam
« on: July 10, 2010, 05:56:33 PM »
Stop pretend own server
Stop refuse to grammar.

General Chat / Re: You are a Pirate!
« on: July 08, 2010, 07:16:41 PM »
lol no but you get the idea.

General Chat / Re: You are a Pirate!
« on: July 08, 2010, 05:12:02 PM »
Do what you want cause a pirate is free

You are a pirate

Oh yeah, and Deathward that's kinda racist

General Chat / You are a Pirate!
« on: July 08, 2010, 08:10:41 AM »

Just for DeathWard and Packaged Waffles for doing some less than legal things involving child's video games.

Boneyard / Re: Marked one kia abusing respected
« on: July 06, 2010, 09:16:48 PM »
Yeah, you can do that. I do that all the time.

But yeah, can someone PLEASE give Sanders a link to this so we can get confirmation?

I'm goin to bed.

Anime/Manga Discussion / Re: Suggestions?
« on: July 06, 2010, 07:15:04 PM »
You guys are lame.

Epic bump. I have a drawing tablet, so I'll try to upload some of my less recent drawings from that if anyone's interested.

Boneyard / Re: TTT w/ new update
« on: July 06, 2010, 07:13:54 PM »
what the fuck.

"Oh shit, I accidentally turned on the microwave feature on my mouse and now it's too hot to click!"

Oh, and gl4d to hear game is fixed now.

Community Admin Apps / Re: ADMIN APP
« on: July 06, 2010, 07:07:50 PM »
Hey guys, let's hear this guy out.


Let's face it. This guy knows that this will probably get rejected. But that's not exactly what he wants.
What he wants is for SOMEONE to do something with the flood server to keep out minges.
We either need to:
-Promote this guy to admin (and keep an eye on him)
-Get an admin(s) to play on the flood server semi-regularly.
-Shut down the flood server (NOT ADVISABLE)
<-- not a choice.

Boneyard / Re: i got banned
« on: July 06, 2010, 06:52:05 PM »

Boneyard / Re: Marked one kia abusing respected
« on: July 06, 2010, 06:36:23 PM »
Hey, I think we need to add a rule that you CAN'T linger just out of the reach of any 1 rule. (KICK)

For instance, if you kill 2 people for several rounds in a row, but taking note not to kill a third.
Attacking the detective down to 1 hp.
Attacking a fellow traitor down to 1 hp.
Attacking everyone you see down to 1 hp.
Falsely accusing people with no evidence so you can RDM them. (like gohan did, in case you can't get this one).
Attempting to prop kill. (you need to add that prop blocks are kick).


Things like this, because I KNOW douches will do this if we draw a line where the rules are.
They'll sit there at the line sticking their tongues out at us.


This needs SANDERS approval.

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