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Messages - Shawn

Pages: 1 ... 25 [26] 27 ... 74
General Chat / Re: Best of my TTT screenies
« on: July 17, 2010, 10:40:13 PM »
If you have default controls, F5.

How do i open the Gmod internet? srsly i got that thing opened once by hitting a random button by mistake and i couldn't find it ever agian...

Boneyard / Re: random perma ban
« on: July 17, 2010, 10:38:18 PM »
naw u guys were right from before, i hold grudges, random ban, hate everyone, im uber all powerful, isnt that right guys?

Where did i say this?

General Chat / Re: Deletin forum account
« on: July 17, 2010, 10:37:38 PM »
He's trying everything to make me look like the biggest douche here ...

You the funny part? I wonder if any of yous actually know what a douche is... I'm still trying to figure out how that word even became an insult Lol

General Chat / Re: Deletin forum account
« on: July 17, 2010, 10:32:40 PM »
im not going to finish the ZS cover,thank you doeni for being the biggest douche bag in the world and reported me for no reason,get a life,and get a better reason to report me,kthxbye

Dude there's no reason to make a hate thread.

Community Admin Apps / Re: Admin
« on: July 17, 2010, 10:26:47 PM »

ItchyDani3l  01:26:15 AM Viewing Devie ♥'s profile.


Funny Stuffz / Re: :D
« on: July 17, 2010, 10:24:47 PM »
Just copy/paste link nothing else

So it would look like that, then you hit post when you're done

Community Admin Apps / Re: Admin
« on: July 17, 2010, 10:20:46 PM »
Okay. No. Stop. Whoa:

1. Am I the only one wondering who that cute girl is ;D (lol kinda jk... she is cute tho ;D)
2. You do look kind of old. I would look probably that old if I actually grew out my beard... and if I wasn't blonde :(
3. Lol at Devie's age guessing.
4. I know exactly what you mean with that whole maturity thing. I'm 16, and my 18 year old brother acts like a greedy little toddler >.>
6. Did you notice that I skipped 5?
7. Oh gawd devie don't turn this into your "Where haven't I had sex" thread.
8. Officially derailed.

Not to be rude, but LOCK PLEASE.

1. Thats one of my ex's

2. Hmm thanks i guess?

3. Ya, Shes good.

6. Did you noticed i skipped 4, and 5?

7. But we always do that....

8. You think?

Funny Stuffz / Re: :D
« on: July 17, 2010, 10:16:48 PM »
i still dont know :/

Just copy/paste link nothing else

Funny Stuffz / Re: :D
« on: July 17, 2010, 10:13:27 PM »

Please don't double post.

Side note, your welcome.

Community Admin Apps / Re: Admin
« on: July 17, 2010, 10:07:17 PM »
Yah I had to make sure my guess was right, It was driving me nuts.
And I was right!
Early twenties!
21 :)
3 more years til I get there :)

Ya you guessed right, When i have my full beard i get like 30's Lol


Is your spacebar broken or something? Half the time you use space the other half you don't.... I'm just wondering and all Lol

General Chat / Re: RND ZS Game Cover!
« on: July 17, 2010, 09:57:36 PM »
I just said your ZS suggestions aren't good, how is that being a douche?
You need to learn how to not get butthurt over other people's opinions.

I actually have to agree, Second just because he doesn't like your ZS suggestions that has nothing to do with your picture. Third did you not post the picture here to get feedback?

Community Admin Apps / Re: Admin
« on: July 17, 2010, 09:41:40 PM »
[spoiler]Rank          Abbr.   Meaning   
******   LOL   Lots Of Love   
******   LOL   League of Legends (game)   
******   LOL   Laugh(ing) Out Loud   
******   LOL   Little Old Lady   
******   LOL   Lots Of Laughs   
******   LOL   Labor of Love   
******   LOL   Loads of Love   
******   LOL   Land O' Lakes   
******   LOL   Lots Of Luck   
******   LOL   Loss of Life (insurance)   
*****   LOL   Locks of Love (Lake Worth, Florida charity)   
*****   LOL   List of Lists   
*****   LOL   Lack of Love (game)   
*****   LOL   Lowest of the Low   
*****   LOL   Lady of the Lake   
*****   LOL   Lots of Laughter   
*****   LOL   List of Links   
*****   LOL   Love of Life   
*****   LOL   Language of Love   
*****   LOL   Leg of Lamb   
*****   LOL   Land of Lincoln   
*****   LOL   Lord of Lords (Jesus)   
*****   LOL   Learn Online   
*****   LOL   Live-On-Line   
****   LOL   Live Out Loud   
****   LOL   Lightolier (Genlyte Group company)   
****   LOL   Lord of Life (Church)   
****   LOL   Laws of Life   
****   LOL   Loss of Light   
****   LoL   Lands of Lore (game)   
****   LOL   Loyal Orange Lodge   
****   LOL   Love On Line   
****   LOL   Legend of Legaia (video game)   
****   LOL   Lots of Lag (on-line gaming)   
****   LOL   Love Our Lord   
****   LOL   Land of Love   
****   LOL   Land of Legends (Canandaigua Speedway, New York)   
****   LOL   Lack of Laughter (less common)   
****   LOL   Log On Later   
****   LOL   Labels or Love (song by Fergie)   
****   LOL   Language of Literature   
****   LOL   Loss of Lock   
****   LOL   Life of Loan (banking)   
****   LOL   Life of the Land   
****   LOL   Lots of Losers (Rocket Arena 3 clan)   
****   LOL   Load of Laughs   
****   LOL   Limit of Liability   
***   LOL   Lord Oh Lord   
***   LOL   Lord of Lies (gaming)   
***   LOL   Lips on Lips   
***   LoL   Line of Learning (UK education)   
***   LOL   Love Out Loud   
***   LOL   Laughing On Line   
***   LOL   League of Losers (wild 17 chess team)   
***   LOL   Ladies of Lallybroch   
***   LOL   Loss of Load   
***   LOL   Loser on Line   
***   LOL   Living on Line   
***   LOL   List Of Lights   
***   LOL   Lords of Legend (gaming)   
***   LOL   Length of Lease   
***   LOL   Lower Operating Limit   
***   LOL   Love of Literacy (teaching)   
***   LOL   Lautes Online Lachen (German: Loud Online Laughter)   
***   LOL   Loss of Line (telephony)   
***   LOL   Last or Least   
***   LOL   Lot of Lamers   
**   LOL   Lying Out Loud   
**   LOL   Lawyers on Line   
**   LOL   Lewd Obscene Language   
**   LOL   Leaning Over Laughing   
**   LOL   Limited Operational Life   
**   LOL   Lunatics on Line   
**   LOL   Less Of Lip   
**   LOL   Legend of Lothian (computer game)   
**   LOL   Longitudinal Output Level   
**   LOL   Limited Operation Life   
**   LoL   League of Lightness (gaming clan)   
**   LOL   Low Order Language   
**   LOL   Liar of Lies   
**   LOL   Lovelock, Derby Field Airport, Nevada (IATA code)   
*   LOL   Lord of the Lambs

Dam thats alot, huh guess you learn something new everyday...

Community Admin Apps / Re: Admin
« on: July 17, 2010, 09:34:52 PM »
How could I know you were joking upon just reading an acronym with more than 10 different meanings?

The only one I'm familiar with, with this acronym in question is :Laughing Out Loud

Community Admin Apps / Re: Admin
« on: July 17, 2010, 09:31:06 PM »

Wow, I've never seen someone give such a diplomatic and mature solution to a problem.

Notice the "Lol" Clearly I'm joking.

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