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Messages - StashHouse

Pages: 1 ... 17 [18] 19
Boneyard / Re: Trouble Maker on Flood (Different)
« on: April 12, 2010, 04:56:10 PM »
isnt a dem file sorta like a video???

Funny Stuffz / Re: The Greatest Freakout EVER! - PARTY HARD!~
« on: April 11, 2010, 06:02:00 PM »
lol have you seen The greatest Freakout ever and cable330's signature?

DoeniDon or AlKapwn

Funny Stuffz / The Greatest Freakout EVER! - PARTY HARD!~
« on: April 11, 2010, 11:17:06 AM »
Just a little video I created with inspiration from cable330 :D


The Greatest Freak Out Ever - PARTY HARD!

Funny Stuffz / Re: Idiots of garrymod 3
« on: April 11, 2010, 11:15:04 AM »
The garry's mod idiot box IS EPICER

BY TOMORROW IT SHALL HAVE OVER 9000!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Funny Stuffz / Re: Law Abiding Engineer - TF2
« on: April 11, 2010, 11:13:09 AM »

Boneyard / Re: Trouble Maker on Flood (Different)
« on: April 11, 2010, 11:12:32 AM »
dang... what else do I need? I have a demo, chat log, witnesses, Steam ID's...

Boneyard / Re: Trouble Maker on Flood (Different)
« on: April 10, 2010, 04:23:16 PM »
? what does that mean.. I don't have enough evidence?

Funny Stuffz / Re: Law Abiding Engineer - TF2
« on: April 10, 2010, 01:34:55 PM »
One of the most epicest things I've seen of TF2

Boneyard / Trouble Maker on Flood (Different)
« on: April 10, 2010, 04:54:02 AM »
Okay so I joined flood and found making these devices that lagged everyone to the point that the server, which was nearly full, reduced to only 4 people. He then proceeded to proppush me and the remaining players and got our boat thrown out of the map. With no boat, we drowned, and he lived.

A few hours later I found him on Terror Town RMDing people and prop killing.
Though I do not have visual evidence of the terrortown rule breaking, I have witnesses.
Sacrificer STEAM_0:0:211846545  1:37:53 236
Sir Digby Bignutts STEAM_0:0:1164063205  1:37:52 264 0 active
(]{EPIC G@M3R}[) STEAM_0:1:28962035 11:02 305 0 active
[Xavie-R]"STEAM_0:1:8593436 06:53 168 0 active
ToXiC STEAM_0:1:15888967 39:12 272 0 active
VRN|Laserman@New Razer Headset! STEAM_0:0:7803220 09:08 290 0 active
sprite606 STEAM_0:0:31505267 04:03 409 0 active
{HAX} Doob's Mgee STEAM_0:1:21984036  1:36:56 165 0 active
MrKenzo47 STEAM_0:1:28818474 00:35 210 73 spawning
ryferret"STEAM_0:0:29090609 52:48 207 0 active
[Snake-R] STEAM_0:1:9028691 45:29 263 0 active
ryansfishin14 STEAM_0:0:25268203 13:15 142 0 active
Blork1995 STEAM_0:0:24384952 30:17 138 

Steam ID of the perpatrator: STEAM_0:0:863993434 11:56 301 

Chat Log:

_Rori_'s props have been removed.
TAW_StashHouse: il get u banned
БеЩеНыЙ ЁоЖыК /Romk: ban him!
TAW_StashHouse: ill get admin
V@$y@ killer's props have been removed. lol greate
TAW_StashHouse: propmaniak i getting u banned
Profile saved!
БеЩеНыЙ ЁоЖыК /Romk's props have been removed.
_Rori_'s props have been cleaned up
V@$y@ killer's props have been cleaned up
TAW_StashHouse: off
Profile Saved!
*DEAD* TAW_StashHouse: promaniak u jump off when i say so and stop making those laggy things
*DEAD* TAW_StashHouse: or i will get u banned
Prepared for map change.

After Map Change:

*DEAD* i make it ageyn and biggest!!!
TAW_StashHouse: okay ill record and ban u
] record ban
Recording to ban.dem... k
[SolidVote] Type votekick <player>, or voteban <player> to initiate a vote kick or ban.
Sir Digby Bignutts's props have been cleaned up
TAW_StashHouse: stop
Welcome to .:`=-~rANdOm~`-=:.  -Flood|Tick100|Fast DL- !
To view rules and/or a list of our servers and affiliates, type !info in chat!
TAW_StashHouse: stop building it
Profile saved!
TAW_StashHouse: and i wont report it )
TAW_StashHouse: stop it lags
npo100Xxa4: stop
TAW_StashHouse: dont worry npo im recording lol look at the time!
TAW_StashHouse: and getting him banned
npo100Xxa4: e6aJl )
npo100Xxa4: cyka
Profile saved!
TAW_StashHouse: destroy his balls
TAW_StashHouse: so he has no money

The Demo footage:

Funny Stuffz / Law Abiding Engineer - TF2
« on: April 10, 2010, 01:14:06 AM »
Watch this HILARIOUS and WINFULL video. A remake of the "Law Abiding Citizen" Trailer, using TF2 Characters! It's not just some shitty voice over, OR some crappy editing, WATCH IT:

Team Fortress 2 - Law Abiding Engineer

And a side-by-side view of the original and this:

L.A.E. splitscreen with original

Doesn't an Admin need to approve?

Boneyard / Reappearing Rule Breaker on Flood
« on: April 09, 2010, 12:46:12 AM »
Hello, StashHouse here:

Okay, for 3 days I have faced this guy: dziukaseinoris

He would join servers, trap you in ovens, prop push you, and refuse to jump off your boat when you have the last remaining boat. He also never says a word.

Respected have banned him well over 5 times by now, but he KEEPS RETURNING, and putting people in ovens... Many of the Flood people are SICK and TIRED of his constant BULL SHIT. Please PERM BAN NAO!

Chatlog in from console:
TAW_StashHouse: dziu isnt gonna jump
] kill
*DEAD* $mooth_Criminal: just votekick dzi if he doesnt
bobby the pirate: dude jump
*DEAD* $mooth_Criminal: DZI JUMP
*DEAD* $mooth_Criminal: U MONSTER BOBBY
*DEAD* $mooth_Criminal: lolz
Profile saved!
*DEAD* $mooth_Criminal: JUMP NOW DZI
*DEAD* $mooth_Criminal: DUDE
*DEAD* $mooth_Criminal: ok votekick
*DEAD* TAW_StashHouse: omfg type !rulez and read the parentheses behidn the no holding round up rule
[SolidVote] Type votekick <player>, or voteban <player> to initiate a vote kick or ban.
*DEAD* $mooth_Criminal: dzi jump now
bobby the pirate: he is holding up the game not me
bobby the pirate: its my boat
*DEAD* TAW_StashHouse: yea, it clearly states
*DEAD* $mooth_Criminal: just votekick dzi now
Player ErationL has joined the game
*DEAD* $mooth_Criminal: mav plz
*DEAD* Maverick .:RND`=-: ugh
bobby the pirate: yeah no holding up the game to earn money
[SolidVote] Maverick .:RND`=- initiated vote 'Kick player dziukaseinoris?'
[SolidVote] TAW_StashHouse voted yes.
[SolidVote] «EG» §kµllßö¥ ☠  [NZ] voted yes.
[SolidVote] bobby the pirate voted yes.
*DEAD* $mooth_Criminal: jump now
[SolidVote] Maverick .:RND`=- voted yes.
*DEAD* $mooth_Criminal: o wow
*DEAD* $mooth_Criminal: ima vote yes
[SolidVote] $mooth_Criminal voted yes.
*DEAD* TAW_StashHouse: he must be retarded or smth
*DEAD* $mooth_Criminal:
*DEAD* TAW_StashHouse: he cant read
*DEAD* TAW_StashHouse: fucking dumb ass
bobby the pirate: he healed my boat i happy
dziukaseinoris's props have been removed.

Approximately an hour later

Player dziukaseinoris has joined the game
Profile saved!
TAW_StashHouse: dude
TAW_StashHouse: dziu keeps doing to othre people
TAW_StashHouse: ask EVERYONE

Sorry no Steam ID of this guy :(

Community Admin Apps / Re: Kräsher's Admin Application.
« on: April 09, 2010, 12:39:50 AM »
You, fine sir, have got to be the single most computer talented 14 year old I have ever heard of.. I'm 14 too, hoping to get respected :D

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