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Topics - ItchyDani3l

Pages: 1 [2]
Anime/Manga Discussion / Suggestions?
« on: June 12, 2010, 09:03:27 AM »
As I mentioned in my welcome/respected thread, I am a mange/anime artist. The only real thing I lack is good ideas of what to draw, so if anyone wants to give me recommendations or suggestions on what to draw that'd be great.

Also, I'll try to get some of my scanned drawings in ASAP so u can see my stuff. :P

RANDOM Español - Discusión / Oye!
« on: June 09, 2010, 09:57:23 PM »
Que beuno.

Estoy contento que hayan españoles aqui en rANdOm.
Estaré tomando español 3 el año viene, pero creo que puedo hablarlo bien.

Me gusta tortugas.

Approved Respected Apps / Hello, my name is ItchyDani3l!!!!!
« on: June 08, 2010, 05:21:10 PM »
Hello, my name is (insert name) ItchyDani3l.

I have been playing on the .:`=-~rANdOm~`-=:. gmod TTT server for a while now and have enjoyed the experience so far.
I've heard numerous times people talking about being respected and whatnot and I thought maybe I should apply.
So now i'm applying and you're reading my post.

I know lots of people that play on the servers. Deathward, alan.vv1, Danny Doss, Ninja Squirrel, and many others (yes, even some of the more unsavory characters). They will probably refer me if you ask them or if I pm them going "OMG PLZ REFER ME I'LL GIVE U ALL OF MY PIGGYPOINTS"

Yeah, so I'm a fun guy. I like to have fun. But I also know when having fun is wrong. For instance, when said fun is at the expense of others. That's when having fun is wrong. So let's not have bad fun shall we?

Oh yes, and noone flame me for knifing you in the face, I swear it was an accident.
And now to tell u a little about myself:
Georgia, US
Most commonly played games: CSS, Hidden: Source Beta b4, Gmod TTT
I like to draw anime, and I'm pretty good at it if I do say so myself.
I am a Certified SolidWorks Associate:
I like turtles.

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