OK this is how to play music in-game. This will only work with Source games and it will only work on multiplayer.
What you need:dbPoweramp
Source Games
A torrent program
All links will be at the bottom.
1.Install HLDJ and it will be on your desktop.
2.Move the HLDJ folder to Program Files.
3.Make a shortcut for the HLDJ program.
4.Open HLDJ and run through the setup.
5.It say add games click yes.
6.Go to your game directory
Ex. Program Files/Steam/Steamapps/STEAMID/garrysmod/garrysmod
7. Game Engine will be Source
8.Play key will be whatever you want.
9. Make an HLDJ Music folder wherever you want.
10. In audio directory, choose your HLDJ Music Folder.
11.Click the check mark.
12.It will add all you steam games but you are not ready to add music
13. If u didn't already download the programs.
14. Open up dbPoweramp.
15. Select the music file you want.
16.Make the file 16 bit, 1 mono, and 11khz
17. For the output folder pick HLDJ Music
18.Click convert.
19.Open up GoldWave
20.Open the music file in HLDJ Music.
21.Click Effect, Filter ,then Equalizer.
22.In the drop box click reduce bass
23.Click Save.
24. Open up HLDJ click the game you are about to play then press the play button.
25. Open up your game.
26.Play multiplayer
27.In console type "la" then select the number of the song you want to play
28. Press your play key.
29.There you go
Hope you like this tutorial, i worked on it for an hour so you better like it

Driftkiller asked for this. I hope he is happy.
Links:http://btjunkie.org/torrent/dBpowerAMP-Music-Converter-13-4/38362af27f5f31068ff5733ecda1a40a87417e71b3e1http://btjunkie.org/torrent/GoldWave-v5-55-Incl-Keygen/4358a0e9cb59886559214420696a7e391da4a6c7c44bhttp://www.hldj.org/downloads.htmlHope this will make me respected