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Topics - Waffle

Pages: 1 [2]
Server Requests/Suggestions / Alternative Servers.
« on: June 18, 2010, 12:27:48 PM »
So there are always the common servers - Build, TTT, Flood, RP, etc, but what about some less-heard of gamemodes? I played on an extremely fun Surf/Climb server (before I was banned by a fag admin) and I think it would be a refreshing change of pace if we created a new server with Surf or some other kind of gamemode with a very small number of servers. This could be an attraction for more new players (I was excited when I first tried out new gamemodes) and could be fun addition for the existing players.

Boneyard / Jack of Blades
« on: June 08, 2010, 10:54:34 PM »

# 892 "[V2K] Jack of Blades" STEAM_0:0:793787 54:45 75 0 active
*DEAD* (TEAM) [V2K] Jack of Blades: fuckin made that rdm'er rage quite

TTT server, 10:30 PM, 6/8/10, Witnesses: imasillypiggy

After player "Me" killed Jack when he was a T, Jack started RAEGing and revenge RDMed Me 3-4 times in a row right as round started until Me quit. The above quote is what he said after Me left, and if people make such a big deal over the whole "cyberbullying" thing, I thought I might as well make a quick post on forums.

Approved Respected Apps / Waffle's Respected App
« on: May 16, 2010, 11:02:07 PM »
Hey all, I am Waffle Shameimaru, a very avid player of the TTT server. I've been playing there for a couple of months, and am well-known and loved by all most. I do plan on trying out some of the other servers, but I would love to have respected for the TTT server to deal with a few of the issue players.
*insert copypasta here from my introduction*
I may be young, but I am very mature and will try my best not to get butthurt and voteban/votekick unfairly. Uh... unsure of what else to add, but yeah.
Age: 16
Steam ID: tadol
In-game name: Waffle Shameimaru -PropPhoto-

Boneyard / Propkiller (constantly) Carp
« on: May 16, 2010, 10:58:13 PM »
Carp is a serious problem on the TTT server. Every round I played with him tonight, he propkilled at least one person a round, not counting the times he was trying to and forcing us to kill him in self defense. He's been warned and banned about this many, MANY times, and he continues to do it. This is on top of the fact he is rude, and repeatedly called me a "fag", "faggot", etc. Sabbath is a witness to this, along with a few others on the server.

# 18 "Carp" STEAM_0:0:10436436  1:48:46 109 0 active

Boneyard / RDMing in TTT
« on: May 05, 2010, 07:12:20 PM »
Only gonna name 1 name here, and that's for simple use.
So I'm playing TTT, everything's going cool, and we want to kill the AFK guy. Obviously crashed, and so we kill him. He turns out to be a T, and one retard (Shiro) says "OMG that was RDM you retards" so I make the obvious connection he's defending a fellow traitor. I accuse him he runs, denying it, and he gets killed by someone else. He goes "Waffle you're dead next round you RDMing faggot" and I go "lolwat" assuming he wouldn't do it, because he's a mic spamming 10 year old. Lo and behond, I get detective, and he kills me for no reason. Completely RDM as an innocent. He calls me a few more names (I will not mention them here) and he leaves the server.
Seriously, I hate RDMing crybaby 10 year olds.

Server Requests/Suggestions / TTT Fixes
« on: April 01, 2010, 09:54:59 AM »
A few problems I've noted in the TTT server (dunno if these are known or not):
-Votekicks will occasionally crash server + anyone inside
-Buying equipment as traitor in first 5-10 seconds of round starting will sometimes not deliver equipment (mostly noticed with c4)
-Suggestion to combat propkillers: Show the name of who killed who with a prop (this could be hard, unsure if even possible.)

Approved Respected Apps / Waffles are yummy <3
« on: March 31, 2010, 03:07:53 PM »
However, I am not edible. I have been an active player of the TTT server (a great one, at that...) and I finally after procrastinating, have decided to join the forums. I am an avid touhou player and listener, and I may be young at age 16, but I am very mature for my age. I play multiple MMORPGs, and I play gMod nearly exclusively as for my steam games. Nice to meet you all~
PS: I am a furry, deal with it.

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