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Messages - Nasdin94

Pages: 1 [2] 3
Approved Respected Apps / Re: About Asher/shifta/birdflu
« on: May 05, 2010, 12:20:48 AM »
           Found out that i have a bullet in my kidney 14/11/2010
The above mentioned date, " 14/11/2010" has not passed yet.
Are you from the future?
Time this message was sent = May 05 2010

Approved Respected Apps / Re: Respected Application
« on: May 04, 2010, 10:16:19 PM »
I hope to see you in-game. You sound like an actually decent player in this wasteland we call rnd :3
I hope to see you too :)

Approved Respected Apps / Re: Respected Application
« on: May 02, 2010, 05:43:07 AM »
Let you have a legit game so that you can add people and stuff.
Ouh ahaha
You know that im using fake steam?

Approved Respected Apps / Re: Respected Application
« on: May 02, 2010, 05:40:43 AM »
Got the cd-key.
Gonna send you the email.

What is the CD key for?
What is it going to do?

Funny Stuffz / Re: Funny kid when i play flood.
« on: May 02, 2010, 05:38:55 AM »
Okay, i started the AHN clan with killah.
And no, RND have nothing to do with AHN.

Thanks for the information.
So you are in two clans or just in AHN?

Approved Respected Apps / Re: d(-_-)b DJ's Respected App.
« on: May 02, 2010, 05:37:08 AM »
i play around 1-8 PM (GMT +8 [your time]) because after that, i have work.
OMG really?
You play during my time?
But usually, i start playing after 7, once I'm back from school.
So its only for an hour I guess..

Funny Stuffz / Re: meme i started on RND.
« on: May 02, 2010, 05:35:02 AM »
Just forget about this thread.
Its fail.

Ah Okay, Sure.

Approved Respected Apps / Re: Respected Application
« on: May 02, 2010, 05:30:37 AM »
HOLY- that's one hell of an introduction.
Welcome to City 17 RND.
Yes, it is.
Game code? Care to explain? :0
Yes please explain, what is a game code?
nvm, i'll find a game code for you.
Then, i'll PM(private message), or email you the code.

Private message through forum?
I prefer to be emailed and PMed.
My email is

Approved Respected Apps / Re: Respected Application
« on: May 02, 2010, 05:21:41 AM »
Ohai, i already added you on my steam.

Thanks. My steam interface is a bit messed up
All the words and links are fused with each other.
Care to help?
And how do i add you on my steam too?

Funny Stuffz / Re: Just an average day in plain build HAHAHA!
« on: May 02, 2010, 05:20:16 AM »
I went to plain build when wire server was down
Tried to stack barrels on top of another to create a pyramid of some sort.
It was getting pretty tall
I rebuilt it and the same process repeats over and over again!

Funny Stuffz / Re: Big Booty Bitches!
« on: May 02, 2010, 05:16:51 AM »
There is the link to the video.
Big Booty Bitches (the Official Video)
Ouh okay, thanks. :)
watched it already.
Must be due to lag problems which caused my browser to not being able to load the video.

That made me smile, seriously it did.

Funny Stuffz / Re: meme i started on RND.
« on: May 02, 2010, 05:09:40 AM »
I'm kinda lost here, care to explain?
I'm still new to this forum.
Just joined yesterday.

Funny Stuffz / Re: Funny kid when i play flood.
« on: May 02, 2010, 04:57:32 AM »
I think i've seen you in our |AHN| RP ??

You have? Is AHN part of Random?
If it isnt, why did you said, "in our AHN" ??
Btw, what is your in game name that you usually use to play GMod?

Approved Respected Apps / Respected Application
« on: May 02, 2010, 04:32:20 AM »
Hi! My in game name is Nas
I'm being called as Nas in real life too by my friends.
I live in Singapore

Whenever I play during the afternoon, there are very less or actually rarely respected present.
Therefore, whenever we have a minge, it is very annoying.
Such as creating rocket barrages in wire and such
Rdming in TTT, killing every single person he sees then when he gets killed, he throws a tantrum.
Minges shooting down my "barrel tower" which i've been working on for 15 minutes
But oh well, I don't complain much, just asked them to stop.
*please stop it, I've been working on it for a while.*
*Minge shoots my rebuilt tower again"
What a Douche!
Worse of all, there are no respected around, I am really displeased by this.
Therefore I see that respected as a Need and a Want.
I really want to help people and I believe that people should not receive such horrible treatment.
However, I believe that straight forward kicking/banning must never be taken place and that second chances must be given as all people have their own "mingy" outbreaks.

Now thats done for my thoughts.

Games I like to play?
I like games which requires a lot of thinking, such as TTT. It is very interesting.
However, I've seen a few power abuse by respected.
Once, I got a 60 minute ban by a Respected Guy, (bytecryte)
More background information for Bytecryte: He is currently banned from the server for hacking. and maybe power abuse?
I killed him when he was a traitor in TTT.
This is what happened.
*Me sniping from a window since game start*
Random guy walks by*
Bytecryte comes from behind and knives him*
*He searches the body*
Bytecryte:*Microphone* I found a body guys come here, its at the *************************(too long i dont want to type)
People arrive, they all surrounded the body.
*Bytecryte: Microphone* I think its nas, he is not here, lets kill him.
*Me shoots bycryte in the head with sniper.*
Bycryte: Microphone*OMG RDMER
Nas: No i saw you seriously!
*Bytecryte Innitiates voteban
Banned for 60 Minutes..T.T Oh well, I was going to sleep anyways it was 1am. (I LIVE ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THE WORLD REMEMBER?)

Types of games I like to play: Fps, Strategy and tactic(DOW2)
Played Starcraft, Starcraft 2 Beta(was selected) GMod Hl2 CsS Cs Warcraft III and the list goes on and on.

Usually I go online at 12pm till 10pm +8GMT
Before 5PM There are usually minges around and very little respected
I dont have any Gmod friends.
How sad, they all play TF2..
I'm born in 26 September 1994
I'm 16 years old this year.
I'm currently Taking Chemistry, Biology, Geography, Social Studies, Math, English, Design And Technology, CME and Foreign Languages in the Singaporean education system.
Currently in my last year and taking my graduation exams.
Going to College after this year.

To sum it all up, I really need to become respected
I am really, REALLY sorry for the long post.

Please be nice, its my first time writing a thread.

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