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Topics - AznRice88

Pages: [1]
Approved Respected Apps / Invitation to Steam Group
« on: May 29, 2010, 10:50:14 AM »
May I get a invite to your steam group?
I am a respected member, but didn't get in-game respected -.-.
So please invite me :D.

Approved Respected Apps / Hello Pplz :D
« on: May 23, 2010, 05:12:29 PM »
Basic info: I love to play on your servers, although I sometimes play TF2 I still love playing TTT :D. Freshman in high school.
Math: geometry level
Steam ID:^Pb l Azn (the ^PB l is a public clan tag :P)
Time on: All weekend and some weekdays because i gots homework o.o
All the games i love to play is
i dun play too many games sorry.
My bday is 11/07/95 so im a little young o.o but that doesn't mean i can't own :P.
Location: Maryland :D
Contact: XFIRE AznRice88 Youtube AznRice121
ETC: Gonna learn some C++ eventually :P. Has a pet turtle :D.And HATES SCHOOL :D
I wanna have respected on TTT, Winter Survival and Build so when people start to annoy others, I can be able to stop them by kicking them.
So i hope i can get respected :D ty.

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