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Messages - Shawn

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« on: July 25, 2010, 02:34:56 PM »

General / Re: New cooling system :D
« on: July 25, 2010, 02:34:29 PM »

get bawx fan noa :D

read my pm i sent you the other day >:(

Lol edit the title would you i'm on 800 x 600 its fucking up the layout of the furoms for me :(

General / Re: New cooling system :D
« on: July 25, 2010, 02:27:54 PM »
Lol i use do that with my old pc LOL

General / Re: PC Help
« on: July 25, 2010, 02:11:39 PM »

Yea you gotta do all the security updates that were released before sp3, then you gotta install sp3, then all the updates for sp3

Updates first, Old files second, Programs third

(Install new versions of your old programs not old ones, Registry will need to be added lol)

k only programs I'm bering with me is steam games and limewire pro everything els ei can download from the internet agian :P so i don't have to messa round with registry crap, oh and maybe word perfect and the like.... minus micrsooft office since i only had the cd when one of my ex was leaving with..... (unless theres a way to move that shit over without having to delete the instal files LOL)

So i should be done coping my files in about 8 hours :(

Just install Windows 7 lol much easier, better and faster, and looks better too =O

Hmm how about no? I like xp... if i could I'd go back to windows 98 never had a problem in my life with that OS (sadly it just runs slow)

Funny Stuffz / Re: fuck yea by jetstodown
« on: July 25, 2010, 02:05:13 PM »

try this on ur own. Brust ur teeth wif toothpaste. Then drink Orange Juice

I only drink coffee.....

So why don't you explain the picture to us.... because right now i feel like a complete idiot for not be able to figure it out myself....

General / Re: PC Help
« on: July 25, 2010, 01:31:09 PM »


Sp1 you got alot of updating to do xD

Lol i know i did find my HDD but got its taking forever to copy and paste my shit onto it Lol so after i run the instal cd i got to instal sp 3 first before doing any other updates? last time i did a repair instal it said i needed some certain updates to even try for sp3....

General Chat / Re: The Official Funny Baby Pictures Thread
« on: July 25, 2010, 01:07:12 PM »
I don't have any of my baby pics in digital format. The best you'll find tho is me and my brother both in a bath tub, with our hair spiked up about 6 inches.

Lol i didn't either i went tho a bunch of old boxs last night and found them all Lol and decided to scan them on the computer :P

General Chat / Re: The Official Funny Baby Pictures Thread
« on: July 25, 2010, 12:25:36 PM »
Lol'd at all of them, and Devie's picture reminds me of Silverangel for some reason O.o
I might post my baby pictures lawl I used to have curled hair >.<

I beleive we all had different hair styles back then Lol.... i use to be a blond :P

Reminds me of an old picture i have for a game i use to play...

General Chat / Re: My tub
« on: July 25, 2010, 11:49:29 AM »
I'm just looking at the shoes in the background ._.

What about them?

General Chat / Re: My tub
« on: July 25, 2010, 11:47:04 AM »
That's pretty cute!

Dam right, the cold air was getting in :(

General Chat / Re: My tub
« on: July 25, 2010, 11:35:30 AM »
LOL how old were you in here??
That's super cute XD
We should have a "Post your funny baby pics" thread LMAO JK

I'm guessing 1-2 so it was taken in like 90 or 91.... Lol 20 years ago FTW

General Chat / The Official Funny Baby Pictures Thread
« on: July 25, 2010, 10:47:02 AM »
Hey all you should all join me in the tub... The water is great :)

General / Re: Build your Alienware computer of dreams =O
« on: July 25, 2010, 08:59:35 AM »
Alienware is supposed to be expensive because everything is customized, and  also have EPIC cases and I'm pretty sure they cost less than Alien lol

i ussally get a new computer every 5 years... i tell my computer guy some shit i want then i say money is no problem make it kick ass... and he does Lol

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